Supreme God King

Chapter 3681: Weiyang Palace

A huge city, rising from the ground on the big reef, is named Weiyang Palace.

Weiyang Palace accepts everyone, whether they are refugees, fugitives, or any marginal people who are not accepted by the world, can live in Weiyang Palace. After stepping in, they can choose a land and build their own building palace.

Weiyang Palace is majestic and majestic, with solid foundations, strong vitality, and connected formations. It was built by Meng Fan and Tianzi Tower into a blessed place. Therefore, in the past six months, a large number of creatures have poured in, about one million, but among them are figures of the **** king level. , There are only more than 700 statues, most of the creatures have not yet entered the realm of the gods, there are even nearly 100,000, there are no "ordinary men" who have entered the martial arts, because some local wars on the Great Reef lost their homes and overwhelmed the mountains. Flee to Weiyang Palace.

Different races, different realms, and a large number of weak and small creatures make Weiyang Palace "smoky."

It is often seen that in Weiyang Palace, there are a few extremely beautiful and magnificent buildings. These buildings must be built by some gods, but beside this magnificent building, there are often shanty houses like slums. .

In addition, there are also a large number of fugitives and market rascals among the people pouring into Weiyang Palace, so the security of Weiyang Palace is not good.

Many powerful creatures wandering on the Great Reef call Weiyang Palace the "City of Sin".

However, some people ridiculed that Weiyang Palace is not a city of sin, but just a cave of rogues, because the entire Weiyang Palace contains only seven million creatures, which is too small.

Many people even laughed at Tianzilou, thinking it was a failed investment.

No one knows what Tianzilou thinks. Maybe they really regret it, but they still insisted on the contract and sent dozens of businessmen to the Weiyang Palace to build a market for the seven million "rabbit people" and provide the scarce Weiyang Palace. Resources to trade.

Six months after the completion of Weiyang Palace, four schools opened.

The four school halls of Weiyang Palace are located in the four directions of the city, north, south, east, and west. They are named Beitang, Nantang, Dongtang, and Xitang. The four schools are all beautiful and elegant, and each has its own unique style.

After the opening of the four schools, all the creatures in Weiyang Palace can apply for the qualifications to attend lectures in the four schools, and each school will release 100,000 places every month.

But there were not many people who actually attended the lecture.

Those who enter Weiyang Palace are either people who have been expelled elsewhere, or criminals who have broken the law, or displaced refugees. There are only a few people who are really interested in Weiyang Palace. What they want is just a blessing. I am not interested in what I listen to.

Therefore, the total number of people attending the lectures in the four schools in the first month was only over 10,000.

However, in the second month, the number of people attending the lecture reached 20,000.

In the third month, the number of attendees directly increased to 50,000!

The four schools hold five classes every day. One class is half an hour. Half of the lecturers come from the Tianzi Tower. They are all powerful craftsmen who are good at forging in Tianzi Tower. The other half is a powerful **** "externally hired" by Meng Fan. king.

External employment is just an external claim.

In fact, they are some powerful creatures living in the original universe of Meng Fan.

Even Daoshu Jufan appeared in person, giving lectures for half an hour every day, taking turns to assist teachers in four schools.

The contents of the lectures are varied, but they are all quite practical, such as the method of forging Taoism, the technique of refining spar, etc., as well as the method of refining pure gold, all of which are taught.

Daoshu Jufan, as the king of the Nine Tribulations, did not conceal his realm. Relying on his powerful calculation ability, Daoshu Jufan dismantled all kinds of knowledge to an extremely simple and understandable level. Moreover, the content of the lectures is quite easy to understand. Everyone can learn. As long as any creature listens to the Daoshu Jufan lecture, it seems to be opened to the sky and can spy on areas that he has never set foot in or cannot understand. For any creature, it is a fatal temptation.

Therefore, more and more people are applying to enter the school.

Eleven months after the completion of Weiyang Palace, the number of residents exceeded 10 million, and the number of people who applied to attend the lectures exceeded 100,000.

On the first anniversary of the completion of the Weiyang Palace, a grand celebration was held in the city. The four schools also held a ceremony. The teaching of each school selected outstanding students, and Meng Fan personally handed out the prizes. A total of ten lower Taoist artifacts were given away, and Tens of millions of taels of pure gold, plus various other spars and panacea, amounted to 50,000 tons.

Such a big deal immediately made Weiyang Palace's reputation soar.

After the anniversary celebration, Weiyang Palace finally began to establish a system.

In the past year, Weiyang Palace has adopted a laissez-faire attitude, so the city is indeed "smoke", various crimes are endless, various conflicts, and even small-scale violent collisions often occur.

However, these problems are all blocked outside the four schools. The four schools and the Weiyang Palace in the center are extremely safe, and there is no crime at all. For one thing, no creatures are allowed to settle in these areas. Second, here. Gathered many powerful **** kings.

The new system came to the stage. This system was drafted and completed by Daoshu Jufan. Because Weiyang Palace has always insisted on giving all sentient beings enough freedom, there are not many systems drafted.

First of all, Weiyang Palace will establish the City Defense Corps. All those who join the City Defense Corps must be kings of God, and must have studied in four schools for at least half a year, have a semester certificate of completion, and after several successful assessments, To join the city defense army.

The City Defense Corps is responsible for two things, one is city defense, the other is to maintain law and order, and catch criminals.

As long as the prerequisites are met, anyone can apply.


For the city defense army, there are huge benefits.

In addition to the monthly salary, they also have permanent qualifications to enter the four schools and do not need to apply. In addition, members of the city defense regiment can live in the four areas where the four schools are located.

The four areas where the four schools are located are actually quite empty. The Weiyang Palace is too huge. Each area is huge. The four areas where the four schools are located are more than 90%, but they are all empty, but the distance between the four schools is Weiyang. The center of the palace is very close, it is the best blessed place, pure and strong.

So immediately two hundred **** kings were selected to become members of the city defense army.

After the city defense corps was established, Daoshu Jufan personally took charge of the training of the two hundred people. At the same time, various students and teachers in the four schools also began to build unified armor and weapons for the city defense corps. It was evaluated in the form of work. The form is created by many teachers and students.

After just one month, the unified weapon armor was completed, and various legal provisions were finally completed.

All crimes will be severely punished.

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