Supreme Lord

Chapter 102 What happened? (Subscribe)

The strange expression of the county captain Zhu Lingshi attracted the attention of Eunuch Zhu on the altar.

Zhu Tianmao formed a seal with his hands and turned his head to look back: "What happened?"

"It's a small matter!" County Lieutenant Zhu Lingshi said as if nothing had happened and raised his hands towards Zhu Tianmao: "It's just that a few rats came in. They are quite fierce. They have already penetrated the team of people I deployed to the south."

Zhu Lingshi immediately looked behind him: "Jiang Dianshi, I will give you four four-level demons, plus three teams of demons and three teams of demon cultivators. Please take people over to get rid of those rats. Remember! That Lin Twelve, I want him alive, so try your best to bring him to me alive. "

Zhu Lingshi is actually not at ease with Jiang Hanzhang, but he is now seriously injured and cannot fight. The most trustworthy Tiejie Yingyuan was also beheaded by Lin Twelve, so he can only rely on this person."

Jiang Hanzhang handed over his hand without hesitation. He motioned to the two catchers behind him to follow him, and then carrying a pair of irons, he walked towards the south entrance of the cave like a dragon and a tiger. Jiang Hanzhang also guessed that the enemy was the group of catchers. Lin Shi inside Er and Zhang Tianchang are both difficult to deal with.

However, Zhu Lingshi gave him four monsters from the four realms, and they were all alive and well."

In addition, there are three teams of three-level demons and three teams of three-level demon cultivators. Each team has 10 people. Their overall strength exceeds that of ordinary three-level martial arts cultivators.

During the previous county government war, if the Blood Sword Princess hadn't killed four of the six four-realm demons before leaving, they would have killed Lin Twelve and his group of agents long ago.

In Jiang Hanzhang's opinion, they could kill that group of people just by using their lives!

Zhu Tianmao didn't take it seriously when he saw this. He had learned about the situation in Yinyue County beforehand. Except for the county magistrate, there was no one in Yinyue County who he could care about.

He turned his head thoughtfully, looked at the crystal coffin on his left, and stared at Ji Xueying inside the crystal coffin.

After a moment, Zhu Tianmao's eyes were deep and the corners of his lips raised: "That's interesting!"

At this time, in the crystal coffin on the other side, the body of the Seven Realm Blood Knife Princess has begun to decompose, and is turning into traces of blood and flowing into the formation altar, merging with the blood of other Great Zhou royal families.

But the main consciousness of the Blood Sword Princess here can still remain intact.

Ji Xueying's resistance was tenacious, and her willpower was far beyond his expectation.

Zhu Tianmao used the magic circle to condense countless Purple Yao Yuan crystals to generate the Purple Yao Yuan Fire, but so far it has not been able to burn through the surface of Ji Xueying's mind.

She still has endless fighting spirit and is not willing to give up.

Is this because of the group of rats that came in just now? According to Zhu Lingshi, the person who formed a blood contract with Ji Xueying and shared their souls was a policeman.

This person should have also come in, so Ji Xueying was unwilling to give up resistance.

Therefore, instead of being cleansed and refined, this girl's self-awareness was actually showing signs of blood transformation after her body condensed some of the blood of a descendant of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Zhu Tianmao was not angry but happy. He changed his hands to seal, and he was wearing a sixth-grade official robe and danced in the wind: "Lingshi, can you think of a way to stimulate the mind of this Blood Sword Princess, as soon as possible!"

This material was better than he imagined, but there was a prerequisite: they had to stimulate Ji Xueying to complete her transformation before Lin Twelve died.

He had a premonition that once he completed the ritual, the "Blood Sword Princess" he created would be more powerful than ordinary people imagined.

"Stimulating her soul?" County Lieutenant Zhu Lingshi looked puzzled, thinking why?

But this matter was very simple, and it was just what he wanted.

Zhu Lingshi turned his head and looked at Ji Xueying's mother next to him, and then laughed: "Bring her over here!"

As he gave the order, a fire sickle demon immediately walked over. It grabbed the 40-year-old woman who was lying on the ground and cried, and brought it to Zhu Lingshi like a chicken.

"Watch it, Ji Xueying!" Zhu Lingshi smiled with a smile on his face, but then he stabbed the woman's thigh with a knife, and then twisted it violently, causing the originally beautiful face of the forty-year-old woman to twist in pain, and she screamed There was a heart-rending scream.

Zhu Lingshi was not in a hurry to remove the woman's legs. How could he let Ji Xueying's mother only feel pain once.

