Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 784: The great trend of heaven and earth ends!

Whether it is Luo Chuan, the master of the cannon fodder camp, or the demon king Tianluo, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are constantly making back moves and seem to be in danger. In fact, it is just a trap set for the enemy... For example, in Qianlong Yuan that year, Captain Feng would never have imagined that Luo Chuan could find the extremely senior Master Mingyue.

He was still like this when he was alone in the past, let alone now that he has become a famous leader of forces in the outside world.

"Sir, why haven't you taken action yet?" a monk from the punishment team asked in a low voice.

"It's not that simple... Don't let him deceive you." Captain Feng frowned, Dao Nian flew out, still searching for Luo Chuan's back-up plan.

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and under the night clouds in the distance, phantoms of divine flowers appeared. There were not many people, only about ten people, but the aura was very strong, all reaching the realm of the heavens.

A dozen masters from all over the world emerged from the clouds and flew towards the Tower of Ten Thousand Calamities Evil Spirits, shouting a warning from a long distance away!

what happened?

The more than two hundred experts from the punishment team in the magic circle looked at each other, all of them feeling wary.

Captain Feng's heartbeat quickened slightly, his mind was tense, and he looked at Luo Chuan warily.

At this moment, the majestic "prisoner" monk behind Luo Chuan finally withdrew his eyes from sizing up the magic circle. The white light covering his body shrank inch by inch, and was finally absorbed into his body, revealing that familiar face.

Captain Feng was startled, and everyone was stunned. Immediately, their expressions changed dramatically, and everyone was shocked.

"Luo Chuan, when Guangtian Universal Saint is in danger, you can come to the rescue. I don't care what your intentions are. In short, you are here. Regardless of success or failure, Guangtian Universal Saint owes you a favor."

Taoist Master Chenyin looked at Luo Chuan and said calmly: "Next, you have to watch carefully. See clearly how this Taoist attack will break this demon formation."

After the word "formation" fell, Chen Yin raised his breath fiercely.

call out……

There was a sound of violent breathing.

The sound of breathing came from Taoist Master Chen Yin, but Luo Chuan clearly felt that there was a ten-mile radius in front of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Fierce Spirit Tower and within the magic circle. Every bit of light dust raised is exhaling.

This feeling is as if Chen Yin's breath has assimilated everything in the world.

"Qi practitioner..."

A memory flashed in Luo Chuan's mind, and the memory came from Lord Jiulong.

Qi practitioners are a type of monks from ancient times before the great annihilation. They specialize in the art of breathing and eating the aura of heaven and earth. Collect the essence of the sun and the moon, and use the spirit vein ores and other materials as the dregs, and concentrate on breathing to refine the five movements and six qi between heaven and earth.

Also because the Qi breathed by the Qi Refiners was too pure and the resources used were too single-minded, it became increasingly difficult to practice in this lineage, and in the end it struggled and declined.

But the truly powerful Qi practitioner. They have the ability to turn things around, reverse destiny, and turn decay into magic.

Luo Chuan also didn't expect that Guangtian Pusheng, the former number one person and the number one Taoist master, would actually have the heritage of a Qi practitioner.

Before Luo Chuan could think about it any longer, the surrounding scene changed again.

Thousands of mustard seeds and dust, one thousandth of an instant, completed ten breaths!

After ten breaths, an unknown force gathered in the air. Lurking and forbearing, yet ready to move. It's like the tens of thousands of tons of sea water that have been boiled under the ice sea, eager to explode, but are not forcibly suppressed!

At this moment, Master Chenyin suddenly took action and pressed down a hand seal. At the same time. Breathe still.

Taoist Master Chenyin did everything very slowly.

However, Luo Chuan knew that this "slowness" was specifically aimed at his "slowness". It still looks very fast to others.

Master Chenyin did this intentionally to teach Luo Chuan the unique skill at hand.

"In ancient times, between heaven and earth, all those who practiced the Tao paid great attention to the word 'breathing'."

"Breathing is the first important thing learned by all things in the world since they were born. It can be said to be the foundation of innateness and the source of acquired nature. It is a bridge from innate to acquired nature."

"Even as a baby, you need to rely on fetal breath to absorb the essence of the mother's fetus. Unfortunately, after the Nirvana, the upper way changed. The monks in the world paid more attention to plundering external resources, but forgot the most fundamental way of breathing. ”

"Luo Chuan, you must remember that a monk who does not know the breathing method will never become a truly strong man. The breathing method taught to you today by this Dao is called the breath of heaven and earth. It is assimilated with your own breath. In the end, every breath and breath of all things in the world will become the breath of the universe. If it is used in cultivation, it can get twice the result with half the effort. If it is used in fighting, one can defeat a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand."

"Luo Chuan, watch out!"

Taoist Master Chen Yin was holding his breath and concentrating as he spoke.

When he finished speaking, he took a sharp breath.

call out!

The land within a radius of ten miles within the magic circle was actually moved by the breath of Taoist Master Chen Yin. From the mustard dust, to the sky, moon and starlight, to the wind, cloud and air, they all sank and shrank!

However, looking at Taoist Chenyin, his body seemed to be lifted up, and his whole person seemed to have grown two to three feet taller.

Falling and rising, Taoist Chenyin formed a sharp contrast with everything around him!

at this time.


Taoist Master Chenyin opened his mouth and vomited!


As he exhaled, the surrounding mustard dust, the sky, moon, stars, wind, clouds, and air... everything seemed to be suddenly released, just like the ice layer above boiling water suddenly cracked, bursting out in all directions!


