Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 469: One Punch Breaks the Sky, Yin and Yang Strikes

Two beautiful figures, one white and one blue, one in front and one behind, fell from the sky.

The white-clothed female Taoist had a crescent-shaped scimitar on her waist, and the green-clothed palace maid carried a strange dragon-snake sword box on her back, which emitted a bright white light under the moonlight, like a drop of water jade.

The two women were still far away, and the disciples of the seven sects seemed to smell a fragrant breeze, which was lingering and refreshing, like a dream, and their hearts were pounding.

But except for the empty mountain realm, the elders of the other six sects were not in such a good mood.

Among the female Taoists in the Tiannan region, these two can be ranked in the top five in terms of reputation and strength, or even higher. The blue-clothed Shura and the white-clothed female imperial concubine, in Tianqijing, Su Yuchen relied on her female body to firmly occupy the twelfth floor and compete with the Great Xia Xianjia Daofu. And her own strength and the power behind her are even more mysterious, even Tianhua Palace can't guess.

What is her relationship with Luo Chuan? Luo Chuan actually has the power of the Great Xia Dynasty behind him? The Great Xia and the Great Zhou...these two great cultivation dynasties are not to be messed with.

The Tianhua Palace looked a little solemn.

Zhou Buchen, Lu Daoran, the monk of Kongsi, the monk of Dazhou, and the two women Suqing, these people together are still not enough, and they can't pose too many obstacles to the Tianhua Palace coalition, but they are more or less involved in a force behind them.

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget, we still have overseas allies!"

Xu Yuye finally repaired his broken arms, and his vitality and mana also recovered a little.

"What are you waiting for! What are you waiting for! Kill, kill, kill! Kill all the empty mountain world!"

Xu Yuye's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was slightly ferocious.

His roar blew the final attack horn of Tianhua Palace.

On the side of Tianhua Palace, Nanyou Sect and Kunting Mountain, densely packed monks flew into the sky. There were nearly 10,000 people, including more than 4,000 Nascent Soul monks, 300 to 400 people above the Return to Void realm, and the rest were True Dan realm monks.

On the side of the Empty Mountain Realm, more than 2,000 cultivators, more than 100 peak masters and elders of the Empty Mountain Realm, more than 2,000 mountain realm disciples, and Luo Chuan and others flew up. Among them, there were only three people in the Return to Void Realm, who were the top three peak masters of the Empty Mountain Realm, and there were only more than 200 people in the Infant Realm. Compared with the Tianhua Palace coalition on the opposite side, it was really pitifully weak.

Luo Chuan had seen big scenes. In the battlefield outside the domain, hundreds of thousands of powerful cultivators would fall every day. Facing the Tianhua Palace's 10,000-man army was not surprising. But the disciples of the Empty Mountain Realm. Including some elders, it was the first time to see such a formation. More than 10,000 people flew up at the same time. This scene was much more spectacular than before.

"Hahaha, if you practice for a lifetime and don't experience a few battles of tens of thousands of people. Or even bigger battles, wouldn't it be in vain!"

A heroic and unrestrained laughter sounded from the center of the arena.

Although Zhou Buchen was wearing a plain robe and had his hair tied up, his nine-foot-two-inch height, majestic figure, and heroic and unrestrained brows fully demonstrated his reputation as the Langxin Sword Immortal.

"Brother Luo, five years have passed. I didn't expect to fight side by side with you again."

One-armed Lu Daoran laughed and walked into the ring from the other side of the air. A faint figure followed him, who was the monk of the empty temple with a faint smile on his face.

"In that case, let's fight."

A familiar feeling came to his heart, and Luo Chuan also smiled. His arm flashed, and an object appeared in his palm. It was the White Bone Sky Sword taken from the White Bone Sky Prison Hall five years ago.

"Good sword!"

Zhou Buchen's eyes flashed with surprise, his left hand flashed, releasing the sword-grinding stone, and his right arm waved, and the empty sword box behind him flew into the sky.