He laughed loudly: "How was it? When you chopped off my leg just now, were you very happy? So now, how do you feel?"

As he spoke, he swung the knife again and stabbed into Ji Xueying's mother's other thigh.

Ji Xueying in the crystal coffin had already tensed up her muscles.

Her eyes were scarlet, the blood in her body was pulsing at full speed, and a large number of veins appeared on her fair skin.

The blood under the crystal coffin was quickly absorbed by Ji Xueying, and her broken bones were also rapidly recovering. As she struggled frantically, the chains binding her hands and feet also made a 'click, click, click' sound.

But the next moment, Ji Xueying felt the powerful control coming from the magic circle, and a huge pressure suddenly pressed down on her limbs. Ji Xueying could only look at Zhu Lingshi with scarlet eyes, and tears of blood overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

She was resentful in her heart. The sky has no eyes. How could there be such a heartless beast like Zhu Lingshi in this world!

She also prayed in her heart, could someone come and kill these two beasts!

He didn't even need to take action. As long as she could let herself out, she would definitely kill the uncle and nephew and let them be cut into pieces!

"You hate me very much? It's okay to hate me." Zhu Lingshi looked at Ji Xueying's expression and felt that his heart was open. He continued to stimulate Ji Xueying with words: "What a pity. After today, you will forget everything about today. Obediently serve His Highness the King of Han and become her Blood Sword Princess,

This is the blessing you gained from your previous life, haha——"

At this time, his words suddenly stopped, because the Purple Yao Yuanjing on the surrounding cave walls made a "click" sound at the same time, and there were traces of cracks. Even the giant twenty-foot-high tower in the center of the altar The Zi Yao Yuan Jing also developed some cracks.

Zhu Tianmao, who was standing in front of the giant purple ray crystal, also broke his hand seals at this moment and looked in front of him with extremely ugly eyes.

Zhu Lingshi sensed that the operation of this magic circle was almost at a standstill. He was frightened but didn't know why: "Uncle, what's going on?"

"Can't you see?"

Zhu Tianmao clenched his fists tightly, and his arms made a crackling sound. His eyes were as sharp as knives: "The formation veins under my feet were disturbed, and the part of the Purple Yao Yuanjing in the south exploded with extra intensity, causing the magic The array is out of balance and difficult to regain.

I didn't expect that there would be such a brilliant magician in Yinyue County. In terms of the basics of formations, he is even better than me.

It's much smarter! This person should be a very orthodox magician, with an extremely high level of formation skills. Unlike him, who practices both martial arts and martial arts, and is limited by time and energy, there are inevitably some areas where he is not good at practice -

"Are they those rats?" Zhu Lingshi narrowed his pupils and asked, could this magician be the Master Du? No, this person shouldn't have such a high standard. He frowned and said, "I'll send a few more teams over right now!"

"Not enough!" Zhu Tianmao stared at the giant purple light crystal in front of him.

In the short time they were talking, these cracks continued to expand. The man was destroying the natural veins of the Yuanjing veins, making the formation no longer so perfect.

Zhu Tianmao's voice was cold: "I order you to go there in person and take my dragon puppet with you! Find the magician and kill him for me."

Zhu Lingshi was stunned when he heard this and said that he had lost his hands and feet now, how could he fight with others?

At this moment, he saw the two wounds on his shoulder and leg beginning to 'take root and sprout'.

In just a moment, Zhu Lingshi grew arms and left legs made entirely of branches and vines.

Zhu Lingshi blinked, and then walked towards the south entrance of the cave without hesitation, his eyes fierce: "Everyone, follow me!"

Following his order, the remaining demons and demon cultivators around him followed Zhu Lingshi in an overwhelming manner.

Those demons have forbidden laws in their bodies, and they are all controlled by him. Those demon cultivators are refined by him with medicine every day, and most of them have dull faces.

Zhu Lingshi understood what his uncle meant. A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength. They must catch and kill these mice as quickly as possible and with the greatest strength!

Zhu Lingshi's expression changed at this moment, and he raised his hand to snatch Ji Xueying's mother out of the hand of the Four Realm Fire Scythe Demon, and then continued to move forward with a sneer.

This woman is a very good tool, and she should be able to use it when facing Lin Twelve later.

At this time, in the crystal coffin, Ji Xueying endured the tremendous pain while observing the outside of the coffin.

She is now angry and surprised. She is angry at Zhu Lingshi's actions and surprised at the situation outside. What happened? How could Zhu Tianmao be so angry?

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