Supreme God King

Chapter 3237: Taoist power

In the eyes of the world's powerhouses, Meng Fan and the Great Chaos are two completely different people.

No matter how you look at it, from which angle you look at it, the two are worlds apart.

Among the top giants, the Great Chaos is the longest living creature in history. From the time of the ancestors to the present day, even the ancestors of humanity, who uphold the humanity and luck and cannot be measured by common sense, have not lived the Great Chaos.

Also ranked among the top giants, Meng Fan is the youngest among all the top overlords.

Nowadays, all Dao leaders are regarded as young people, but among them, the Dragon Emperor, the evil **** Qin Taichuan, and the Immortal King of Impermanence have lived for millions or even millions of years. The younger Dao leaders, namely the Central Emperor and the Killer Dao champion Hou, and the central emperor has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Champion Hou also became famous as early as 150,000 years ago.

In terms of fate, the Great Primordial Chaos was the first **** king after the era of heaven. He was born invincible. After cutting off the giant tree of the origin, he stepped on all beings and stood at the pinnacle of all beings and never fell into the altar.

Meng Fan's fate was numerous and bumpy. He was born at the end of the Era of Era. There are countless powerhouses in the world, and how many tribulations are there for him to rise?

Regarding the attitude towards the world, Meng Fan is an absolute entrant, while the Great Emperor Chaos is an absolute born.

After the death of Tailong, the Great Primordial Chaos felt boring. There was no rival in the world, and even a character that could confront him did not exist. So he began to comprehend the supreme philosophy and marched towards the Nine Tribulations. Since then, he has been He created the Chaos World and was hidden in it. It had not been out for nearly ten billion years. It was not until Baibuxian became famous that Emperor Chaos finally found a "confidant". It was like a person standing on the highest mountain, watching When I arrived at a very remote scenery, I couldn’t communicate with the people standing at the foot of the mountain, because the people at the foot of the mountain couldn’t see these scenery, and he couldn’t describe it. Suddenly, one day, he found that someone was standing on the peak and he could enjoy it with him. The scenery, this mood, is really the mood of meeting a confidant.

Because of the invincibility of the world, the Great Chaos Emperor became an invincible to boring old urchin, tempting the powerful **** king to step into the chaos realm, or sending him the true meaning of the Dao, or just a pure time-killing plaything.

Emperor Chaos lives only for himself.

He has no companions. Whether it is a child of chaos or a strange ghost, it is just a **** he created. It is no different from a cart on a chessboard. In his eyes, they are all chess pieces, without a soul, and it is impossible to communicate.

Meng Fan has been carrying the fate of many people from the very beginning when he entered the martial arts.

He never lives for himself, he lives for many people.

As early as when he first entered the path of divine hiding, the three giants of the Zen Temple said several times that Meng Fan has too many destinies and too many causes and effects. One day, he will be destroyed and suppressed by the cause and effect that he carries. collapse.

But Meng Fan survived.

At the earliest, he carried the fate of the entire dark alliance.

Then there is the Epoch Alliance.

Then, there is the future heaven.

Speaking of influence, Chaos Great Emperor stood at the pinnacle of sentient beings for tens of billions of years. The influence accumulated over these tens of billions of years and the various interventions in the world must not be ignored.

And in such a short time, Meng Fan still bears countless destinies and involves countless causes and effects. His influence on the world can even be compared to the Chaos Emperor.

The two took a completely different path.

So, where do the two look like?

How many people in this world can see the similarities between Emperor Chaos and Meng Fan?

However, as early as many years ago, some people began to compare Meng Fan with the Emperor Chaos.

As early as many years ago, someone said that Meng Fan and Chaos Great Emperor are too similar.

Bai Buxian once said.

The Great Chaos, standing in a turbid state, like a violent night.

Meng Fan stood in a state of order, like pure day.

What does this sentence mean and how to interpret it, no one can give a perfect answer.

The ancestor of humanity once said that Meng Fan is very similar to Emperor Chaos.

The origin of this, the details of which are unclear, and the way is unknown.

And Meng Fan and the Great Emperor Chaos never saw this kind of remarks.

Just like Meng Fan heard the prophecy about him and the Central Emperor that the Immortal King said, he never took it to heart.

Meng Fan did not believe the predictions made by him and the Central Emperor because Meng Fan never believed in fate. He was always walking against the sky. Even the way of heaven could not control the destiny of sentient beings. Who could predict the future of sentient beings?

As for the remarks about the similarity between Meng Fan and the Great Primordial Chaos, the two **** kings standing on the pinnacle of all living beings turned a blind eye to it. The reason is not clear.

The **** kings of heaven in the future seem to be able to give an answer.

That is.

In the eyes of the king of heaven in the future, Meng Fan is Meng Fan, the supreme and invincible world, and all disasters will be turned into nothingness before him. There is only one Meng Fan in this world, and there is no existence comparable to Meng Fan.

Maybe this is the reason.

There are not a few supreme powerhouses in this world who would like to hear others say that they are like another person.

God kings are all mavericks and have their own avenues. They believe in nothing but themselves.

What's more, the peak **** king?

Wang Yin led a group of poets to a few huge stone tablets.

He stretched out his hand and gently wiped off the thin film on the stele that had been immersed in the spirit fluid over the years.

A row of strange symbols was revealed.

Behind him, several poets were shocked when they saw the painted talisman. One of the poets said: "This is... the characters of the Protoss of the Hongmeng Taichu era."

"This is the character'sheng'. But I can't recognize the other characters." Another poet frowned: "The characters of the Protoss of the Hongmeng Taichu era are the oldest characters. It has been more than 100 Million years, at that time..."

"At that time there was no poet civilization." Wang Yin said: "No need to think, these words are:

The Ninth Five-Year Lord, the Emperor Changsheng, sleeps here. "

Several poets were dumbfounded and looked at each other.

Emperor Changsheng.

The first chapter of the Biography of the King.

It is the first overlord in the history of the universe.

He was born in the chaos period, in an era when the laws were chaotic and everything was in disorder. At that time, there was no **** race, no heavenly way, and the life and death of sentient beings were precarious.

In the long and chaotic years, the Emperor Changsheng was born.

He is a product of Hongmeng.

The most mysterious existence.

In the biography of the king, the least recorded, because in his time, even words were not born, and even languages ​​were not born. Everything and everything are still in the desert!

"The Taoist master always feels, why some heroes who could control the world are going to fall." Wang Yin's eyes drifted away. "Tao masters often say that if all the heroes of all ages were born in the same era, how wonderful it would be, and only those born out of such wonderfulness are truly qualified agents."

Wang Yin said, waving his hand.

The surrounding fog dissipated, and all the stone tablets were exposed.

Each stone tablet has a name written in different words.

To Ruyan.

Hao Shui Takako.

Like the Lord.

Emperor Longchen.

Thick soil.

Including Changsheng the Great, there are a total of six stone tablets.

On the back of each stone tablet, there are very detailed information about the lives and deeds of these gods.

"When a person is completely forgotten, he is dead, but as long as someone remembers him, his existence is meaningful and meaningful, and he lives."

Wang Yin moved his gaze from one stone tablet to another.

He seemed to be watching an old friend.


A stone tablet was cracked.

A hand stretched out.

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