A violent and terrifying power, mixed with infinite power, with Master Chenyin as the core, soared into the sky and poured out in all directions!

The monks from the punishment team changed their expressions, Captain Feng's expression changed greatly, and the masters flying from a distance also stopped in mid-air with stiff expressions.

Although Luo Chuan's face was expressionless, the shock in his heart was not inferior to that of the masters present.

Although Lord Jiulong has knowledge of Qi Practitioners in his memory, and has seen some ordinary Qi Practitioners whose inheritance has been omitted, he has never met a powerful Qi Practitioner who has retained a complete inheritance like Taoist Master Chenyin.

But today, after seeing Taoist Master Chen Yin take action, Luo Chuan realized deeply that the legendary Qi practitioner can turn decay into magic and reverse the creation of the universe!

Taoist Master Chenyin hardly made any move, he just took a few breaths and shouted the word "break", and then he exerted such amazing and terrifying power.

This kind of power seems to have exceeded the cultivation level of Taoist Chenyin.

In front of the "city wall" on all sides, the demons and immortal saints transformed by feng shui, earth and fire tried their best. But it still couldn't withstand this powerful force, and in the blink of an eye it was scattered, torn to pieces, and torn into pieces.

Under the glazed eyes of Captain Feng, the monks from the punishment team, and the powerful men from all over the world who came to rescue, the former greatest Dharma Master of Guangtian Pusheng blew down the magic circle set up by Guiye Taoist himself with just one breath.

The soft moonlight fell down and swept across Luo Chuan's eyelashes.

Luo Chuan blinked his eyelashes, closing and opening his eyes. In my mind, I remember Master Chenyin’s every subtle movement from the first breath to the last moment of eruption, the changes in his handprints, the opening and closing of the pores when breathing, and the rhythm of the airflow when it matches the surrounding breath. ... Master Chenyin’s breath seemed simple. It is ordinary and unremarkable, but in fact, it contains many laws of change that are mutually reinforcing and constraining.

In the eyes of others, Taoist Master Chen Yin took one breath in one breath, but Luo Chuan could see that he divided one breath into several sections, and each section was delicately combined with each other. Just now I was able to complete a complete "Great Trend of the Universe of Heaven and Earth".

This breath of heaven and earth is an extremely subtle and complex breathing technique that can explode ten or even a hundred times the power with one breath. It is also passed down from ancient times, but because it is not Taoism, it does not It goes against today's rules of the Tao.

"The Great Momentum of Heaven and Earth" may not be as good as Youyou Taoism, let alone Nine Destructions and Nine Lives Taishang Wuji Kung Fu. But it is a very good breathing technique that can be used in many situations.

Being secretly taught this breathing technique by Taoist Master Chen Yin, Luo Chuan felt happy and began to try it.

However, after three consecutive attempts, Luo Chuan failed. It was not until the fourth time that he had some understanding. But he didn't even touch the fur.

"The further you go, the more powerful people you encounter become more advanced, and their unique skills are no longer so easy to learn."

Luo Chuan thought to himself. Didn't give up.

The thoughts of Tianmen penetrated into the Wuji stone body, and sure enough, on the floating shadow wall in front of the Wuji stone body, there was another secret skill - "The Breath of the Great Power of the Universe of Heaven and Earth".

Opening his eyes, Luo Chuan saw hundreds of pairs of shocked, throbbing, and uneasy eyes. Everyone was silent, including the twelve powerful men in the heavens.

Captain Feng glanced at the empty magic circle area, then looked at Luo Chuan and took a deep breath.

As he expected, this terrifying Tianluo Demon Lord indeed had a back-up plan.

But he never expected that Luo Chuan's back-up man would be the rumored former greatest Taoist Master Chenyin who disappeared after his identity as a traitor was revealed!

"Taoist, what can we do with these people?" Luo Chuan turned his head and asked Xiang Chenyin.

Chen Yin took a step forward and came to Luo Chuan. He glanced at everyone and said straight to the point: "The real traitor is Master Guiye. The reason why I am trapped here is exactly what Guiye did."

"Chen Yin, don't deny it." A small Taoist master from the Heaven Realm flew out, pointed at Chen Yin and said: "The evidence of your crime is conclusive. Lord Guiye has already shown the evidence to the public, and several ancestors have also Admit still want to frame Mr. Guiye! For the sake of our old friendship, if you let him go, you might be able to save his body."

Chen Yin shook his head: "You have also seen the magic circle just now. Is it like the magic circle set up by our Guangtian Pusheng Immortal Family?"

After the words fell, many monks from the punishment team looked thoughtful.

"Hahaha, Chen Yin, don't even think about making excuses! Do you think we are all fools? Traitor, don't think about lying to me again!" Another young mage shouted with red eyes.

Taoist Chenyin wanted to say more, but was stopped by Luo Chuan.

"Try to say anything to them. They have all been brainwashed by Guiye. No matter how much you say, it's useless. Capture the thief first, capture the king, kill him, and then find Guiye!"

Luo Chuan shouted.

This drink was like a wake-up call. Taoist Master Chenyin's vision returned to clarity and he nodded.

It's another "great breath of heaven and earth"!


The strong wind swept across and turned into a huge transparent ball of light.

Master Chenyin grabbed Luo Chuan and stepped into the ball of light.

The transparent ball of light soared into the sky, carrying the two of them, scattering the twelve little Taoist masters, and flew towards the depths of the vast sky and universal saint!

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