Supreme God King

Chapter 3279: Devil

Mount Xumi.

Master Zhuge drank tea quietly.

Opposite him, sitting upright is the Immortal King of Impermanence, as well as the Xianjie God Buddha and the Root Burial God Buddha, the leaders of these three Buddhist realms.

The sage **** Buddha and the root burial **** Buddha are already the Six Tribulations God King, but the impermanence Immortal King who inherited the Buddhist tradition is still the Five Tribulations God King.

He missed the bonus period and missed many moments of the rise of Dao Dao. After he took over, Buddhism and Dao have been in decline, and he did not get enough benefits. It is not easy to climb to the Five Tribulations.

"In fact, the heavenly king only personally ordered two worlds. One is the human world. Needless to say, one is the dragon world. The reason is simple. Among the worlds, except for the human world, the dragon world is the most powerful, of course. In the future, heaven does not belong to the world."

Master Zhuge said lightly, although his words were gentle and elegant, the content seemed quite sharp.

"Except for this human world and the dragon world, the king of heaven has not expressed any opinions on other worlds. Therefore, today's meeting is not meant by the king of heaven, but the result of the discussions of the dragon city. I am only a representative."

Master Zhuge put down the teacup.

"The Buddhist school, like the magical way and the evil way, has a large number of believers everywhere, but unlike the magical way and the evil way, although the Buddhist school's ability to deceive people is stronger, it is not considered a great evil. Therefore, as long as the Buddhist school does Three things, the worlds, still have the position of the Buddha realm."

The words are still so gentle.

The root burial **** Buddha couldn't bear it, and said angrily: "Is there still a place in the Buddha world?"

"To put it bluntly means that the Buddha world can still exist." Master Zhuge said peacefully.

The root burial **** and Buddha will continue to get angry. The Xianjie **** Buddha grabbed him and said with a slight look: "Lord God, I remember the consistent purpose and thinking of the heavenly king is to let all living beings control their own destiny, not to interfere with them."

"You're right." Master Zhuge nodded, "Otherwise, the Buddha world is gone."

"Meng Fan swallowed the will of Heavenly Dao, but he is not yet Heavenly Dao, and he is still far away from Heavenly Dao." Immortal King Impermanence finally spoke. "If the world can go against the sky, it can go against Meng Fan."

Master Zhuge looked at the impermanence immortal king, blinked, stretched out his finger to point the Xianjie God Buddha, then put down his hand, and continued: "The Xianjie God Buddha has already said that the heavenly king, and the future heaven, have always thought, It is to let sentient beings control their own destiny. Don’t you think that this is just a slogan for the heavenly king and heaven to win the hearts of the people? Once success is achieved, everything will be forfeited?"

"Then, please say." Xian Jie Shen Buddha brought the topic back again.

Master Zhuge stretched out a finger: "The first thing is to engrave all the Buddhist scriptures and send them to the heaven in the future. This can be done by us or the Buddhists themselves. As for whether the engraving is modified or not , It doesn’t matter, we can tell."

The face of the root burial **** Buddha has turned red with anger.

Master Zhuge stretched out his second finger: "Buddhists can continue to preach and recruit believers, but they cannot use Buddhist methods to harvest them. Only believers can take refuge voluntarily."

The third finger.

"A hundred days from now, the fourth generation of the heavenly king will take over the throne, and the heavenly king will return. This will be a grand ceremony. In the future, the heavenly court hopes that the Buddhist family can send someone to visit, and we will have a good reception."

"Send the classics, this is tantamount to self-breaking the foundation!" The root burial **** and Buddha suddenly stood up, this time Xianjie **** and Buddha did not hold back. "All the profound meanings of Buddhism and Taoism are hidden in ancient books."

"You still have a way of thinking." Master Zhuge is still calm and calm. "We can't take out the things hidden in your souls. We are not trying to disintegrate or penetrate the profound meaning of Buddhism. We take away the engraved books just to understand the Buddhism better. Is this difficult?"

"Yes." Xian Jie Shen Buddha said.

The Root Burial God and Buddha glared at the Xianjie God and Buddha, but seeing the Xianjie God and Buddha's indifferent attitude, the Root Burial God and Buddha was unwilling, and finally sat down slowly.

The Xianjie God Buddha continued: "The world's leaders use various methods to recruit believers, but Buddhism can only make people willing to follow. From then on, Buddhism will decline."

"This law is not only effective for Buddhism." Master Zhuge smiled slightly.

Xian Jie Shen Buddha fell silent.

Master Zhuge said: "You can only take refuge willingly by sentient beings. So, do good. I know that Buddhism has a kind of power called merit. This merit is transformed from the willingness of sentient beings. Virtue has many profound meanings. , Let people look at it, the word merit, Buddhism can change its meaning. In the future, it is good to accumulate virtue, earn merit, and gain aspiration.

As for the third article... we don't force you to go. If the Buddhist school sends a representative to participate, we don't care who it is. "


Glory Empire.

Senate, the official residence of the head of state.

Several children sent letters in.

Too one person appeared out of thin air, took the letter, glanced at it, and laughed.

At the source of the heavens, there are many **** kings who have not stood at the peak, but when other **** kings are fighting with huge goals, they have earned a lot of benefits. Too one person is one of them.

He has firmly stood at the peak of the Six Tribulations!

Few people know what opportunity the one person has at the source of the heavens, but no one will be surprised. After all, there is the source of the heavens, and what changes happen to the **** king who can walk out alive is justified.

"The dust has settled, the world has become normal, the turbulent years have passed, and Meng Fan will also abdicate to the young people. The succession ceremony after these hundred days, where is the succession ceremony of a world, is obviously the succession ceremony of the entire universe.

In this ceremony, if the worlds do not participate, they will be excluded from the order of the future world. If the worlds participate, it is equivalent to tacitly acquiescing to the supremacy of the future heaven. Now there is no rival in Heaven in the future, and Meng Fan's strength is unfathomable, but the world is still hesitating, still brewing emotions, and even thinking of joining forces to resist.

There were only a hundred days left for them to resist. "

Too one person threw the letter aside: "Within a hundred days, make me a set of gorgeous Taoist gowns. Remember, as long as you save face, don't need lining, you can look good."


"The source of the heavens has not merged with the future heaven, which means that you have not completely controlled the heavenly path."

The Devil Emperor said coldly.

Repair the magic sea, turn the river and the sea.

In the black water, Meng Fan sat casually, watching the sea.

The Devil Emperor is right behind him.

The world that Meng Fan personally entered was not the human world, not the dragon world, but the devil world.

At first, the Devil Emperor couldn't believe it, thinking it was just an incarnation of Meng Fan, but after several conversations, he understood.

This is the deity.

The Devil Emperor is not nervous.

Because he knew very well that in front of Meng Fan, there was no point in being nervous.

If Meng Fan is willing now, the Devil Emperor will immediately perish.

Maybe you don't even need to shoot, a thought is enough.

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