Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1,235: How to Forget

That year, the empress Rakshasa had just assumed the position of leader. Although most of the forces within the teaching palace were controlled by Rakshasa, most of the three thousand demonic ways outside the teaching palace were still unsatisfactory, and the situation was not yet stable. +

In the land of chaos, the paradise of demon cultivators, among the demon cultivators, 90% of male cultivators are willing to obey a woman, even if this woman is the empress Rakshasa.

That day, the Hunhai Demon Sect caused trouble again. The troublemaker was a top sub-emperor, but this sub-emperor also had another identity. His surname was Kong, he came from the Beitian Ranch, and he was a great master of the pastoral and immortal profession.

He didn't bring a single demon cultivator with him, but he only brought two things - a sky-roaring nine-clawed sea dragon, and a nine-headed deep-headed Suan Ni!

On the list of beasts in the chaotic sea, the Nine-clawed Sea Dragon and the Nine-Headed Suan Ni ranked second and the other ranked third, second only to the Chaos Kunpeng and still above the Hybrid Emperor Qilin!

The great master of the Pastoral Way refused to accept the control of the Empress Rakshasa and came to the White Lotus Abyss with two ferocious beasts to negotiate, just to establish another branch of the Hunhai Demonic Way. He came all the way, wreaking havoc and wreaking havoc. Wherever he went, the strong men of the Demon Palace were retreating steadily, and even several emperor palace masters could not stop him. In those few days, a major event happened in the Demonic Palace. King Maya came all the way to seek refuge and was canonized as the palace master by the Empress Rakshasa. Nine brothers from Foshan in the West were present at the same time, and their words were not very pleasant.

And when the great pastoral master came with two strange beasts and clamored to negotiate with the leader outside the palace, the leader had no expression on his face and just glanced at King Maya. King Maya laughed loudly and drew his sword on the spot to challenge. Before he could finish his second sentence, the nine brothers from Foshan in the West sacrificed their relics and turned into a giant Buddha. They flew out of the White Lotus Abyss and subdued the Nine-Headed Abyss Suan Ni and Xiao Tian with seven moves. The nine-clawed sea dragon killed the sub-emperor surnamed Kong. The scene was so shocked that King Maya was silent for a long time.

The strength of the two ferocious beasts is higher than that of the hybrid emperor Qilin. The level of terror can be imagined, but the Nine Buddhas only used seven moves to subdue them, which was far more difficult than killing two ferocious beasts.

That day, the nine brothers from Foshan in the West merged and transformed into Buddhas. They used such terrifying methods for the first time, and the entire Hunhai Demon Dao was shaken. Therefore, Foshan in the west and the three magic caves in the southeast, north and south guard all sides of the sea. But the status is special and transcendent.

Protector Wan still remembers that the leader once said that although the combination of the nine Buddhas is powerful, they will never use it again unless absolutely necessary, because every time they combine, they have to withstand the impact of the Buddha's heart and the devil's heart, which is a double-edged sword for their state of mind. The sword may complete the transformation in severe pain and stand up again after being broken, or it may be shattered in this state of mind. His cultivation plummeted.

But at least today, it seems that the process of their union is far more stable than that year. During these years in the chaos, their state of mind has obviously become more and more stable, and the day of transformation is not far away.

"Something bad is going to happen..."

Protector Wan gritted his teeth and quickly turned his head to look at the leader in the palace.

With the relics of the nine great Buddhas united, there is no suspense in this battle. With the Arctic Aegis Talisman around, the Wuming Master's movements are even weirder. It can't cause any harm to the nine Buddhas, and the nine Buddhas are combined to form the Bliss Buddha. Not to mention the unknown master, even the leader may not be able to subdue the nine Buddhas while still recovering from his injuries.

Leader... think of a solution quickly...

Through the flying gauze on the palace pavilion, Protector Wan finally saw the leader.

The leader was expressionless as usual, standing in front of the high pavilion. There was no tenderness in the cold eyes that Protector Wan had imagined. They were still cold, but their eyes were very focused.

Simply focused and without any worries, the leader stood quietly like this. There was no sign of next steps either.

"The leader is not worried at all...Why, she and the unknown Taoist just spent the night...dual cultivation of the furnace..."

Protector Wan felt uneasy. Even if the leader didn't care about the unknown Taoist's life or death, these nine Buddhas were obviously coming to the leader today, so the leader had to do something. Otherwise, after Jiu Buddha defeats or even kills the unknown Taoist, he will directly face the leader.

Just as she was thinking about it, there was a bang!

Turning his head quickly, Protector Wan's delicate body trembled, and he saw the Aurora Shield under the Arctic Aegis Talisman suddenly shaking violently!

The Aurora Dharma Shield has not cracked, fallen, or opened. However, its surface seems to have become soft and loose, like sea water or mist.

"What...what's going on..."

Protector Xia Yu on the side rubbed his eyes, stared at the scene in front of him, and swallowed hard: "He...he, he squeezed in?"

Protector Wan said nothing, but his heart was also full of shock and surprise.

In the center of the aurora shield that shook like mist and sea water, the white-robed monk stopped at some point. He stopped walking in circles. The black lotuses under his feet all burst into pieces at the moment he stopped, turning into clouds of turbidity. The gray mist surrounded him and the aurora shield. This scene is surprising enough, but what is even more surprising is yet to come - facing the Arctic Aegis Talisman, the first defensive talisman that has become famous over the years, the unknown Taoist raised his feet and stepped forward at a speed visible to the naked eye. He rolled over the Aurora Shield bit by bit, and crushed it in arrogantly!