Whether it was the sword-grinding stone or the sword box, they were both high-quality magic weapons rarely seen in the southern region of Tiannan. I don't know where Zhou Buchen found them.

Almost at the same time, Lu Daoran, the monks of Kongsi, and 150 monks of Dazhou also released magic weapons.

Everyone knew that if they wanted to resist the attack of the army of 10,000 monks, they could only have hope with the help of magic arrays and magic weapons.

The night was green and the moon was dim and the stars were fading.

The sky was getting a little white, and it was less than half an incense stick away from the dawn when day and night alternated. It was very close.

With the ring as the center, two murderous war clouds rose on both sides of the ring!

A tragic battle of Taoism and magic was about to break out!

Two waves of magic power as broad as rivers and seas poured out and collided with each other!

Between the peaks, in the center of the ring, it seemed that a huge, blazing white sun appeared, reflecting the sky and the earth with light and clarity.


A loud noise came!

The "white sun" broke, and the rolling magic power waves swirled in all directions, like a violent storm that penetrated every hole.

The ring was shattered into slag, and a huge pit with a radius of 500 feet and a depth of 1,000 feet appeared. In all directions, hundreds of mountains and rocks shook, and mudslides fell one after another. More than fifty mountains in front were directly cut off a layer of peaks!

Except for Luo Chuan's white bone sky sword, Zhou Buchen's sword grinding stone and sword box, the magic weapons of the rest of the people were broken into pieces and shattered into slag in the violent collision.

The side of the Empty Mountain Realm retreated a hundred steps, and the formation collapsed. Lu Daoran, the monks of the Empty Temple, the monks of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and everyone in the Empty Mountain Realm vomited blood, their eyes became dim, the elders staggered, and the disciples fell to the ground, seriously injured, their eyes were dim, and their breath was weak.

If it weren't for the last moment, Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing Fairy jointly cast the waterway magic array, which led away more than half of the offensive of the Tianhua Palace coalition, and formed a formation to protect the Empty Mountain Realm coalition, otherwise the end would be a hundred times more tragic than it is now.

More than 2,000 people against 10,000 people, their strength is far inferior to the other side. It was lucky enough that the Empty Mountain Realm could survive the first round of offensive.

But even the elders and disciples of Kongxu Mountain Realm, no one thought they could survive the second round.

Tianhua Palace was in high spirits, everyone was intact, and their spirits and energy had reached their peak.

The main force and reinforcements of the Empty Mountain Realm almost lost all their magic weapons and vitality in the first round of attack. Everyone was injured, and their momentum and fighting spirit also fell.

"Hahaha, the Empty Mountain Realm is no longer good!"

"Kill! Charge forward!"

"Kill them all!"

The overwhelming shouts of killing came from the Tianhua Palace camp.

"Kill! The Empty Mountain Realm condones evil! From the elders to the disciples, they have gone astray! If we don't kill them, we will set an example!" Xu Yuye's vitality has been restored to a large extent, and he soared into the sky under the protection of dozens of elders. With his long hair flying, he stared at Luo Chuan in the center of the arena: "Luo Chuan! You have already lost! This time, even if you bring out the heavenly soldiers and generals, it will be useless!"

In the center of the arena, Luo Chuan was suspended in the air, Zhou Buchen was suspended beside him, and behind him were Lu Daoran and others.

"Daoyou Luo, there is no fear of running out of firewood. This battle has no chance of winning." Su Yuchen's voice sounded from behind.

"Hahaha, Luo Chuan, go! You can come back. Kongxu Mountain Realm has accepted this kindness." Elder Duan laughed.

"Luo Chuan! Don't do stupid things! Go! As long as you are alive, my Kongxu Mountain Realm will have revenge sooner or later! Go, just listen to me this time!" Elder Qin's eyes were full of bloodshot, almost roaring.



"Brother Luo, go. Don't worry about us!"

The disciples of Kongxu Mountain Realm clenched their fists. Shouted loudly.

