Supreme God King

Chapter 3719: Wolf tribe

"Did you see that star?"

The six-foot-tall commander pointed at a small light spot in the night sky with a Ling Qi.

The commander was wearing a red armor that covered his whole body. With his movements, the red armor glowed, as if the armor was part of his body, his skin.

The height of Liuzhang is also shocking. Some close guards are already very tall, but only the height of the thigh of this commander.

The commander-in-chief was talking with a gentleman and scholar-like man.

But the badge on the man's robe means that he is a deputy.

"A star in nothingness." The deputy commander said.

The commander said: "The star is very far away from the star where we are now stationed, but no matter how far away, we are still visible to the naked eye, that is, the star is only a few days away from us.

That was an unnamed star, which was transformed into a fortress by the unified pillar. Three hundred dead soldiers were stationed in the fortress. They were the top assassins trained by the Fann pillar and possessed the skill to kill with one blow.

But they are not our reinforcements, they will always be stationed on that star until we win.

Before that, any life that crosses that star, whether it is the enemy we are encircling and suppressing, or us, will become the target of these dead men.

The star is a boundary.

Everything on this side of the boundary is not allowed to reach the other side of the boundary.

All kinds of things that happen on this side of the boundary cannot be passed on to that side.

Because what is happening here is terrible. "

The commander-in-chief said, turned his head and looked at the deputy commander: "Remember, unless we win, we will all die here. This is the common meaning of the eight pillars."

The deputy commander was silent.

They looked north together.

Following their gazes, many huge trenches can be seen.

It can't even be described as a trench, but a canyon.

The earth is scorched.

The canyon is also charred.

Even the sky is scorched.

Countless canyons have been spreading forward, and you can see many soldiers from the world of meaning, legions, and apostles from various worlds.

Some fortresses are rising from the ground.

Continue north.

You can see the barriers formed by many formations, barriers, enchantments, and prohibitions.

But these barriers have been riddled with holes.

On both sides of the barrier, corpses piled up like mountains.

In the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, occasionally, some scattered figures suddenly jumped up, and then fought with another figure.

It is conceivable that just a few hours ago, on both sides of this barrier, what fierce battles took place.

However, it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

In the sea of ​​blood, countless corpses were stacked on top of each other and mixed with each other. You could see some emblems of the World Legion, and some emblems of the apostles, but no other corpses in wear.

A woman in a red robe walked on the body.

The woman's face was charming, her red robe was flying, and under the red robe was covered with a golden armor.

The woman was holding a spear and shattered an enemy wearing the armor of the World Legion.

The strange thing is that what a woman wears is also the armor of the world of meaning.

It is the armor of the deputy marshal.

The woman was quite tired, raised her head and looked at the barrier.

She is on this side of the barrier.

And the army of the world of meaning is on the other side of the barrier.

"Who else is there!"

The woman yelled in a hoarse voice.

After a while, from the corpse in the distance, a soldier covered in blood crawled out.

"My lord." The soldier stood up weakly. "'s time to go back."

The woman looked at the soldier, was silent for a moment, and shook her head: "We can't go back."

With that, she picked up the Euphorbia which was longer than her body in one hand, and pointed to the other side of the barrier.

"The fortress just erected blocked the way, and in the fortress, countless divine bows were aimed at this side. As long as we were within the range of divine bow, they would not ask who we were, even if we said it. , They won’t believe it, in their eyes, we are all wolf clan."

The soldier trembled: "Then...what shall"

"Heh." The woman smiled suddenly, and the smile on this charming face looked so miserable. "The funny thing is, I don't know how we should, we have nowhere to go, and no way out."

The soldier said painfully: "After half an hour...our army will shoot skyfire, burn the battlefield, burn the corpse, we..."

"Sky fire is not terrible." The woman looked further north.

There were many black mountains in the direction she was looking.

Yes, for her ten-kilosis **** king, the pinnacle creature, the sky fire nine thunder cannons of the world is not terrible. Maybe thousands of nine thunder cannons erupt together, and the thunder flames shot out are enough to burn the world, but she fell Not to die under the sky fire.

She thought that she would not survive the next shock.

Her eyes flickered suddenly.

In the north, at the end of the sea of ​​blood on Shishan Mountain, she saw a figure.

When she gathered her gaze and looked carefully, she found that the figure was wearing a very close-fitting black soft armor.

It is a young man.

The height is only five feet.

At first glance, it looks like a child.

The man also noticed her gaze, but the man didn't care.

He waved his hand.

Above the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, black rain fell.

The woman immediately lifted the halberd, forming a thick legal barrier, covering herself and the surviving soldier.

The black rain fell on the barrier of law and was immediately evaporated, but at the same time, harsh wailing sounded around the barrier.

The soldiers trembled, shaking uncontrollably.

"Wolf..." The woman smiled. "This name makes us so naive and ridiculous. We can't face the most terrifying enemy in countless years, this... ultimate creation."

Among the thousands of drops of rain, one drop of rain fell from the sea of ​​clouds.

Drifting in the wind.

Then fell on a corpse.

At the same time, some other rainwater also fell on the body.

And the black raindrops that fell first began to wriggle crazily, and then fell down. The rain that hadn't "stand-in" swallowed it, and then penetrated into the corpse below.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

After ten breaths.

The corpse opened his eyes.

In an awkward and weird posture, he got up.

As if this is not his body, he is learning how to control this body again.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​blood, more and more corpses climbed up.

The woman and the soldier watched quietly.

Beside them, there were also many dead bodies, and they got up.

The woman said lightly: "Boy, what is your name?"

The soldier said with difficulty: "Little...the villain is named...Wei Cheng, an apostle."

"You and I are going to die here." The woman smiled. "If one day, the world of meaning is destroyed, it must be destroyed in the hands of these ultimate creations."

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