Dong dong dong dong... the heartbeats of the female envoys quickened.

Looking at the man whose upper body Taoist robe had been shattered and scattered in the aurora shield, revealing his straight and muscular body, Protector Wan subconsciously wanted to look away, but he couldn't help but want to look. In an instant, she suddenly understood why she had a crush on this unknown Taoist. From the corner of her eye, she saw Xia Yu and others secretly looking at the naked Taoist with blushing faces. Protector Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was not the only one. That one.

The Aurora Shield shook again, and finally retreated under Luo Chuan's crushing, breaking open a human-shaped cave.

Luo Chuan tiptoed lightly, stepped into the Aurora Shield, looked at the nine Buddhas in front of him who were waiting in full battle array, and smiled. A circle of gray mist surrounded him, chaotic and primitive, vast and empty.

"This is the first principle of the Chaos Ancient Body. Has it been stepped onto the first level?"

Feeling that the connection between himself and the world has become different again, Luo Chuan muttered to himself.

He was able to break the Aurora Shield under the Arctic Shield Talisman, not entirely relying on his physical strength. With his physical body trained by the "Dragon Body Technique", it was not enough to break the world's first defensive talisman. The reason why he was able to crush the Aurora Shield was because of the power of the Chaos Ancient Body.

"Dragon Body Technique" cultivates the physical body, while the Chaos Ancient Body cultivates the connection between the physical body and the world. When the chaos was not opened, all things in the world turned into a point, hidden in the central core of the chaos. At that time, everything was mixed with you and I was mixed with you, and it was difficult to distinguish them.

And Luo Chuan just took a lotus step by step to create the artistic conception of the mixing and blending of all things before the chaos.

When he and all things in the world turned into chaos, he and all things in the world became one, and all things in the world included the Arctic Shield Talisman and the Aurora Shield. Relying on the Dao of the Chaos Ancient Body, Luo Chuan crushed the Aurora Shield in a magical and jaw-dropping way and easily broke the Arctic Shield Talisman.

"How dare you!"


"Hahaha! So what if you broke it! It's so hard to get in, but you're seeking your own death!"

The nine great Buddhas calmed down their fear and stared at the nameless Taoist under them. The nine pairs of Buddha eyes were full of confidence, with three parts of kindness and three parts of majesty in their expressions, and the remaining four parts were devilish and arrogant!

The relics merged, and the Buddha of Paradise was born. In the current Hunhai Demon Dao where the Queen Rakshasa was imprisoned, he was an invincible existence!

The sea of ​​suffering is endless, and there is no shore to turn back!

Ever since the Great Sadness and Cold Heaven was broken, the three Buddhas fell, the nine Buddhas fled, and finally betrayed the Holy Buddha Domain and joined the devil's way, the Buddha's heart of the nine of them began to fall little by little, and the Buddha's state of mind was also occupied by the sea of ​​suffering!

The only way for them to save themselves is to give birth to a blissful Buddha from the sea of ​​suffering, and use bliss to fight against the boundless suffering, so as to save their fallen state of mind, and one day they will break and then stand up, and complete the transformation!

It must be said that although their road was difficult, it was still successful.

Wow... Wow...

In the air, above the boundless sea of ​​suffering, the smiling blissful ancient Buddha lowered his head, looked at Luo Chuan with compassion and mercy, and chanted the Buddha's name.

"Damanima... Daoyou, the sea of ​​suffering is endless, it is better to return to my bliss! If you don't return now, when will you return!"

The Buddhist sound rolled, accompanied by the powerful power of compassion and killing, echoing inside and outside the demon palace of the entire Lotus Abyss.

At one time, countless elders and guardians of the Demon Palace, including the disciples of the Teaching Palace who had witnessed the fusion of the nine Buddha relics that year, raised their heads and looked towards the direction of the Jade Sky Palace in surprise, their hearts and minds shaken.

That year, the nine Buddhas combined to send down the ancient Buddha to suppress the beast and kill the Grandmaster Mu Dao. Even if ten or twenty years have passed, no one in the Teaching Palace will forget it.

The heartstrings of the female servants including the guardian Wan were tense, and they looked nervously at the nameless Taoist who was not even half the height of the Buddha of Bliss. Anxiety and insecurity were written on their faces.

Behind the gauze curtain of the Jade Sky Palace, the female emperor Luosha, whose cultivation had almost recovered, stood quietly. In the whole audience, she was the only one who was not intimidated by the momentum of the Buddha of Bliss. There was no wave in her eyes, and her expression was as cold as ever. But if the guardian Wan could change the angle, perhaps she could see that the left hand of the female emperor, which was behind her back, unconsciously clenched slightly.

Suddenly, a smile flashed across her face. It was Luo Chuan, who was standing at the foot of the Bliss Buddha, who suddenly laughed.

He was still able to laugh at this time, which at least showed that the tyrannical power of the Bliss Buddha could not affect the stability of his physical body.

Luo Chuan smiled like this, and his face was looming in the chaotic mist, sometimes clear, sometimes blurry, but he allowed the nine Buddhas to see his appearance clearly.

The nine Buddhas, whose momentum and confidence were rising, suddenly froze.

Dongdong... Dongdongdong... Dongdongdongdong!

The nine former Buddhist masters from the Holy Buddha Realm stared at the face in disbelief, and their heartbeats gradually accelerated, much faster than any time before!

This face... How could they forget it! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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