Supreme God King

Chapter 3635: Spiritual leader

The majestic man looked at the reward order in Jianzhu's hand and said nothing.

Jian Chu said: "Chen Dianshuai, when will the majesty pillar increase this person's reward?"

The majestic man said: "The reward for ten immortal crystals is already very high, and the world of significance has not offered such a high reward for many years. It is very troublesome to increase it further."

"But he is the spiritual leader of the Resistance Army and Wanhua Universe."

Jian Chi looked at Chen Dianshuai.

Chen Dianshuai said: "So increase his reward, and be more cautious. An excessively high reward will make this person more famous, will also make him a higher position in the hearts of the resistance army, and will also cause some other dominoes. The effect must be considered. You are now on the pillar of majesty, and you need to be considerate in your life. You can no longer rely on a whim."

"Kill this person, many problems have been solved." Luo Wumei sneered: "Sword crazy, how about we play?"

Jian Chi ignored Luo Wumei.

Luo Wumei said to herself: "This alien called Meng Fan can be on par with Yin Gu, but it is not immortal. I really can't figure this out."

"Conspiracy and trickery." Chen Dianshuai said lightly.

Jian Chi said leisurely: "There is more than one avenue in the world."

"There is only one right way." Chen Dianshuai looked at Jian Chi.

Jian Chi also looked at Chen Dianshuai: "Which one?"


"Before immortality, there is still meaning."

"The meaning is wrong."

"When we walked on meaning, before we knew immortality, we also thought that meaning was the only way." Jianchi's tone was peaceful.

Chen Dianshuai narrowed his eyes, but could no longer refute.

"For many years, the world of meaning has been the absolute hegemon, the highest known peak. What we have done is the only right thing, but in the endless emptiness, perhaps there is still a civilization we can't imagine, walking The avenue we can't imagine."

As Jian Mo was speaking, his tone became more and more ethereal, his eyes divorced, and he seemed to start yearning for the endless nothingness.

"Your Excellency, why don't you step into nothingness and wander the unknown, so romantic." Luo Wumei smiled strangely. "Okay, Jianchi, let's take a gamble. A person who can compete with Yin Gu, his strength cannot be underestimated, what is your chance of winning against Yin Gu?"

Jian Chi retracted his gaze and said coldly: "I have never seen Yin Gu."

"Yin Gu has already stepped into the second step of small immortality, higher than you and me, and more senior than you and me. According to the seniority of the major families in the world, Yin Gu is two generations higher than you and me." Luo Wumei All in all, they seem to know Yin Gu very well.

Jian Chi said: "The time I have stepped into immortality is very short. Since this person can fight against Yin Gu, I will fight him. The outcome is unpredictable, fifty-five."

"Really confident." Luo Wumei smiled and leaned on the handrail of the boat. "There are three headaches in the world of meaning now. First, it is the mysterious plague of Hanhuang Universe. Second, it is the resistance army of Luotian Universe. Third, it is this that even Yin Gu has not succeeded. It is the strongest in history. The heterogeneous Meng Fan. The plague of Hanhuang Universe, everything is still fascinating, and the world of significance is impossible to start, so he can only try to block it. And this Meng Fan is not only regarded by the majestic pillar as the strongest alien in history, but also the Luotian universe rebel Spiritual leader, killing him can solve a big problem. You and I bet on who can kill this person. He can fight Yin Gu to a tie. If you and I want to take him, it is very difficult. It’s interesting, just to climb the peak, how?"

Jian Chi looked at Luo Wumei. There was a gleam in her eyes. Obviously, she who was cold-tempered was very interested in this bet: "What to bet?"

"If you kill him first, count me as losing, what do you want?" Luo Wumei said playfully.

"You have nothing I want." Jianchi answered quickly.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Luo Wumei’s face, but then disappeared, and continued: “For you, killing this person is more interesting than anything else, so it’s not important to bet on anything, but the gambling itself is important. , Then as long as I lose, I will allow you to do anything, and Chen Dianshuai will be your guarantor."

