Supreme God King

Chapter 3764: at this time

Between the primordial universe and the wisdom universe, a huge hanging fortress slowly floats past.

In the fortress, there are tens of thousands of gods and kings.

The volume of this suspended fortress is also quite amazing, with a thousand layers of space, complete laws, and one hundred and twenty-seven great worlds in it.

Ren Xifeng sat in her room. She was always coquettish. At the moment, she was wearing a close-fitting light red armor, looking at a map.

The text and coordinates on the map are floating and constantly changing.

She raised her head.

Opposite her, stood a man with a gloomy face and a strong build.

The man's body was filled with black clouds, and the temperature of the room became like an extremely cold place because of the man.

If it wasn't for a man to play with Ren Xifeng from childhood to adulthood, he would be a childhood sweetheart, and Ren Xifeng would also be wary of this person.

Especially, the man is also a **** king of ten tribulations, the peak overlord.

"There are many materials that can be used to forge immortal crystals." The man slowly said, his voice yin and yang combined, he could not tell whether it was a man's voice or a woman's voice. "According to the emperor, the most suitable raw material is the immortal monument transformed from the supreme law.

But looking at the entire world of meaning, there are only a handful of universes that have condensed perfect supreme laws. In addition to our prehistoric universe, what else? "

"Wisdom Universe." Ren Xifeng said solemnly: "The Wisdom Universe has a long history of blanks. From the discovery of the Wisdom Universe in the World of Meaning, to the establishment of a firm foothold in the Wisdom Universe and the establishment of its rule in the Wisdom Universe, there are more than 300,000 years of history. During the blank period, there is no written record of this history, nor any myths and legends passed down by word of mouth. What future generations know is that the wisdom universe once existed a race that broke the shackles of the flesh and lived completely in the form of spirits and spirits. Domination, they have a high level of civilization and knowledge reserves. The emperor said that the once wisdom universe had a complete system of laws and more than two thousand supreme laws, and more than 30% of these supreme laws were wisdom. Created by the ancient rulers of the universe, they have the ability to create the supreme law, so it can be speculated that they have the ability to create heaven, but whether they did so is still unknown."

"Except for the Primordial Universe and the Wisdom Universe?" the man asked again.

Ren Xifeng shook his head: "The world of meaning is too vast. Except for our hometown, I have only lived in the Eight Kings universe for many years. I don't know what other universes look like. What is the name of the more distant universe? I don’t know. It’s meaningless to consider these. Immortal monuments are something that can be met but not sought. So far, the real material that can be used to refine immortal crystals is pure gold."

Man said: "Beyond the world of meaning, there should be a lot of emptiness, those alien worlds, there should be many with heaven."

Ren Xifeng froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and slowly nodded: "Yes, their process has not been disrupted... Withdraw your mind, our mission is very clear, steal the lost furnace of the wisdom universe, or find a lost furnace Wreckage, bring it back to the prehistoric universe, don’t think about other things."

"Okay." The Yin-Bird man responded softly. "In addition to the furnace, we better be able to steal the drawings of the furnace, or some other useful things. The imprisonment of the Emperor of Heaven is already very old, a long time ago, and the skills and concepts of the world today must be innovative. A lot."


The shady man turned and left.

Ren Xifeng looked at the map in his hand again. After a while, he closed the map and took out a spar from his arms.

On the spar, densely packed words are imprinted.

This is a formula.

A set of processes.

The emperor gave them a method of refining immortal crystals.

Although this formula is very old, it was a formula one billion years ago.

But there is no doubt that the meaning world is willing to pay a huge price to destroy this formula!


Somewhere, some world, some canyon.

The door of a secret prison slowly opened.

This "prison" is actually quite a bit of a misnomer. The birds and flowers between the canyons are fragrant, the geomantic omen is excellent, and there is no high wall, it looks like a paradise.

But this is indeed a prison, for all living beings, and even for many gods and kings, it is a paradise, but for some people, it is a prison.

