Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 781: Return to the Taoist Temple

At this time, Redbeard finally let go of his previous arrogant attitude, and his whole body was full of vitality. A stream of blood-purple Tao power rose from the soles of his feet, lingering and surrounding his body.

Red Beard stared at Luo Shiqi with caution on his face.

However, with a snap, Red Beard was hit in the forehead again, but there was still no reaction.

There was silence.

More than two hundred brothers from the cannon fodder battalion looked shocked. They looked at the motionless middle-aged man in green robes in disbelief. He stood with his hands behind his back and a smile on his lips, as if he had never sat down for anything. But the crisp sound before and the red-bearded forehead A finger, but the brothers in the cannon fodder camp could hear and see clearly.

Red Beard's face was gloomy, and his eyes looking at Luo Shiqi were full of fear and a trace of incomprehensible confusion.

The next moment, Luo Shiqi stretched out his hand again and slightly bent his index finger.

Redbeard's expression changed drastically, his face became tense, and his whole body's Qi was frozen to the extreme.

Wang Hu and Li Xiaochen on the side cast sympathetic glances, and their suspicions about Father Luo Chuan began to become clear.

"This time, everyone's foreheads are being careful."

After Luo Shiqi finished speaking, all the 216 brothers from the cannon fodder camp changed their expressions, and then, a deep feeling of suffocation rose from the bottom of their hearts. Especially Wang Hu and Li Xiaochen, when they saw Red Beard being "beaten", although they had a hint of curiosity and fear in their hearts, they mostly just regarded it as a fun thing. But now, Luo Shiqi is threatening to hit everyone on the forehead. This is not fun, but an insult.

"Are your words a bit exaggerated?" Wang Hu cupped his hands towards Luo Shiqi and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a snap. Wang Hu's face froze and he subconsciously touched his forehead.

Bang bang bang bang...

Countless bullets echoed in the ancient city, one after another, scattered and scattered, but they seemed to sound at the same time, which was elusive.

Each of the 216 brothers from the cannon fodder camp was shot in the forehead. Although it was not heavy, it felt like being bitten by a mosquito to them, but the previous feeling of frustration was gone, replaced by deep surprise and fear.

The highest cultivation level among the brothers in the cannon fodder camp is already at the peak of the first level of the heavens, the lowest level is also at the peak of the fourth level of Dao Lun, and the green-robed monk opposite. His aura was light and shallow, and he didn't use any high-level Dao power or other power when he struck. He just hit them casually, leaving them who were already paying attention secretly unprepared!

This time it was just a slap on the forehead. If it were an enemy, he would use such a move. Aiming at their necks, wouldn't it be possible to harvest the heads of the 216 people in their cannon fodder camp in an instant?

At this moment, the aura of the middle-aged man in green robe changed and suddenly rose upwards, like a huge mountain that kept rising and getting taller. In the blink of an eye, it had covered the sky and the sun. Overwhelming everyone present, a strong intimidation filled the ancient city.

It was only then that the brothers in the cannon fodder camp discovered that the ordinary-looking man in green robes was actually a top man whose strength far exceeded them by several levels!

"Pindao didn't mean to humiliate you."

Luo Shiqi glanced at a tall and majestic cannon fodder camp monk. As far as his eyes could see, although the brothers in the cannon fodder camp held their necks high and did not want to be at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, they could not withstand Luo Shiqi's gaze. Avoid subconsciously.

"It's just that the road to the Tao never stops. Although you are among the best in the same situation or among monks of the same age, once you are satisfied, you will be arrogant and self-indulgent. From then on, your cultivation of the Tao will stop. Here it is.”

"The attack I just made didn't use much profound power, but it left you unable to defend yourself. Anyone else would have taken off your heads long ago."

"What I said before. Those top battle groups do exist. In those battle groups, everyone is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than you. From among them, just two or three or three or four people can... Easily kill the cannon fodder camp, and still at the same level."

Listening to what Luo Shiqi said, almost all the brothers in the cannon fodder camp were red-faced, full of dissatisfaction, and extremely aggrieved. However, firstly, their skills were inferior to others, and secondly, the opponent was the boss and his father, so the brothers in the cannon fodder camp had no way to argue.

Not far away, Luo Chuan, who was holding the little tortoise and the little spider in his arms, and watched the show for a long time, his eyes flashed, and finally said: "Dad, your statement seems a bit inappropriate."

"What? What did I say wrong?" Luo Shiqi didn't give Luo Chuan any face.

"At least, the potential and future possibilities of my brothers will definitely exceed what you mentioned. And far more than that." Luo Chuan said lightly, but there was a decisiveness in his tone.

After the words fell, the brothers in the cannon fodder battalion who were originally depressed raised their heads and looked at their boss, with a hint of gratitude in their eyes.

"Talent potential?" Luo Shiqi glanced at the people in the cannon fodder camp casually, and touched his chin twice: "Maybe. But even if there is real potential, it needs to be stimulated, otherwise it is nothing if there is potential but no strength."

