Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1064: Restoration of Strength


Luo Chuan stopped, turned around, looked at the two people in a state of confusion, and smiled slightly: "If you leave, what will you do to restore the True Lord Tian Shen?"

Huang Xie and Tuoba Xiong were stunned and didn't react for a moment.

"Luo Chuan, what nonsense are you talking about? You betrayed True Lord Tian She, do you think he will still be lenient to you?" Huang Xie said through gritted teeth.

"Luo Chuan! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" Tuoba Xiong vomited two more mouthfuls of blood in a hurry.

Behind them, the Heavenly Serpent Lord was flying slowly over the blood pool.


Feeling the approach of the rich bloody aura, Tuoba Xiong swayed, his face showing despair.

Huang Xie's eyes widened and he stared at Luo Chuan with hatred on his face.

The so-called genius who looked like a wallflower before them brought them hope, but then plunged them into despair again.

At this time, Luo Chuan no longer paid attention to the two Demonic Dao Sub-Emperors. He made seals with his hands and continued to perform Dao techniques. Every time he made a move, Lord Tian She would change his posture, like a puppet being controlled, making some kind of subtle adjustments as Luo Chuan's handprints changed.

While in Junyue City, Luo Chuan asked Li Quanfu to take in these two people, originally intending to take them for his own use. But as the situation changed, Luo Chuan broke through to the first level of the heavens. He himself had the strength to rival the four sub-emperors, and he had long looked down on these two people. The only use of these two people is to treat the injuries of the Heavenly Serpent Emperor.

"This is……"

"How can this be……"

Huang Xie and Tuoba Xiong looked at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

They are all sub-emperor level experts and have extensive knowledge. He has superb eyesight, but he can't see what is going on in front of him.

The Dharmakaya outside the body... Luo Chuan is clearly controlling an Dharmakaya outside the body! If this is really the case... then the Lord of the Demon Cult Palace... Lord Tian Snake... wouldn't it be...

Huang Xie swallowed his saliva, and a sickly blush appeared on Tuoba Xiong's face. At this time, the Luo Chuan in their eyes was no longer the wallflower that made them sneer with disdain, but a wily and scheming person who even brought the empress to the throne. A terrifying and calculated villain.

It turned out that he had discovered the primary and secondary blood seals a long time ago, so he only shattered the primary seal and deliberately left the secondary blood seal so that the Empress could see the scene when he betrayed True Lord Tian She to save people. Even if the empress has doubts. He can also find excuses to escape suspicion. If he seeks refuge with the Empress in the future, with his scheming, he may be able to become her confidant step by step.

No matter how clever the Empress Rakshasa was, she would never have expected it. Such a young monk in his thirties. He turned out to be the real master of the Demon Palace. The manipulator behind the entire Tianchen Outer Territory!

...Who would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, no. Leader Luo. Our blood seal has been removed and we are no longer afraid of the Empress Rakshasa. We are willing to sneak into the Demonic Palace for Leader Luo and act as the internal agents of Leader Luo in the Demonic Palace!" Tuoba Xiong showed a humble smile and tried to please him. said.

Huang Xie stiffened his face and forced a smile: "Master Luo! As long as you spare our lives, we are willing to accept the blood seal. From now on, we are all yours."

Luo Chuan glanced at the two of them: "What's the use of two sub-emperors who can't even defeat the first level of the heavens?"

Tuoba Xiong and Huang Xie smiled bitterly at the same time. It is true that Luo Chuan is a first-order all-heaven, but he is a first-order all-heaven with the clone of the emperor! How can he be an ordinary first-level emperor who can subdue an emperor's clone?

"Besides, you are my great medicine to cure Lord Tian She." Luo Chuan said slowly and leisurely.

Hearing this, Tuoba Xiong and Huang Xie's expressions changed again and again. Before they could run away, the Heavenly Serpent Lord above the blood pool swept them into the blood pool with a flick of his finger.


The two fell into a pool of blood and soon lost their voice.

"Whether he can be cured or not depends on this."

Luo Chuan used the seal method with his hands to control True Lord Heavenly Snake, while True Lord Heavenly Snake controlled the blood pool, constantly gathering the essence and blood spiritual energy in the blood pool, and poured it into Tuoba Xiong and Huang Xie's bodies.

Time passed little by little, and two huge human-shaped shadows appeared in the blood pool, sinking to the bottom of the blood pool, with blood bubbles bubbling out. Huang Xie and Tuoba Xiong are dead, but in a sense, they are still alive, but in another form. Their physical bodies and consciousness have disappeared, leaving only the rich vitality that is refined with the continuous influx of blood essence in the blood pool, gradually transforming into a pure "natal soul".

This kind of existence, half alive and half dead, can also be said to be between life and death, but it is more like the great replenishing pill that Luo Chuan refined through the Heavenly Snake Blood Pool and the way of life and death that he once again understood after breaking through the first level of the heavens! This human elixir is made from the life of the human sub-emperor. The life is completely separated from the body and consciousness, making it extremely pure. It is then refined with the blood pool to continuously improve its life until it reaches the level where it can repair the True Lord Tian Shen. .

Among them, the powerful destiny, blood pool and morality of life and death of human masters are indispensable. Therefore, these methods can only be used to repair and replenish True Lord Tian Shen's destiny.

I don't know how long it took, but in the blood pool, the two "Human Pills" were finally refined by Luo Chuan.

