Supreme Killer

Chapter 274: Tomoya

Chapter Two Seventy Four

Seven days later, Xiao Fan, Yingfeng and Xiaojin stood on the bank of a cliff, looking at the distant sky.

A few days ago, they went to Xueyue Dynasty, met Xue Yuxuan, and also told Xue Nantian about Xue Long Jue. Xue Nantian wanted to rush to Lihuo Emperor's Capital immediately, but Xiao Fan was convinced.

Now Xueyue Dynasty has suffered heavy losses, and the remaining two war emperors have also been injured. Xue Nantian must sit in Xueyue Dynasty. Of course, there is also Xiao Fan's careful thinking here, that is, the Deterrence Sword Dynasty.

Who knows if the Sword Dynasty will secretly stumble, Xiao Fan must guard against this.

When he left, Xue Yuxuan gave Xiao Fan two black iron tokens. Later, Xiao Fan learned that this was a token for the qualification examination of the Battle Spirit Academy.

Xiao Fan vaguely remembered that Xue Long Jue had said about this, and if he wanted to join the Battle Soul Academy, he had to be recommended by the dynasty and dynasty to be eligible to participate in the Battle Soul Academy assessment.

Of the two tokens, Xiao Fan kept one for himself, and gave the other to Yingfeng.

"This is the boundary between the Xueyue Dynasty and the Great Li Dynasty?" Xiao Fan condensed his mind and said as he looked at the misty valley in the distance, a cloud of air rushed toward his face, and Xiao Fan couldn't help frowning.

Behind them is a piece of white snow and vast glaciers, while the world on the other side of the cliff is the opposite, lush and full of life.

"Yes, there is the Boundless Valley in front of it, which is a shortcut to the capital of the Fire Emperor. However, this Boundless Valley is so dangerous that ordinary war emperors would not dare to run wild." Yingfeng took a deep breath.

"Doesn't it take two months to make a detour?" Xiao Fan shook his head. What he lacks most now is time.

On both sides of the Boundless Valley, on the other side is the Vast Soul Beast Mountain Range, and several dynasties are separated from the center, but a road has been opened long ago.

Therefore, generally from the Xueyue Dynasty to the Dali Dynasty, it is the same road.

As for the other side of the Boundless Valley, there is a vast desert called Death Desert. Where the wind and sand shake the sky all the year round, the danger is no lower than the Boundless Valley.

Some people even say that even if the emperor of war enters the desert of death, there will be no exit, ten deaths but no life!

"However, if you encounter a powerful Beast King in the Boundless Valley, it will take more time. If you encounter the Beast King..." Yingfeng worried.

The last sentence was not said, but Xiao Fan also knew that if he encountered the Beast Emperor, he would lose his life.

"Are you afraid?" Xiao Fan asked with a smile, looking at Yingfeng meaningfully.

"Not afraid." Yingfeng shook his head without hesitation. Since practicing, he hasn't known how to write the word for fear, but he is worried about Xiao Fan.

"Xiao Jin, go." Xiao Fan grinned and turned to sit on Xiao Jin's back. With a soft roar, Xiao Jin planted straight down the cliff.

Yingfeng smiled bitterly, and followed without hesitation.

Xiao Fanzhi felt the wind raging in his ears, and Xiao Jin led him down rapidly. He carefully looked at the square, and his heart was slightly startled: "The vast valley is really vast. It is estimated to be comparable to several imperial cities."

Not long after, they had landed steadily in the ancient forest of the vast valley, their soul power swept away, and several powerful breaths instantly imprinted Xiao Fan's mind.

Fortunately, he also had self-knowledge, otherwise if he flew across the sky, he would probably become a living target for many spirit beasts.



There was a roar and a croaking sound occasionally, coming from all directions. Just hearing that sound, Xiao Fan roughly judged that the spirit beasts around him were probably over a hundred.

"My son, it seems that this vast valley is more dangerous than imagined." Yingfeng smiled bitterly, holding the Death Scythe in his hand, staring guardedly at all directions.