Jian Chi nodded: "If I lose, what do you want?"

"Go home and get married. From now on, when you are a lady of everyone, don't show your face again." Luo Wumei smiled completely.

Chen Dianshuai looked at the two from the corner of his eye.

Jian Mo fell silent.

a long time.

Luo Wumei said: "Counseled?"

Jian Mo said: "If you lose, worship me as a teacher."

Luo Wumei was startled, and then said coldly: "A word is definite."

After speaking, Luo Wumei suddenly got up.

Chen Dianshuai said solemnly: "Luo Wumei, what are you going to do?"

Luo Wumei twisted her waist and rubbed her neck: "Go to the Liuli Universe, find this alien, and rush to the Liuli Universe from here. It will take at least several hundred thousand years. It seems that I need to use Changgu once. The fire is out."

Chen Dianshuai said angrily: "You are now a guard general of the pillar of majesty. Your mission this time is to follow me to investigate the situation of Luotian Universe. The total offensive may break out in the next few years. Now, you are actually leaving your post without authorization. ?"

Luo Wumei said indifferently: "Yes, I request the resignation. If I don't accept it, then I will be dismissed from office. As for the military trial, I also accept it."

After that, Luo Wumei jumped out of the boat and disappeared into nothingness.

Chen Dianshuai looked astonished and looked at Jianzhu again.

Jian Chi said indifferently: "I heard that the commander of the Blade Palace of the three universes of Liuli, Thousand Stars, and Vigor, isn't it the Taoist master?"

Chen Dianshuai nodded solemnly.

Jian Chi said again: "The frontier defense hall, the town defense hall, and the judicial hall are all powers that signify the eight pillars of the world. If I remember correctly, they have always been managed by the Taoist master. How can they be handed over to ordinary creatures?"

"The commander of the Blade Hall is the Hu'er Emperor of the Sarah Universe. He is indeed not a Taoist, not even an apostle, but his identity is somewhat transcendent and mysterious." Chen Dianshuai said. "Sword crazy, you..."

"Sorry, the gambling agreement has already started." Jian Chi said peacefully. "Whether it is dismissed from office or military trial, I accept it, but Chen Dianshuai should understand that these things have no effect on me and Luo Wumei."

With that said, Jianzhu also jumped out of the boat.

Chen Dianshuai stopped for a moment and said angrily: "Damn the second generation ancestor."

120,000 years ago, a great uprising broke out in the Luotian universe.

The beginning of the uprising was when hundreds of thousands of alien kings of Wanhua Universe sneaked into the Luotian Universe, and then launched a storming attack on the prison barrier in an early morning. The prisoners seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He defeated all the apostles guarding the prison, and then broke the various runes, formations, and shackles imprinted on him.

After this uprising began, it took nearly a hundred years before the world of significance knew about it, and it was extremely shocked!

Luotian Universe has always been isolated from the world, and the uprising broke out too quickly, and the masters and apprentices guarding the prison did not have time to spread the news.

So the meaning world knows too late.

After that, the World of Meaning immediately reacted, sending several Taoists and a large number of apostles to Luotian Universe to investigate the situation, and hoped to restart Luotian Universe’s imprisonment array, but the result was that the sent twelve Taoists, Only three people returned alive, and the two hundred powerful apostles sent out were wiped out.

After that, Meaning World immediately ordered the Majesty Pillar to send an army to block Luotian Universe first, trying to trap these prisoners to death.

This difficulty is one hundred thousand years.

For 100,000 years, the world of meaning has roughly understood the situation of the Luotian universe. After the uprising broke out, many of the tens of millions of prisoners escaped from the Luotian universe one after another, went to other universes and hid them. The meaning of the world can only let people from the Defense Department search for fugitives in the surrounding universe and serve as pillars of majesty. After the Luotian universe was blocked, few people fled, but this also contributed to a very bad result-the birth of the Resistance Army.

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