Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 815: Luo Chuan takes action!

Eight white spheres of Dao power appeared in front of the Hongmeng giant tree.

These eight spheres of Dao power were like eight suns. As soon as they appeared, they absorbed the light of the sun, moon and sky and became the core of this world!

The surging power of the Holy Dao rushed out from these eight spheres, following the trajectory of the Holy Infant King's attack, and spread to Luochuan and the eight people.

As the Holy Infant King attacked, this time there was not only power, but also blazing and dazzling divine light! The white divine light was like a curtain, covering everyone, and the ancient battlefield in the field of vision suddenly turned white, and even the sound was blocked by the white light.

Perhaps because it was the Holy Infant King who attacked, the power of the Holy Dao was not fierce, but it was truly overwhelming, just like the night covering the earth, penetrating everywhere, and it was impossible to stop it.

Wherever the light of the Holy Dao power attacked, the eight people instantly became blind and deaf, their ears could not hear, their mouths could not speak, and even the Dao thoughts had lost their effectiveness. Faced with the power of the Holy Dao, even the top ten emperors, such as Emperor Bailong and Xitian Bohou, became weak in an instant and lost the instinct of a cultivator.

However, it was only for a moment.

The next moment, a dense white scale appeared around Emperor Bailong. The white scales were shining with divine aura, which was like a line of sight, transmitting all the changes around to Emperor Bailong's mind.

Two flashes of sword light flashed in Xitian Bohou's eyes. The two sword lights were one in front and one behind, chasing and chasing, fighting and spinning in his eyes. Soon, Xitian Bohou released brilliance in his eyes, turning into a gaze, and took the scene in front of the Hongmeng giant tree into his mind.

Then Luo Shiqi, Tianshe Zhenjun, and Emperor Fusheng each used their magical powers. They all opened up another vision and saw everything happening around them clearly. As for Nanli and Yu Youxi, their strength level was too weak after all. They could not hear or see under the light of the power of the Holy Dao. They relied on their strong will to support their state of mind and avoid damage to their state of mind.

No matter whether they were emperor-level strongmen or Nanli and Yu Youxi, they had no way to face the power of the Holy Dao.

In the hands of the Holy Infant King, the power of the Holy Dao was more like a magic weapon rather than his own power. Therefore, the speed was not very fast. But it was a power that only saints could master. When it appeared in front of everyone, there was no other way except to resist it.

Among those present, the only ones who could resist the power of the Holy Dao and not die on the spot were Emperor Bailong, Xitian Bohou and Luo Shiqi. There was only a slight possibility... just a slight possibility. And even if they didn't die, it was unknown how long they could last.

"Hahaha, you want to fight me with all of you?"

The Holy Infant King raised his head and laughed. The handsome boy's face became distorted because of his hysteria, and his eyebrows were full of evil and evil.

Outside the Hongmeng giant tree, the cannon fodder camp brothers, the sixteen soldiers and the elders of the Demon Cult Palace stared with wide eyes, looking at a scene that they might never see again in their lifetime.

The cannon fodder camp brothers and the sixteen soldiers were extremely anxious, and their eyes were all red, but the huge pressure of the power of the Holy Dao was like a huge mountain, pressing them down tightly, making them unable to move.

As for the elders of the Demon Cult Palace, they looked at the powerful geniuses on the Hongmeng giant tree who were about to be wiped out from this world by the power of the Holy Dao. Many of them laughed, but it was the kind of gloating when they were heartbroken.

The elders of the Demon Cult Palace knew very well that after today, no matter who won or lost, who got the Hongmeng giant tree, the Demon Cult Palace would no longer exist, and the possibility of their own survival was also very small.

Looking at the murderers who directly or indirectly caused the demise of Master Mo and the Demon Cult Palace on the Hongmeng giant tree, the elders of the Demon Cult Palace sneered and gloated. When their eyes fell on the cloth-robed boy, the gloating in their eyes was particularly obvious!

Tianluo Demon King killed Master Mo and led the Demon Cult Palace to the end of the road. The words he said certainly made the surviving elders of the palace feel moved for a moment, but after all, he was not the true master of the foreign land. Facing the power of the Holy Way, he only had the fate of defeat.

The power of the Holy Way is unstoppable!

Everything in front of the Hongmeng giant tree was shrouded by the light of the Holy Way!

Just as the cannon fodder camp was anxious and the Demon Cult Palace was gloating, two people moved where the eight white light balls were!

Seeing those two people, both the brothers of the cannon fodder camp and the elders of the Demon Cult Palace, their hearts began to beat wildly!

Rather than two people, it is better to say that they are two stones as tall as a person!

Luo Chuan and Tianshe Zhenjun went into two strange stones one after the other, driving the stones, resisting the light of the power of the Holy Dao, and rushed upstream to the Holy Infant King outside the Hongmeng Giant Tree.

The pressure of the Holy Dao that melted all things in the world could not do anything to these two stones!

In a blink of an eye, the stone driven by Luo Chuan and Tianshe Zhenjun had surpassed their respective Holy Dao powers, and rushed towards the Holy Infant King as fast as a meteor.

The Holy Infant King did not expect all this, and looked at the two stones approaching from afar with an absurd and weird look on his face.

However, soon, the Holy Infant King sneered.