"Dad, during the seven or eight days we were in seclusion, the brothers worked hard to protect you and me. You have teased them enough, it's time to teach them some real skills." Luo Chuan sighed.


Wang Hu, Hong Beard, and Li Xiaochen had complicated emotions in their hearts. They felt strange. They looked at the man in green robe again, and saw the corner of the boss's father's mouth raised, and a touch of teasing appeared on his face. The dignified and majestic face before His expression was gone.

"Forget it, you are my son. Pindao will stay here for one more day. During this day, Pindao will personally train you and teach you Taoism. Don't be lazy."

Luo Shiqi glanced at the brothers of the cannon fodder camp and said lightly.

Looking at Luo Shiqi again, the brothers of the cannon fodder camp no longer had the previous negligence in their hearts, but were full of awe. Such a Taoist master was willing to personally teach the Taoism, which was also a great opportunity for the brothers of the cannon fodder camp.

Wang Hu and the other two looked at each other and could see the complex emotions in each other's eyes, with fear, luck, and a little joy.

In the past, they relied on Luo Lao Da. Although Luo Lao Da had endless back-ups and unlimited potential, he was only at the realm of true Tao after all. His true strength was not even at the level of a master. Now, the old man of the boss finally appeared, and lived up to everyone's expectations. The father of the boss was a strong man who could possibly compete with the emperor.

With the addition of Tianshe Zhenjun, the boss's forces suddenly had two emperor-level strongmen, which was like adding wings to a tiger.

Looking at the excited cannon fodder camp, Qin Mo hesitated for a moment: "My Lord, can we also..."

"Since you are so weak, you must practice together. Don't try to be lazy." Luo Shiqi touched his chin and smiled. His eyes towards Qin Mo were obviously not as cold as those towards the cannon fodder camp monks.

Turning his head, Luo Shiqi looked at the plain-robed woman standing next to Luo Chuan. The smile on his face spread a little bit, and he was enthusiastic, completely different from the coldness before.

The more Luo Shiqi was like this, the more uncertain Bai Yiqing was. She had long observed from the side, and from some of the things Luo Chuan told her, she came to a conclusion that Luo Chuan's father, her future father-in-law, was definitely a person who was extremely difficult to figure out.

"It's okay, go." Luo Chuan said.

Bai Yiqing took a deep breath, walked to Luo Shiqi, and performed the etiquette of a junior with great respect and dignity: "Greetings, uncle."

"Not bad, you are almost at the level of Dao power." Luo Shiqi touched his chin and nodded continuously, very satisfied, which was completely different from the sternness when facing the cannon fodder camp before: "Although this is the first time we meet, I already know you very well. You and Chuan'er met in obscurity, and got together by accident because of a misunderstanding. This relationship is very difficult for both of you. I am also very relieved that you can get back together after being apart for so long."

"Dad, you are so long-winded, and you don't even give me a gift for meeting. You are so stingy." Luo Chuan said.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid. I will give you a gift, but I came in a hurry this time... Let me think about it." Luo Shiqi looked thoughtful, then his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Qingqing, your uncle has two gifts on hand, you can only choose one. The first one is to help you improve your cultivation. Your uncle can cast a spell to help you break through the realm of the true way and reach the first level of the true way or even the second and third levels of the true way."

The brothers of the cannon fodder camp who were eavesdropping on the side were shocked, and their eyes looked at Luo Shiqi more and more differently.

"As for the second one." Luo Shiqi paused, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "That is to change your talent and potential, and change it completely. But to what level you can reach, you can only rely on your own efforts, and the process of transformation is very difficult, not so easy."

Hearing this, the brothers of the cannon fodder camp were filled with horror, and looked at Luo Shiqi with incredible faces.

"Choose the second one." Bai Yiqing did not hesitate at all.

"Yes, just as I thought." Luo Shiqi smiled with satisfaction, then turned to look at Luo Chuan and said in a voice transmission: "Chuan'er, your father will spend a day to preach here again. One day later, you and I will go to the ancient battlefield again."

Luo Chuan nodded: "By then, the Hongmeng giant tree will be almost grown."

"Chuan'er, what are your plans?"

"I plan to go to Guangtian Pusheng, first to find Ziyun, and second... to see Shi Gong and the others."

"In this case, you and I will act separately and meet here in a day."

Luo Chuan and Luo Shiqi discussed it well, and then said a few words to Bai Yiqing, Wang Hu, and Qin Mo, and laid three time illusions, then said goodbye to everyone and flew out of the Wanqiu Xiongling Tower.


The scenery in front of him changed, with mountains, rivers, and a Taoist temple in the woods in the distance.

The sky was dark, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and it was night.

After more than a year, Luo Chuan returned to Guangtian Pusheng again, and it was a different scene.

With the identity of Tianluo Demon Lord, the strength of the third level of the True Dao, and the external Dharma body of Tianshe Zhenjun, Luo Chuan's state of mind has completely changed.

"Where should I go first?"

Luo Chuan thought secretly. At this moment, a familiar breath of human cultivators came from a distance and approached him.

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