The second round of the Tianhua Palace coalition's offensive has gathered above the arena. The magic power of tens of thousands of people gathered into the water of the sky river, covering the sky and the earth, and could be crushed at any time. By then, let alone the people of Kongxu Mountain Realm, the entire Kongxu Mountain Realm will be razed. If Luo Chuan still stays here, he will die no matter how lucky he is.

Luo Chuan turned his head and looked at the monks of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Lu Daoran, and the monks of the Empty Temple. Everyone's face was very serious, with struggle and hesitation in their eyes. Seeing Luo Chuan, Lu Daoran and others smiled bitterly, showing their intention to retreat.

Luo Chuan looked at Zhou Buchen.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhou Buchen stroked the sword box, raised his head, looked at the sky coldly, and said lightly: "Where you Luo Chuan is, there is my sword."

"The one who knows me Luo Chuan is not you Zhou Buchen."

"Because I know you have a back-up."

In the center of the ring, the two smiled at each other.

The sky was high and the clouds were light, the night was getting whiter and whiter, and the first ray of dawn from the yin to the yang of the world was crawling on the clouds and haze, and it was reluctant to come.

At this time, the second round of offensive of Tianhua Palace was officially launched!

Ten thousand people gathered their magic power into a pillar of magic power that could destroy the world. It was thicker than the seven main peaks of the Empty Mountain Realm and descended from the sky, as if an invisible giant pulled out a pillar of heaven and swept across the Empty Mountain Realm!

There were still two moments left before the night turned into the day and the yin and yang of the world were separated.

But in just one moment, the second round of attack from the Tianhua Palace would destroy the entire Empty Mountain Realm.

If Luo Chuan continued to wait like this, the Empty Mountain Realm would no longer exist when the day and night turned.

Behind Luo Chuan, except for Zhou Buchen who looked calm, Lu Daoran and his men pursed their lips tightly, struggling and hesitating. The people in the Empty Mountain Realm had closed their eyes and quietly waited for the arrival of the last moment.

"Little fairy and little demon, give me a hand!"

Luo Chuan's brows were cold and fierce, and he roared in his heart.

In a tenth of a second, Luo Chuan gathered all his strength and condensed it into his right fist.


Luo Chuan's shirt shattered into pieces, and his muscles seemed to be infused with the most mysterious power in the world, stretching and growing inch by inch until his height reached fifty feet.

The strength of the physical body was brewing to its peak.

The magic power of the immortals and demons had also reached its peak.

"Break it for me!"

Luo Chuan roared and punched the sky!

The violent fist wave gathered into another magic power column, spinning and flying towards the sky!

Its power was too terrifying and its speed was too fast. It rubbed out circles of purple lightning in the void, and contained the origin of the stars. This magic power column was like a giant purple dragon roaring with its head raised, swallowing the stars and the moon!

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what Luo Chuan was doing.

In another tenth of a second, Luo Chuan's magic power fist wave bypassed the magic power column of Tianhua Palace, and arrived first, drilling into the clouds and haze at the top of the sky!


A loud noise came from the top of the sky!

Luo Chuan punched the sky, smashed directly into the sky, shook off the haze, and shattered the last two moments of night!

The night faded ahead of time, and the day came ahead of time!

The first ray of morning light fell on the mountain realm, and the yin and yang of heaven and earth were divided here!

The southeast, northwest, from the Central Plains to overseas, from overseas to the river of love! Thousands of profound cultivators raised their heads and looked in shock at the direction of the empty mountain realm! Tens of thousands of fierce spirits and beasts opened their mouths, widened their eyes, and stared at the sky!

The unchanging laws of time in the southern region of the sky were forcibly broken by someone!

From today, until who knows how many years later!

The day in the southern region of the sky will come two moments earlier, and the night in the southern region of the sky will end two moments earlier!

Although it is only two short moments, for those who practice, the extremely precise laws of the Zhoutian will undergo tremendous changes because of these two moments!

It was all because of a terrifying strong man in the southeast of the Central Plains who went crazy for some unknown reason and risked the fate of the heavens and broke the heavenly time with one punch!