"Why does this stone look so familiar... I seem to have seen it in the Sage Atlas... Is it one of the Sage's mortal enemies? It turns out that it is here, and it is going to make merit again."

The Holy Infant King laughed louder and louder. A sea cloud appeared under his feet, and four thunder wings appeared behind him. He muttered something and faced the Wuji Stone Embryo where Luo Chuan and Tianshe Zhenjun were. A ball of holy power rose in each of his palms, but it was not as majestic and rich as the previous eight balls.

In an instant, the two stones were less than a hundred steps away from the Holy Infant King.

Pah! Pah!

Two stones split apart, Luo Chuan and Tianshe Zhenjun jumped out one after the other, stepped on the flying stones, and faced the Holy Infant King.

"Is he looking for death?" An elder of the Demon Cult suddenly said.

The other elders of the Demon Cult also showed absurd and funny expressions.

On the other hand, the people of the Cannon Fodder Camp and the Sixteen Dao Soldiers all showed joy on their faces. Instead of being worried and nervous, they all looked expectant, which was in sharp contrast to the reaction of the Demon Cult.

The elders of the Demon Cult looked at the Cannon Fodder Camp strangely, and they couldn't understand why they were so excited.

"The boss is going to make a move."

"I don't know how many moves that baby slave can survive."

"I bet one move, the boss only needs one move to get him, who's betting with me?"

"You've already told me the ending, what else is there to bet on."

Listening to the brothers of the Cannon Fodder Camp talking one after another, the elders of the Demon Cult looked at each other with absurd faces, thinking they were just crazy.

The Holy Infant King in front of the Hongmeng giant tree also heard it. He glanced at the cannon fodders, his eyebrows filled with anger, and when he looked at Luo Chuan again, his eyes were full of murderous intent.


The Holy Infant King turned his wrist, raised his palm, and aimed the power of the Holy Dao at Luo Chuan.

Almost at the same time, Luo Chuan also made a move.

In the past, the Nine Dragon King accepted three disciples and taught them the Tao. In fact, he did not really want to regard them as his heirs and pass on the way of the Nine Dragon King.

The reason why the Nine Dragon King accepted three disciples was actually selfish. He wanted to cultivate top strong men who met his expectations, and he also wanted a lackey who could listen to his words and be extremely loyal to him. When it came to the third disciple, the Holy Infant King, the mentality of the Nine Dragon King changed again.

This Holy Infant King, on the surface, is the newest disciple of the Nine Dragon King, but in fact, he is just a furnace used by the Nine Dragon King for experiments.

Jiulong Jun had already started preparing for the failure of the expedition against the sages. Before finding the Holy Infant King, Jiulong Jun had captured no less than 30,000 babies, all of which were captured from all over the Nine Heavens, specifically for quick practice experiments. None of the more than 30,000 babies succeeded until the time of the Holy Infant King. Jiulong Jun finally succeeded. According to the ancient recipe and Jiulong Jun's own experience, he cultivated the monster-like Holy Infant King.

Because of the test subject, the Holy Infant King received the careful care of Jiulong Jun, just to observe his growth. Compared with the other two disciples, Jiulong Jun's attitude towards the Holy Infant King was really kind. Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, among the three disciples, Jiulong Jun loved the young disciple Holy Infant King the most.

Perhaps only Luo Chuan knew the true thoughts of Jiulong Jun.

In the end, Jiulong Jun finally gave up using the Holy Infant King's practice method as a backup for his failure, only because after years of observation, Jiulong Jun gradually discovered that there was a loophole in the Holy Infant King's practice system.

Although it was only a tiny loophole, there were very few people in the world who could find and exploit it. But for Lord Jiulong, it was an unforgivable mistake.

Lord Jiulong spent too much time and energy on the Holy Infant King, but in the end it was all in vain, so that his attitude towards the Holy Infant King changed drastically, and over time, the Holy Infant King felt resentful.

To seize the loopholes in the Holy Infant King's cultivation system, two major conditions are required.

First, you need to understand the morality of time.

Second, you must be a Tianmen cultivator.

There are very few people in the Nine Heavens who meet these two conditions at the same time.

Unfortunately, Luo Chuan is one of them.

In front of the Hongmeng giant tree, under the light of the power of the Holy Dao, Luo Chuan raised his head, two twisted black mysterious patterns appeared in his pupils, and raised his hand to press a seal.

The original way, the morality of time!

After the seal was pressed, Luo Chuan carved the innate mysterious pattern, which changed in mid-air and turned into a stream.


Luo Chuan pushed his palm flat, and the stream formed by the time mysterious pattern whizzed out, and flew to the front of the Holy Infant King before the power of the Holy Way took action.

"Tianmen monk?"

The Holy Infant King was shocked when he saw Luo Chuan carving the innate mysterious pattern, and returned to normal in an instant.

"Hmph, a trifling trick."

The Holy Infant King sneered, turned his left palm, and the power of the Holy Way disappeared, but it turned into a giant shield with superimposed patterns to block Luo Chuan's innate mysterious pattern.

However, before it reached the front, the "stream" shook violently, scattered into thousands of fine water droplets, crossed the giant shield, and sprinkled on the hair of the Holy Infant King. (To be continued...)

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