Supreme God King

Chapter 3762: Stupid

Eastern Continent, Temporary Town Defense Department.

After the blockade here, Deputy Cicada converted an abandoned fortress into a temporary town defense hall. After all, the communication between here and the outside world is very limited, so Deputy Cicada basically has the power to control everything.

Outside the temporary town defense hall, there is a jungle.

There are sentries around the jungle, and there are many patrolling kings.

In the jungle, a young man was staring at a leaf in a daze.

There are still many dewdrops hanging on the leaves, and among the dewdrops, there is an emerald green cocoon.

He watched quietly.

The cocoon was shaking gently.

"Hou Luan."

Someone called.

The boy did not look back.

After a while, a tall woman appeared behind the boy, following the boy's gaze, she also noticed the trembling cocoon.

"It's about to transform the butterfly." The woman said.

The teenager nodded: "So, it's spring now."

"There are five seasons in the Eastern Continent, but the five seasons are not very clear, but since the insects are all awake and the butterflies are turning, it is spring." The woman smiled.

"Just about to move." The boy also smiled.

He turned around and looked at the woman: "Is this an evolution?"

The woman was a little strange, she didn't understand why the teenager would ask such a question inexplicably, but just nodded: "That's it."

The juvenile said: "We have been in this carrier for decades, and have absorbed all the power of this carrier, whether it is physical power or spiritual power. Therefore, we also have some feelings for you."

The woman was at a loss. She didn't know what the boy was talking about. She just murmured: "Well...what did you say...?"

"In the beginning, when our race was parasitic on you, the fusion and evolution were not complete, but as time goes by, our fusion with the carrier is getting better and better, and the evolution is getting faster and faster. Now, Perfectly hidden, you won’t be seen to be strange, but there are some things that are difficult to understand no matter how we try, such as feelings, what is it, an emotion, a dependence, a philosophy? But we will soon I will know."

The teenager smiled.

Suddenly shook the woman's hand.

"Sister, join us."


"The monarch is a very powerful symbiosis, and it is also the first to step into this world to complete integration and evolution.

The monarch was born because of evolution. Before the monarch, we did not have the concept of leader, class, culture, system, etc. Our actions are completely random and tend to be instinctive, but with more and more of the same race Perfectly merging with the carrier, absorbing their knowledge and culture, we understand that it is very inefficient and fragile to continue to determine the purpose and trajectory of behavior according to ancient ways and thoughts, meaning the world and all the worlds we have reached before They are all different. This world is very powerful and fierce, especially the immortal realm that transcends the concept of living creatures. We are powerless. When problems arise, we must change ourselves to solve them.

Therefore, the fragmented, inefficient, unorganized, and five-logic behavior pattern must be changed. We need unified actions and plans, and we also need a unified leader.

The monarch took the role he should have.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a huge population of ours used carriers to reach the world of meaning. At that time, our population had a low level of development, but we did not realize that this was our problem. We had learning and learning beyond all beings. The ability to evolve, but does not have the ability to break through. We can only use carriers to achieve evolution. If no more powerful carriers appear, our degree of evolution will be restricted.

So after the species arrived in the world of meaning, it was destroyed, but we still have some of our kinsmen surviving, very few, so small that almost negligible, there are about 40 billion individuals, because of the instinct to seek advantages and avoid harm and what has been done before. Evolution and learning ability, those 40 billion individuals realized that their survival was facing a crisis, so they chose to enter a long hibernation.

The world of meaning is obviously full of hostility to outsiders. They found the universe where our species started and sent two powerful creatures to destroy that universe. One of them was swallowed by us and died, and the other was successfully invaded by our kinsmen. , And returned to the boundary of the world of meaning, the place called Hanhuang Universe. When it just returned, the powerful creature carrier still preserved self-consciousness. Because he was too powerful, especially the spiritual power, it merged and evolved. The speed was slower, but in the end, we succeeded.

All the knowledge, thoughts and philosophy of that carrier have been acquired by our kinsmen. Therefore, our kinsmen have completed an unprecedented evolution. The hundreds of billions of kinsmen living in that carrier have changed the countless years we have used. The behavioral mode and composition mode of the group became a whole with sufficient wisdom and recognizing ability, and separated from that carrier, found a new carrier, and continued to draw strength and knowledge. This group of the same race as a whole is ours. Said the monarch.

The monarch, the king, the leader, we have different names, but the meaning is the same.

He currently has wisdom that surpasses all of our fellow races, and is constantly migrating from one carrier to another. Whenever the power of a carrier is completely drained and there is no use value, he will look for the next more useful carrier. , Continuous evolution.

So far, he is best suited to lead us, and he has done a good job.

However, he almost deserved to die.

His evolution is too vast, and the span is too far. The powerful creatures in this world are far more powerful than the powerful creatures we have known before, and they are not even comparable. It is the difference between one and ten million. In order to be able to adapt, the monarch has evolved too fast and changed too much. In particular, the monarch has been trapped in the Hanhuang universe, and his attitude towards the world of meaning is very determined. He has also begun a plan to destroy the entire Hanhuang universe. The plan was immortality that we can't yet infect, so the monarch chose'degenerate retrograde'.

He split himself into hundreds of billions of individuals. Each individual is very powerful, and records some mental and memory fragments. These hundreds of billions of individuals join other populations to reproduce, live, and pass on knowledge. , So that many populations have gained a certain degree of growth and promotion.

Before splitting himself, the monarch also proposed that we must let our population leave the Hanhuang universe, step into the deeper part of the world of meaning, spread farther, spread faster, and continue to integrate with the creatures of this world. , Evolution, we must multi-evolution, multi-development, and explore more roads.

Part of the monarch finally escaped from the Hanhuang universe after numerous obstacles, and after a long journey, arrived here, the wisdom universe, and completed the spread.

We currently do not have a leader who can unify all species.

But what we can confirm is that in recent years, our population has spread to many corners of this universe, and we have evolved very well. No one in this universe is aware of our existence.

Now, only one question remains.

We must continue to hide, spread slowly, or rise.

Without the monarch, it is difficult for us to make judgments.

Therefore, among us, a new monarch must evolve. "

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