True Monarch Tian She opened his eyes, opened his mouth and swallowed the two "Human Pills" together with the Emperor's Blood God-Returning Pill refined by Taoist Kong Kong.

An aura of prosperity rose from the body of True Monarch Tian She, and the brilliance in those four-pupil eyes gradually became brighter, including the energy and spirit.

"It's done."

On the other side of the blood pool, Luo Chuan looked at the Heavenly Snake True Lord whose energy and blood were replenished again, and his aura was getting closer to the level before the injury, with a look of joy on his face.

This breakthrough to the All Heavens Realm has yielded huge rewards. Not only does he have the strength to exceed that of the top sub-emperors, but his understanding of the morality of life and death has also gone one step further. The morality of life and death is what he has gained from the first level of the Heavens and Heavens Realm.

"It's a pity that they are only the lives of two sub-emperors, and they have been severely injured before. If there are a few more sub-emperors, or even emperors exist, and they can be refined into human elixirs, it may be possible for True Monarch Tian Snake to go one step further."

Luo Chuan looked at the sky above the blood pool, where the Heavenly Snake Lord had regained his full strength, and murmured in a low voice.

"In less than a day, Mr. Kongkong probably hasn't finished training yet. It is said that there are many powerful ferocious beasts in the depths of the sea, some of which are even as strong as a sub-emperor. Why not give them a try."

Wow... Wow...

Under the night, the waves are piled up, the dark night sky and the gray sea surface are dark. The darker the night, the bigger the wind and waves become.

On the sea more than a thousand miles to the west of the continent where the Great Freedom Country is located, wind and waves are rising one after another. Twenty or so Daolun realm monks are besieging a dragon beast whose strength is equivalent to the third level of the heavens. The dragon beast roared wildly, spraying ink-colored venom continuously. Although the twenty or so monks were only in the Daolun realm, there were five magic circle monks and three demon-sealing monks among them. Each showed their skills and cooperated with each other tacitly. The beating also made the dragon beast howl and howl.

"Senior Brother Lu, be careful!"

A green-clothed female Taoist who controlled the demon-sealing screamed in surprise.

The monk who was called Senior Brother Lu was maintaining the magic circle. Leng Buding was shot by a dragon beast at the end of the road and hit his left leg with an ink-colored thunderbolt. He screamed in pain, his hands were messed up, and the magic circle came to a standstill.

Naturally, the dragon beast would not miss this opportunity. It shook its head and roared, and slapped Senior Brother Lu with one claw.


Senior Brother Lu was rescued by several other monks, but a gap was broken through the magic circle by a dragon beast.


The dragon beast flew out of the magic circle, became ferocious, opened its mouth to crush two sealed demons, and pounced on the monks who were besieging it.

"Quickly retreat!"

The face of the leader, the fourth-level Daolun monk, changed slightly. He released his flying sword and led the other monks back.

"Elder brother, what should we do now!"

"What else can we do! The magic circle can no longer trap it. We have failed tonight! If we don't leave, we will be harmed by it!"

"We can't leave! If we don't get another dragon bead tonight and delay the elixir refining period, Senior Sister Fang's leg will never recover!"

"Yes, we risked our lives and finally lured this dragon beast from the Abyss of Ten Thousand Flood Dragons. If it escapes, we won't be able to attract another one in the future!"

The monks were arguing while running away. It was not difficult to tell from their words that they were from the same sect.

The tall monk at the head frowned and thought hard. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said: "Let's go! Go to the Great Freedom Country! Whether it is Canghai Academy or the Great Freedom Country, as long as we can get someone to take action, it will be easy to kill this dragon beast. "

"But senior brother..." The female Taoist priest in green looked embarrassed: "The prices they charge are very expensive. Especially the bunch of scholars from Canghai Academy. It would be fine if they met the gentlemen in the academy, but if they met those shameless The scholar will definitely trick us all to death.”

"I know this too...but Junior Sister Fang's legs can't be delayed any longer. The alchemy master said that the only remaining medicinal ingredient is dragon beads."

After the leader monk finished speaking, he no longer hesitated and led everyone to fly towards the Great Freedom.

Behind them, the crazy dragon beast chased and beat them fiercely, spraying venom from time to time.

There were still a hundred miles away from Zhoulu, and just as the monks were considering whether to go to Canghai Academy or the Kingdom of Freedom, suddenly, a strange sound came from the sea near a small town on the border of the Kingdom of Freedom.

The sound was intermittent but continuous, echoing in everyone's ears with an indescribable artistic conception.

The dragon beast obviously heard the sound, and there was a trace of confusion in its eyes. It glanced at the chasing group of monks complicatedly, turned around, and flew towards the small town.

"what happened?"

"Why did the dragon beast run away?"

"No! Someone is trying to steal our dragon beads!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Brother, where is that place?" a monk asked hurriedly.

"I have been to Qiwu Town in the Great Freedom Country before when I traveled to the Great Freedom Country... but I have never heard of any powerful people in the town, let alone any sect. Come on, let's go and have a look."

The leading monk led everyone and turned around and flew towards Qiwu Town.

Before flying a few miles, a look of shock appeared on the faces of the group. The dragon beast that had been chasing them for hundreds of miles suddenly let out a miserable howl, but was choked by a giant transparent hand stretched out from the sea. , pulled into the sea without any resistance. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.

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