Supreme God King

Chapter 3668: Road to Reproduction

"Luotian Universe."

Standing on the foot of the frontier fortress, Yi Housheng looked into the distance, looking dimly yellow, unable to see the huge world of the border.

"How many people have fled over the years?" Yi Housheng asked.

The leader thought for a moment: "At the beginning of the uprising, the number of people who fled was about several million. The specific number is unknown. There were traces of criminals in the surrounding universe, which also caused a lot of riots. After several pillars responded immediately, in each universe Many fugitives were encircled and arrested. According to the idea of ​​the Faen Pillar, all those who were arrested or surrendered were not kept, killed, and never suffered.

When the encirclement was initially formed, the number of insurgents fleeing dropped sharply. After all, these criminals were of a very high level, and there were no lack of bosses. They were all thoughtful, knowing that the possibility of surviving through the encirclement was very unlikely, and the facts were true. In this way, the criminals who fled scattered were caught, and after questioning, they all beheaded.

In the past few decades, there has never been a criminal who flees. According to the military department, the rebel army should have been aware of their situation and should be planning a general offensive.

According to the comparison of existing forces, once the rebel army launches a general offensive, the worst result will be the death of the fish, but the rebel army will definitely be defeated. The real worry is the ten creatures in the rebel army and two immortals. The bosses of the realm have yet to show up. The most feared thing about the world of meaning and the major pillars is that they can't catch them all at once and let some of them escape. "

Yi Housheng nodded.

The leader was silent for a moment, and said, "My lord, which pillar do you think you are?"

"I am not one of the pillars." Yi Housheng said lightly. After saying this, his figure disappeared again.

Luotian universe.

There are many caves on a bare barren mountain.

In one of the caves, an old man with a height of more than three feet and white hair and beard was sitting cross-legged.

There are several middle-aged men beside him.


A young man stepped into the cave.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at him.

"The resistance front has been assembled for most of the time, and it is releasing news to all corners of the Luotian Universe, calling on the prisoners scattered everywhere to go to the location of the army immediately. It is expected that a general offensive will be launched within 20 years."

"They can't win." The old man said.

Next to him, a calm middle-aged man said: "Grandfather, of course they can't win. If the intelligence is good, the meaning world has sent at least fourteen immortal Taoists and elite powerhouses from all over the world. Once the war starts, no In other words, just these fourteen immortal Dao masters can go straight to the front of the resistance. The best result is that the fish die and the net is broken, and they will be defeated in the end. Those aliens know this, they do not want to To win, I only want to die in a glorious battle. I only want to make trouble and hit the world of meaning. Other prisoners know this. What they want is to take advantage of the chaos of the war to escape."

Another handsome man said: "This is also our opportunity."

"No, it's that simple." The old man said quietly. "The melee of tens of millions of gods and kings, even if the world of meaning is through the sky, it is impossible to catch it all at once. Many people will escape. These people are criminals, and many former Taoists have mastered many secrets. Therefore, this The war, for the world of meaning, is not to do everything possible to eliminate the insurgents, but to kill those Taoists who they consider the most dangerous.

I believe that there must be a list in the military headquarters of the world army. This list should be drafted by the Farn Pillar and the Unified Pillar. The names on the list are all prisoners that the two pillars believe must not be spared. My name must be on the list.

You guys, let's go. "

The old man looked at the children and grandchildren beside him.

"With me, it will be difficult for you to survive. As long as you separate from me, stay anonymous, join the general offensive army, and then take the opportunity to escape on the chaotic battlefield. As long as one person survives, the family blood will not be broken."

As soon as these words came out, everyone became serious, and one shouted: "Ancestor!"

"Stop talking about it." The old man waved his hand: "I won't die."

As he said, the old man stretched out a finger and pressed it against his temple.

The fingers moved, and many crystal clear silk threads were drawn from the temples.

These silk threads were hit by him on a stone, and the stone immediately turned into a crystal-like substance, which contained a lot of cloud-like brilliance.

He gave the stone to a man.

"The current world of meaning, frantically pursuing immortality, repelling tradition, and despising the rebirth of ancient re-engravings. Because of contempt and contempt, they will ignore this method. Preservation, as long as one person can escape, our blood will not be broken. Everyone has the possibility of resurrection. As long as we remain anonymous, one day, our single family will be on the stage again!"

After the old man said, everyone understood what it meant.

After the victory of the road of immortality, in order to enjoy the fruits of victory for a long time, the world of meaning began to vigorously suppress all thoughts related to the road of meaning. Among them, the "law of eternal life" in the idea of ​​the road of meaning was reproduced and reborn, and it was suppressed. The body is incomplete, so in today's world of meaning, there is almost no means for re-engraving and rebirth, but there are still some methods of re-engraving and rebirth in many satellite universes.

Because of contempt, so will ignore.

This is also a way of escape.

Everyone reproduced many copies of their memories and knowledge under the elder's will, and then gave them to others for preservation, and silently dressed them and prepared to leave.

Only the old man stayed.

He quietly looked at his children and grandchildren.

These eight people are already the last blood of the Shan family.

"Remember, I can wait." The old man said again. "Don’t rush to reproduce me. After ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years later, one million years later, find a good time to reproduce me. Immortality is the power of the flesh, not the power of the spirit, so reproduce After being reborn, I will lose the realm of immortality and become weaker than ever before. Remember."

Everyone stood in a row, bowed down to the old man, kowtowed, then got up, left, and disappeared into the long yellow sand.

The old man closed his eyes and entered a selfless meditation.

He is ready for death.

but not now.

He needs to die after the rebellion line launches a general offensive, and the army of the world of significance arrives at Luotian Universe and begins to search for the hidden prisoners.

Then, sit back to the fact that you are dead, and let the world of meaning take it lightly.

A little bit of time passed.

After a few hours, he suddenly woke up.

At the entrance of the cave, a man appeared.

The old man used a lot of energy to see the man's face, and then frowned.

He seemed to have seen this man, but he didn't seem to have seen him. He had been imprisoned in Luotian Universe for too long, and many things were blurred, including memories.

Finally, his eyes widened.

"Yi family!"

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