Supreme God King

Chapter 3340: Protoss is born

A huge disaster came. This time, the dictator holding the instrument concealed the calculation of the instrument. The dictators of previous dynasties only used the calculation result of the instrument as a threat to force opponents to surrender.

This time, only the dictator made preparations in advance. As a result, after the flood, most of the sage’s kingdom was submerged, and the dictator’s enemies were devastated. Only the local officials who obeyed the dictator’s construction in advance Okay the dam.

This incident shocked all sentient beings and sages, and also caused reflection.

The previous dictator, after all, was one of the sages, with a minimum of feelings and heart, so many dictators appeared to confess their guilt before dying, but the appearance of this dictator made the sages aware of the human heart It has become narrower and more sinister, and even by unscrupulous means, the sages finally realize that only by mastering the ritual can they truly master the world.

So a fairly radical party appeared.

This party was born during this great flood. Many sages united. They believed that the system and laws before the sage’s kingdom were wrong and too lenient to allow careerists to stand in the highest position. To become a dictator, they think that the upward passage of ordinary creatures should be cut off, and they should stop teaching knowledge to ordinary creatures. This is understandable, because among the dictators of the past generations, more than half are ordinary creatures who have learned knowledge and become sages. After that, he became a dictator.

It took several years for the radical parties to overthrow the dictator and regain control of the capital and Yi. They began to rearrange order, and this party was therefore regarded as a hero.

The radical parties have a firm will and a ruthless heart. After they took control of the kingdom, they immediately reorganized the sage council and established a series of unalterable rules. They also stopped imparting knowledge and philosophy to all beings. At the same time, they not only changed The country’s system has also been established, and their party has been called the "God Party", and the party’s rules have been formulated to strictly restrict the power of individual members, making the entire party an unbreakable iron plate, which is firmly controlled. The entire country, but at the same time, because of the restrictions of regulations, it is impossible to have a single individual member of a family. Any behavior and decision-making must be carried out with the cooperation of the entire party, so dictators cannot appear.

Even once, the leaders of the gods’ party used rituals as a bargaining chip to threaten all beings, saying that if wars will occur or the kingdom of the sages will be divided, then they will be destroyed, because wars, divisions, and ambitions are the greatest to the sages Insult. This event really shocked the whole world greatly.

It also shows how radical this party is.

After the gods took control of the kingdom of the sages, the civilized world has indeed entered a very stable period. Large-scale wars have disappeared, and small-scale division wars are often extinguished in a short period of time. The entire world is full of order and sentient beings. Prosperity and peace.

But at this moment, the upper and lower layers of the sage kingdom began to split.

The parties of the gods were quite radical in this period. They practiced martial arts, breathed out vitality, felt the law, controlled the secrets of the instrument, and constantly strengthened the instrument. No one else was allowed to approach the instrument and obtain the secret of the instrument. To spread knowledge to the outside world, all knowledge and philosophies can only be controlled by the party of the gods. There was even a "book burning" incident. After collecting all the books scattered among the people, if there are any remaining, they will be burned immediately. This is to fundamentally turn sentient beings into "stupid people" and not allow them to master any knowledge.

In addition, there has also been an outbreak of "literal hell", which has violently persecuted and restrained the minds of all beings who are not parties of the gods but possess a certain knowledge and can write.

Under the rule of the party of gods, the kingdom of the sage is becoming more and more "dumb", and the mind no longer blooms.

But most of the creatures support the party of the gods. If you look at the overall situation, the entire kingdom of the sages is indeed becoming more and more prosperous and powerful.

Being able to get out of the terrible cycle of disasters, wars, and divisions, beings are willing to give up many things, such as free thoughts.

During the dominance of the gods, the instrument became stronger than ever before, and even reached the level of incomparable precision and error-free. At this time, the sages began to doubt, and the famous "clock theory" appeared.

Can a clock represent time? Of course not. There is no connection between clocks and time. Without clocks, time flows normally without any interference. The so-called time concepts such as time, year, month, day, etc., are only fabricated by creatures and used It's just a way to understand the world. In fact, these concepts don't exist, and time will not adapt to the concepts given by sentient beings.

In other words, if a clock can represent time, then a stone, or even a piece of shit, can represent time.

This is ridiculous.

But clocks and watches are the most important machinery for sages. Clocks and watches are the earliest tools built by living beings that can be used to understand the laws, and they are also the earliest tools that can "express" the laws.

Then, when a clock is completely accurate without any error, when the flow of time changes, the clock also changes with it, and it is not affected by any force, will not be changed, and the clock will not be destroyed. , Clock, is it just a rough presentation tool?

At this time, is the clock just a tool of expression, or is it the time itself?

This is the watch theory.

The ritual at that time had achieved a completely accurate expression of the laws of heaven and earth, and was even so powerful that it could evolve on its own!

In fact, the instrument was already a Taoist artifact at this time, but the sentient beings and sages at that time could not understand it.

When a new law appears, some new parts will be derived from the instrument to calculate this new law.

Because of the absolute accuracy of the rituals, it has become easier for the **** parties to control the entire civilization. The whole world has become prosperous, brilliant and powerful. The **** parties continue to be regarded as gods by all living beings, and they themselves are proud of their achievements.

Approximately after the emergence of the watch theory, the **** parties became more and more autistic. At this time, they also demanded more and more stringent requirements for party members, which eventually led to the birth of a rule-members of the **** party can only be with the same party Marriage of the members of the affiliation, cannot marry with people outside of the party, especially cannot marry with ordinary people, if you do, it is a serious crime.

In the five hundred years after the advent of this rule, the Shenming Party and Yi have entered a "complementary" mode. Through Yi, the members of the God Party can clearly understand the laws of heaven and earth, and practice martial arts, breathe vitality, and be strong. Oneself, break through the realm, and at the same time, when the members of the gods party become stronger and stronger, they continue to strengthen their rituals. Even in a certain year, before a party member dies, he uses his life strength to extract a ray of light The law is integrated into the instrument. This is the first law possessed by the instrument. This law is also continuously strengthened in the instrument.

At the same time, because only internal marriages are allowed, blood connections, knowledge blockade, and martial arts are not exodus, leading to a powerful party of gods, and gradually forming a definite and distinct race.


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