Supreme God King

Chapter 3267: I go to hell

The Central Emperor was only a small step away from the abyss.

This step was not enough for him to turn around.

He knew that under the impetus of Qin Taichuan and the Devil Emperor, he would inevitably fall into the abyss, so he gave orders to the Humane Hundred Saints with a hoarse and weak voice.

Return to the human world and protect humanity.

This momentary change, once heaven, once hell, the Hundred Sages of humanity were at a loss. In their eyes, the Central Emperor was bleeding from the seven holes, and the Demon Emperor and Qin Taichuan used some means, but they were not the Central Emperor, they I didn't understand the mystery, nor did he understand that the Central Emperor had been pushed to the edge of the cliff, so there was no reaction.

And the Central Emperor didn't need any response from them, as long as they heard the last words of the Central Emperor.

Then the central emperor shrugged his shoulders.

The Hundred Sages of Humanity turned into pillars of light, rising from the ground, breaking through the clouds, and without a trace, they will return to the human world and guard the world.

All these changes have been seen by the world experts who have been rushed to the final battlefield.

But there are not many strong people who can penetrate the key points.


The Zhantian Giant volleyed down and stepped on the Aolai Mountain. In front of the huge Aolai Mountain, the Zhantian Giant also appeared small, and his foot only crushed a piece of rock.

But he didn't care about the disparity in proportion, and threw another punch.

Fists and feet were added, silent, and hit Aolaishan.

The central emperor's face gradually lost its blood and became pale and dazzling. His lips were trembling, and he was doing his best to maintain the last point of being sober. He watched the battle giant who was constantly hitting Aolai Mountain in the void, and said leisurely: "Shanchuan Below, it was the Emperor of Heaven who was suppressing it. Meng Fan is dead. I can see it with my own eyes."

The giant Zhan Tian was indifferent to his words, and his movements did not stop at all.


Qilin Ruihuang, Lonely Proud, Inviting Moon Palace Master, Zhuge Master, all at the same time, from all angles, violently hit Aolai Mountain and Great Wall with their bodies.

The kings of heaven in the future will arrive one after another.

They did not see what had happened before.

But they can all feel that Meng Fan is at the foot of Aolai Mountain.

They walked the way of heaven, this is the avenue of Meng Fan.

Their fate has long been tied together by the torrent of hearts.

Even if they are far apart, they always cherish each other.

Although at this moment, in their induction, Meng Fan's breath was very weak, and his spirit was looming, as if he was going to be disillusioned at any time.

But they clearly knew that Meng Fan was still there!

Just below the proud mountain!

The central emperor trembling body, lowered his head.

He said no more.

He is ready to accept his "destiny".


This thing is really interesting.

Success is destiny, and failure is destiny.

The Central Emperor suddenly had some doubts in his heart. If his life is destiny, has he never made a choice? All his achievements are just the inevitable result of destiny?

He was born as a humanitarian leader, which was hand-picked by the ancestor of humanitarianism, and his humane fortune carried his life magnanimous and undefeated.

Therefore, humanity must ultimately be unified in his hands.

So he will definitely become the leader.

He is not great. He is just standing on the tide of the times. All his achievements are the result of the development of humanity for tens of billions of years. Without him, others will lead humanity.

Emperor Bowu can.

Has he really made any choices in his life?

He can stand on the top of the kings, and is even qualified to fight alongside Meng Fan and become the second giant. Is it really his own choice?

Meng Fan, maybe he is the one who really controls his own destiny...

A murderous opportunity loomed.

The Central Emperor turned his head hard.

Hundreds of steps behind him.

A moon-like milky white light and shadow shot up.

Charge to Qin Taichuan.

It's too fast!

But the devil, faster!

At the moment when the light and shadow were about to die, the Devil Emperor took three steps forward and stood in front of Qin Taichuan. The black robe suddenly split into countless lines, flying all over the sky, as if night fell, enveloping the light and shadow. Then the vast magic energy that condensed into liquid rolled around, swallowing light and shadow.

But the light and shadow also reacted extremely fast, after intertwined with the "night curtain" for a breath, immediately retreated with all their strength and stopped.

It was not someone else who shot it.

It is the leader of the Righteous Alliance, the old man who is missing the moon!

In the brief encounter with the Devil Emperor, the old man lacking moon had the advantage, because the devil emperor and Qin Taichuan two avenue leaders paid 80% of the attention of the central emperor, but the sneak attack of the old man lacking moon still failed. , And received some minor injuries, it can be seen that the skin and flesh that he exposed have cracked wounds, and there is still a magical energy in them, which prevents the wounds from healing.

The old man with missing moon squirmed his lips slightly, and spit out a syllable: "叱!"

Immediately, the whole body's devilish energy disappeared.

The wound is also healed a little bit.

He shook his arms, didn't say a word of nonsense, raised his leg again, and rushed towards the Devil Emperor and Qin Taichuan!

"Old man, you have fallen behind. This era is not the last era. There is no stage for you to show off!" The Devil Emperor's cold voice echoed, his mouth widened, and the tide of darkness came out immediately. That is, Xiu Mo sea!

After the weakening of the heavenly realms, all realms are rising.

This is reflected in many aspects.

For example, Qin Taichuan entered the Seven Tribulations.

Such as humane tyranny.

In addition, the leaders of each avenue are perfectly united with their own traditions.

The Demon Emperor also displayed the same methods as the Central Emperor, carrying the Demon-Repair Sea of ​​the Demon World, and spit it out at once, and you can see the huge whales floating up and down in the Demon Sea!

The missing moon old man was instantly engulfed by the Sea of ​​Demon Xiu. He shuttled through it, beheading one giant whale one after another, and approaching the Demon Emperor with all his might.

However, Qin Taichuan didn't even glance at the old man.

All his spirit is placed on the body of the central emperor.

The Central Emperor knew.

Qin Taichuan didn't just push him into that abyss.

Qin Taichuan will turn him into a demon **** and evil god!

And Qin Taichuan is the one in the main line.

He didn't have the mind to care about the old man.

The Central Emperor looked at Qin Taichuan, then at the Devil Emperor, and then in the Sea of ​​Devil Cultivation, there was no request, expressionless, and constantly beheading the giant whale, the missing moon old man approaching the Devil Emperor.

The lack of moon old man has retired.

He doesn't need to be involved in the vortex of the chaos of the times, but he can be a clear guest, watch from the sidelines, and maintain his neutrality.

But he shot at this moment.

The Central Emperor smiled bitterly.

This shot is meaningless.

At this moment, even if both Qin Taichuan and the Demon Emperor are beheaded, it is meaningless. The Central Emperor is already standing on the edge of the cliff, and there are cliffs in all directions. He is standing on a stone pillar that just can stand, how to move , All fell into the abyss.

Bo Bo Bo Bo...

A ripple of law.

From the other direction.

A tall figure appeared again.

This figure is close to Qin Taichuan.

That is, Xiao Lianxian!

The Central Emperor couldn't help but startled.

He is back too?

Also arrived at the source of the heavens?


Xiao Lianxian and Missyue old man made different choices, Missyue old man chose to withdraw from the stage of history, because the times have changed, and Xiao Lianxian wants to find his own way. Although they have different choices, they all return to hermit. Leave.

But at this time, they all returned.

They still made their own choice.

The central emperor turned around slowly.

His hairpin broke.

The sound of the fracture was so small that it was almost imperceptible.

Then, his black hair seemed to come alive and began to dance.

Then one by one turned into white hair.

"Okay, okay, okay... Since we are going to fall into the abyss after all, I will choose at least which abyss to fall into."

His pupils turned dark purple a little bit.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

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