In all directions of the Southern Region, countless cultivators were either counting with their fingers or passing flying cranes, speculating and discussing who was the master who did it.

Over the empty mountain realm, the sky was blasted into a big hole by Luo Chuan.

Daylight arrived early, and the purple fist wave still left a shallow tail mark.

The Tianhua Palace's magical pillar is still falling. In another moment, it will sweep the empty mountain world into slag.

Almost everyone was attracted by Luo Chuan's sky-breaking punch. No one noticed that two mysterious patterns appeared in Luo Chuan's pupils, except Zhou Buchen who was standing beside him.

Yin and Yang are divided, day and night alternate, this moment is the most mysterious and magical moment between heaven and earth, in a day.

Even the most terrifying Tianmen Xuanshen in the upper world will reveal the only flaw at this moment.

Night falls, day is born, the world is born from Yin to Yang, Luo Chuan finally caught the flaw of the Tianhua Palace Tianmen Patriarch!

Under the Tianmen, the holy infant with two circles of halo behind his head followed closely, pacing on the sea of ​​thoughts.

"Yin and Yang are the most mysterious."

"It can exist or perish. It can rise or fall."

"Cause and effect are the tricky way."

"It can be hidden or revealed. It can change or reverse."

"Life and death are the big things."

"It can be a blessing or a disaster. It can be performed or a disaster."

"Use the power of Yin and Yang to prove the truth of life and death, distinguish cause and effect... break the gate of heaven!"

The little saint raised his head, pointed to the sky with one hand and pointed down with the other hand, his eyes glowed, and he shouted.

"Use the power of Yin and Yang to prove the truth of life and death, distinguish cause and effect... break the gate of heaven!" In the central arena of the empty mountain realm, Luo Chuan raised his head and slapped out two entangled innate mysterious patterns with his palms, his pupils were dim and empty: "Break them for me!"

The two innate mysterious patterns flew out, but scattered like endless night rain in the middle, fluttering and silently sprinkled into the bodies of every person in the mountain realm.

All this, from the beginning to the end, was seen by Zhou Buchen alone.

"So this is your back-up plan... My brother is actually a Tianmen cultivator." Zhou Buchen murmured in a low voice, his eyes closed and opened, his breath soared uncontrollably, his mana cultivation skyrocketed, and in an instant he had climbed to the peak of the fourth stage of Nascent Soul!

Under the first ray of morning light, something strange happened.

On the Tianhua Palace side, tens of thousands of cultivators, regardless of strength, all had drastic changes in their faces. Feeling the sudden drop in mana and skill in their bodies, everyone's eyes showed fear and disbelief.

In an instant, three or four hundred Guixu cultivators were all beaten back to the Nascent Soul Realm! More than half of the more than four thousand Nascent Soul cultivators fell back to the True Dan Realm! The rest of the cultivators were also beaten back to their original forms!

On the other hand, on the side of the Empty Mountain Realm, more than one hundred peak masters of the Empty Mountain Realm, more than two thousand disciples of the Empty Mountain Realm, one hundred and fifty Dazhou Nascent Soul cultivators, including Lu Daoran and others, were all rising wildly.

A series of mysterious lights shot out from the eyes of the elders of the Empty Mountain Realm, like golden light pillars, directly hitting the sky!

More than one hundred elders of Kongxu Mountain Realm all ascended to the Return to Void Realm in an instant! A small half of the one hundred and fifty Great Zhou monks also possessed the magic power of the Return to Void Realm.

Nearly two hundred Return to Void Realm monks rose from the side of Kongxu Mountain Realm! Facing the sky, they punched at the same time!


The attack of ten thousand people from Tianhua Palace was blocked by two hundred murderous Return to Void monks! The pillar of magic power was cut off, and then turned into powder and disappeared. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: I have something urgent to do in the afternoon, so the two updates in the evening may be late, sorry. I see that Canghai Yunfeiyang has been promoted to the alliance, thank you very much, and I will add one more update for you tomorrow!

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