Xiao Fan nodded, and his heart raised his throat one by one. The vast valley was indeed as legendary, but since he had already arrived here, Xiao Fan didn't think about turning around.

"Be careful." Xiao Fan motioned to Xiaojin to become smaller, took a deep breath, and walked toward the depths of the ancient forest.

"Wu Snake Lan?"

Suddenly, Xiao Fan found a small black grass in a pile of black rocks under an ancient tree. The grass looked like a small snake, with a delicate flower blooming above it, which was obviously mature.

"The more dangerous the place, the more rewarding it is. No wonder there are so many people who like to take risks." Xiao Fan said, now that he has seen it, he has no plan to miss it.

Wu Snake Orchid, anyway, is also a fifth-grade spirit grass, and one is also two or three hundred thousand lower-grade soul stones. Xiao Fan walked to the side of Wu Snake Orchid guardingly and was about to lean down to pick it.


With a whirr, a black light shot out from the cracks in the stone next to the grass, Xiao Fan's vellus hair stood upright, his figure instantly disappeared in place, and the black light rushed directly into the grass beside him.

"It's the fifth-order underworld snake, son, are you okay!" Yingfeng exclaimed, and appeared beside Xiao Fan, staring at the bush with alert.

"It's okay!" Xiao Fan's heart trembled too. Fortunately, his spiritual sense was very keen and his reaction was extremely fast. Otherwise, he might have been bitten by the ghost snake just now.

If it was facing a Tier 5 ghost snake, Xiao Fan would naturally be fearless, but if he was bitten by a sneak attack, even he would be poisoned and die.

Whoosh! Suddenly, Xiao Fan's ears trembled slightly, and he didn't know when he had a slaughter knife in his hand. With a volley, a black light was directly broken by Xiao Fan, and a small black snake that was one foot long fell in front of him.

Xiao Fan took a black crystal out of Xiao Snake's head and threw it to Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin creaked like a jelly bean. In this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Only then did he understand that Xiao Jin was actually feeding on soul crystals, and he could only sigh secretly in his heart, he was indeed a legendary rank nine soul beast.

Xiao Fan carefully uprooted the black snake orchid and put it into the soul ring. As for the spirit grass, he is better at it. It is difficult to find the medicine liquid someday.

"Keep walking." A Tier 5 Nether Spirit Snake could not stop Xiao Fan's footsteps. However, when he encountered the Nether Spirit Snake, he also gave himself a wake-up call. Here, the mind can't relax for a moment, otherwise it may be at any time My life is lost here.

The speed of the three also slowed down a lot. After walking for a long time, it was less than twenty miles. Along the way, Xiao Fan three killed thirteen fifth-tier spirit beasts and obtained many soul crystals and several spirits. grass.

It's just that the deeper, the higher the rank of the soul beast, and the more and more difficult the battle between the two.

"While it's dark, let's roast this hurricane wolf to taste it, and add some strength by the way." Xiao Fan looked up at the slowly dark sky, his expression became serious, and then threw out four **** wolf legs. It was the Tier 5 spirit beast that was slaughtered before, the Storm Wolf.

The night in the forest is undoubtedly a paradise for soul beasts, but it is also a forbidden place for mankind. Taking advantage of the darkness, they must find a safe place to stay.

"Alright." After a while, Yingfeng and Xiaojin directly grabbed a cooked wolf leg and began to bite.

"After eating, leave here immediately!" Xiao Fan smiled slightly and waved his probing hand. The fire was instantly extinguished, and he grabbed a wolf's leg and ate it gorgingly. Xiao Fan's soul ring had all the ingredients, although It's just a simple barbecue, but the taste is not bad.


Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the jungle. The three movements of Xiao Fan stopped in vain and turned to look at the ancient forest not far away.

The next moment, the three vellus hairs stood upright, and his pupils shrank slightly, as if he had seen a ghost.

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