Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 424: Impact!

After the conflict between Qin Sheng and Luo Chuan, the atmosphere in the cannon fodder camp became tense.

Qin Sheng, Li Yutian and Yuan Xi were ready to fight, and their monks were also gathering their strength, full of confidence, preparing for the battle that would take place soon.

Endless rumors spread from the cannon fodder camp.

More than 80% of the prisoner monks began to discuss Luo Chuan and Boss Bai in private, saying nothing more than "Boss Luo is afraid of Qin Sheng and the others", "Boss Luo has been unwilling to fight because he was seriously injured", "Boss Luo and Boss Bai were both seriously injured, and ten days is just a delaying tactic".

Neither the monks on Boss Luo's side nor Boss Bai's side responded to the rumors. Many monks who originally attached to Luo and Bai left and joined Qin Sheng and the others. The core monks under Luo and Bai were in a hurry all day, frowning, serious and nervous, and hardly talked to anyone.

The monks under Qin Sheng and his two subordinates became more and more arrogant, often running to Luo Chuan's cell to ridicule and abuse. The core monks of Luo and Bai sneered and ignored them, which seemed to be a sign of weakness in the eyes of others.

Everything seemed to confirm those rumors.

Gradually, there was only one voice left in the cannon fodder camp. Before the war in ten days began, Qin Sheng and his two subordinates had already shown a tendency to become the boss of the cannon fodder camp.

In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

More than 300 monks with excited faces and high spirits gathered in Luo Chuan's independent cell.

At the feet of the monks, the bones and skins of nearly a hundred void beasts and elixirs were piled up. These alone were worth more than 1 billion Saint Yuan coins. Not to mention the "magic weapons" forged from the bones of beasts in the hands of the monks.

"How many brothers died in total?" Luo Chuan asked while putting the piles of bones and elixirs into the storage ring.

Looking at the valuable inner elixirs of the bones and skins of the void beasts. Boss Bai felt a little distressed, but now the right to speak was in Luo Chuan's hands, and he could only watch Luo Chuan pocket the wealth.

"There are fifteen people on my side." Boss Bai said lightly.

"Boss, we have also lost nine brothers here. Including you, there are only two hundred and ninety-seven brothers left." Wang Hu said.

It only cost twenty-four people to dig out a passage to the bronze plane. Luo Chuan was quite satisfied, and Yu Guangzhong. Boss Bai also had a calm face, obviously not caring about the death of fifteen people.

"So, let's start the attack now." Luo Chuan waved his hand and jumped out of the void crack first.

A large purple gourd appeared at Luo Chuan's feet. The gourd swelled against the wind and became more than a thousand feet in a blink of an eye, turning into a giant boat. Its sharp mouth was facing forward. Its butt was facing backward.

As soon as Luo Chuan stood on the gourd mouth, Boss Bai flashed and spit out a precious sword, which was inserted into the gourd mouth with the tip facing forward.

More and more cultivators appeared above the Nanhai Immortal Gourd, with excitement on their faces. Sitting cross-legged behind Luo Chuan and Boss Bai.

"I and Boss Bai will control the flying direction of the gourd, and you guys release the strength of your physical body to push the gourd together! I have drawn the weakest point on the bronze plane. As long as you can break through that point, you can break the bronze plane!"

Luo Chuan sat in front of the gourd. Release the idea of ​​Tianmen, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He secretly chanted the formula: "Gourd, gourd, do what I want! Charge!"


From behind the squid-like buttocks of the South China Sea Immortal Gourd, a group of purple starlight burst out, and the gourd trembled violently, and finally shot out with a bang!

In the vortex-shaped void corridor, the South China Sea Immortal Gourd carried more than 300 strong monks and rushed to the bronze wall on the other side!

The shape of the void corridor was deduced and designed by five immortal monks among the more than 300 core monks under Luo Chuan, which can maximize the gourd's own gravity and speed.

Luo Chuan only made the gourd give out a thrust once, and the consumption of the six-star origin was so little that it could be almost ignored. However, due to the shape of the void tunnel, the flying speed of the Nanhai Immortal Gourd became faster and faster. After the full sprint, it was almost reaching the speed at which it consumed the source.

On the mouth of the gourd, the precious sword inserted by Boss Bai flashed with brilliance, showing its hardness and sharpness.

The strong wind blew through the monks, lifting their long hair and robes to flutter and shake.

When they were only halfway to the bronze plane, Luo Chuan stood tall and proudly at the mouth of the gourd, with his long hair flying high, like a lone eagle picking its feathers in the wind!

"Brothers! Use your strength!" Luo Chuan raised his head and shouted.

"Use your strength!"

More than 300 monks stood up at the same time, opened their mouths and shouted, and the strength of their bodies surged out.

The monks under Luo Chuan subconsciously released the Demon Luo Immortal Smoke, while Boss Bai's men were all wrapped in a thin layer of ice and snow.

Above the gourd, two streams of qi, one black and one white, exchanged and rotated, turning into a driving force!

The speed of the gourd doubled again, and it was still rising!

Soon, the monks on the Nanhai Xian Gourd could see the bronze wall in front of them and a dot on the bronze wall.

"Brother Luo, is that dot really feasible?" asked Boss Bai.

After more than ten days of cooperation, Emperor Bailong has already called Luo Chuan a brother.

"Why are you so anxious, Brother Bai? You will know it soon." Luo Chuan said.