Just as an ant only needs a leaf to be content, but people can't, ordinary people can be content with a bite of food, but the emperor can't, the same reason.

For immortality, living in such a place is no different from Powahan Kiln, and it is still under house arrest.

The gate of the so-called prison is the gate of a huge fortress at the end of the canyon. When the gate was opened, a tall, muscular man with cold eyes came out.

The man's height is a few feet tall, the upper body is wide, the lower body is tight, and the muscles on his body are shaking violently while walking, and it seems that he will burst out with destructive power at any time.

He is Yin Gu.

Because of continuous dereliction of duty, he was scrutinized by the Faen pillar, and dismissed by the majestic pillar. Although in the end, relying on the power of the family to excuse him, all the guilt was excused, but for these years, he has been on trial and can only live forever In this prison, waiting for trial at any time.

Today, he finally regained his freedom.

All the way out of the canyon, there were already a dozen people waiting for him outside the canyon.

Everyone is wearing a long black mopping robe, and behind the robe is a striking symbol.

This picture symbol means "Yin" in the universal ideograms of the world of meaning.

They are all servants of the Yin family.

A dozen people immediately stepped forward and put the robes, armor, clothes, accessories, etc. in their hands on Yin Gu.

Yin Gu spread his arms and let them wait on his face, expressionless.

At the same time, a servant handed a reward order to Yin Gu.

It is Meng Fan's reward order.

Yin Gu glanced briefly, and said coldly: "It's not like the painting. Can you hear from him?"

"Since the Eight-legged Evil Jiao and Luo Wumei were severely damaged in Liuli Universe, they have disappeared. However, I heard that Chi Family Nineteen has been chasing and killing the alien Meng Fan, but there is no result.

"Release the person and continue to check to find his whereabouts. Besides, where is Chi Jia Xiao Nineteen now?"

"The last news I heard was that Chi's Xiao Nineteen seemed to have arrived in the Eight Kings Universe, but that was the news many years ago."

"Send someone to find Chi's Xiao Nineteen and tell her that Meng Fan can only die in my hands and let her go home to embroider."

"Jianchi will not listen, but his subordinates understand that they will definitely communicate."

The Yin Gu battle armor was already neatly dressed, walking between the undulating mountains beyond the canyon.

Over the years, although he has been under house arrest and can only go out occasionally, he still knows what is happening outside.

Especially the news of Meng Fan. He has been paying attention. There are still a lot of his deployments in the Liuli Universe and Blade Palace, such as Yin Gu Five Blades. The few people who are still living in the three major universes are still Only after the Emperor Hu'er took over, the Five Blades were rejected and not reused because they belonged to Yin Gu’s team. In addition, Yin Gu’s continuous dereliction of duty at that time also had their shadows, so meaning The world has also given symbolic punishment.

But everything, he knows.

When the news that Meng Fan defeated the Eight-legged Evil Jiao and Luo Wumei in Liuli Universe reached Yin Gu's ears, he was stunned.

Since he had fought against Meng Fan, he certainly knew that Meng Fan was indeed a "miracle." Whether looking at history or looking across the current world, there has never been a living creature who is still alive against immortality. Record.

And the power that Meng Fan showed in the black hole at that time, in Yin Gu's view, far surpassed the concept of peak creatures, and was on par with many small immortal first steps. If Yin Gu hadn't already set foot many years ago Entering the second step, if you still fight Meng Fan at the level of the first step, the two sides will definitely be tied.

At that time, as long as the battle continued for some time, Yin Gu was ready to go all out, and at any cost, to kill Meng Fan, Yin Gu could do it.

At the same time, Yin Gu also knew the strength of the Eight-legged Evil Flood.

They all belong to the new army generation, rising at the same time, with similar realms, close in strength, and even the two of them really fought against each other. It is hard to say who wins and who loses. They were actually hit hard by Meng Fan?

What happened in the intervening years?

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