That dot is the most basic point in Luo Chuan's skill. In a face, it must be the weakest point. As long as you calculate and outline that point, break that point, and the whole face will break!

Among the high-level monks in the Nine Heavens, there are people who study the way of skills, but more of them are dismissive of the way of skills. However, Emperor Bailong is obviously not the former.

Just as Luo Chuan and Boss Bai were talking, Nanhai Xianmeng finally hit the bronze wall!


The precious sword inserted in the mouth of the gourd stabbed at that point fiercely!

The gourd trembled violently, and except for Luo Chuan and Bai Lao Da, all the other monks on the gourd were driven out by the strong inertia, and hit the bronze wall heavily, and fell dizzy.

When the monks got up, they looked at that point, and their faces suddenly became very ugly.

Although the precious sword stabbed that point, there was not even a trace of damage at that point, let alone the whole surface.

Everyone looked at Luo Chuan.

"Don't worry. If it was so easy to break, countless people would have escaped long ago." Luo Chuan said lightly: "Push the gourd back. Try again."

"Haha, Brother Luo is right. Brothers, don't be discouraged." Bai Lao Da laughed.

The monks exerted their strength. Push the gourd back to a distance and hit that point again.

Once, twice, three times... After a whole day, after hitting 235 times, a tiny scratch finally appeared on that point.

Although it is very small and can only be captured by careful observation, it is also a great encouragement for the monks who are about to be disappointed.

However, at this moment, the precious sword in the gourd mouth made a click, shattered into pieces, and scattered into the void.

The monks fell into panic again.

"Don't panic." Luo Chuan waved his hand and spit out a three-meter-long green sword.

"Huh? Four wings of green light? Good sword!" Bai Lao Da praised, and then his face turned cold: "Brother Luo, you are too unkind. You clearly told me before that you have no other treasures."

Luo Chuan ignored Bai Lao Da and inserted the three-meter green sword into the gourd mouth.

The monks looked at the three-meter green sword, their confidence was boosted, and they exerted their strength again, impacting that point.

Another day passed!

Another full three hundred impacts!

The scratches on the bronze plane also spread into a three-meter-long gap!

After so many collisions, the three-meter green sword was also shaky. The brilliance was dim, and there was a trend of weakness.

"Put more strength! Make the gap deeper! Maybe the sealing array will loosen, and then we don't need to break the entire bronze plane, and we can teleport out with the power of the treasure alone." Luo Chuan said encouraging words to maintain the fighting spirit of the monks.

"Brother Luo is right. According to my estimation, at most three hundred more times, this bronze wall will be broken through." Boss Bai also said.

Under the encouragement of the two again and again. More than 300 monks still maintained a high enthusiasm, and everyone looked expectant.

However, including Luo Chuan and Emperor Bailong, they did not realize that outside the independent cell, a large group of people and tens of thousands of monks had already gathered.

For two whole days, not only did they not see Luo Chuan and Boss Bai, but none of their core monks appeared, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

Qin Sheng and others were full of doubts, but they did not dare to go in to inquire because of Luo Chuan's residual power.

Until today, Qin Sheng finally couldn't help it and summoned all his monks, but he wanted to tear up the agreement and start the war in advance.

"Boss Luo! You are such a coward! Boss Qin is here! Why don't you get out of here!"

"When Boss Qin, Boss Li and Boss Yuan were not here, you and Boss Bai were so arrogant! You looked down on everyone else! Now that Boss Qin is here, you are acting like a grandson! Ugh!"

"You still call him Boss Luo? How can a man like him, who is afraid of death, be qualified to be a boss!"

"Hahaha, as expected, Boss Luo has already fallen into Boss Bai's gentle love. He is afraid of death and is no longer a hero!"

Two loud-voiced monks shouted and cursed in front of the prison cell. After shouting for a long time without any response, the two monks sneered at each other with a sarcastic look.

Tens of thousands of prisoner monks, including several bosses subdued by Qin Sheng, also showed expressions of indifference and disdain.

"Humph, this Luo Chuan is clearly a coward!" Li Yutian said in a muffled voice.

"Such a person can actually be the boss in the cannon fodder camp? I don't know why the monks under the surname Luo and the surname Bai would choose to follow them. Wang Hu and his men are so devoted. Are they really stupid fools?" The original boss said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense. Since he doesn't dare to come, let's go in." Qin Sheng's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand and smiled playfully: "Brothers, rush in! Let's see what those two cowards are doing!"

The prisoner monks laughed loudly, and the laughter resounded throughout the cannon fodder camp.

Under the leadership of Qin Sheng, tens of thousands of monks rushed into Luo Chuan's prison.

There was no one at the entrance of the prison. The monks laughed and cursed loudly, drove straight in, and swept into the depths of the prison.

The deeper they went, the more Qin Sheng's three bosses felt that something was wrong. Gradually, tens of thousands of monks fell silent, and everyone was full of doubts.

In the prison, not even a single figure could be found!

The subordinates of Boss Luo and Boss Bai clearly came in and out from here a few days ago!

Where did Boss Luo, Boss Bai, and the hundreds of cultivators under them go? Did they just disappear out of thin air?

Soon, Qin Sheng and the other three leaders led everyone to the depths of the prison cell. At a glance, everyone saw the gap in the void.

Including Qin Sheng’s three leaders, tens of thousands of cultivators were petrified in an instant!

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