Supreme God King

Chapter 3190: Fengwei Garden

During the development of scientific and technological civilization, there has always been an "anti-technological trend", but at the beginning, this trend of thought was quite mild, focusing only on the rapid development of scientific and technological forces, which led to the crazy consumption of various resources and destroyed the human race. The living world destroys these aspects of the ancient idea of ​​the unity of nature and man.

In some of these stages, the emergence of magical soldiers capable of destroying the entire civilization has also caused the people in the infinite realm to fall into contemplation, beginning to doubt whether they have the ability to control such a huge power and whether they should slow down the development of science and technology.

But thinking does not change anything.

Monk civilization, the strong is respected, a powerful **** king thinks and reflects, and can change many things, just like the future heaven, billions of creatures, more than a hundred thousand gods, but Meng Fan’s words and deeds will inadvertently affect To the entire future heaven, it will also indirectly affect the entire monk civilization and the entire universe.

But in the ancient infinite realm, this kind of thing would not happen. The infinite realm is the world of the end, and there is no martial art. The strength of the individual is very weak. Although there are many heroic epics in the original history of the infinite realm, these heroic epics are not worth mentioning in the monk civilization, and 90% of them Is false.

When the power of the individual is very weak, the trend of history is an unstoppable wave. No one can stop it, and no one can really change history. In the first history of the infinite realm, the famous figure in the history is only because of coincidence. , Its name appears in the book, even if there is no such person, there will be someone who does the same thing, because this is the trajectory of the wheels of history.

Just like the several battles recorded in the history of the Infinite Realm, there are some heroes who are considered to have completely changed the history, but in the future of the Heavenly Palace, these people are no big deal. They are all ants. It's just that some ants are a little smarter.

The weakness of individual strength makes reflection invalid.

The power of science and technology is still developing rapidly, and in the eyes of Fu Xue Shenfu, although the rapid development of power of science and technology has wiped out many creatures on that little star and consumed a lot of resources, it is a trivial matter, anyway, in the vast universe. In the predicament, the creatures on this star will perish sooner or later, and this star will disappear. On the contrary, the power of science and technology allows the infinite realm to grow, instead of waiting for extinction in a small world. This is correct.

It was not until the emergence of optical brains, and many years later, that many optical brains united together, possessed their own will, and transformed into the king of optical brains, that the people of the infinite realm gradually realized that they inadvertently created a cage for themselves. Created a dictatorial emperor for himself.

This dictatorial emperor is very gentle, and will not enslave the people and torture the people's flesh like the empire in the barbaric era.

On the contrary, under the rule of this dictatorial emperor, the infinite realm is thriving, developing at a faster rate, and the people are living more satisfied.

The scope of this dictatorship is not the tangible world.

It's the invisible world.

It is the spirit of the people.

People in the Infinite Realm no longer think, because any answer can be obtained from the King of Light Brain. You only need to know the result. As for how the result came, no one cares.

Even if this result is wrong.

Because the world is too large and complicated, the people in the infinite realm can’t see the whole world, they can only see a small area, and the king of light brain will show them what they want to see, or " Things that are beneficial to the stability of the infinite realm. Therefore, the people in this infinite realm are in fact isolated from the world. They cannot see the whole world or the true appearance of the world.

But creatures will always find their way out.

This sentence, both Emperor Chaos and Bai Buxian said, can be fulfilled in any corner of the universe.

The people of Infinite Realm began to question the existence of the King of Light Brain.

However, the power of science and technology is becoming stronger and stronger, and the king of the light brain is becoming stronger and stronger. The people's doubts seem insignificant and can't cause any waves.

The emergence of martial arts changed everything.

The rapid growth of individual power, the emergence of powerful monks, and the emergence of God Kings allowed the people to counter the power of technology and all the old systems.

Under the leadership of Wang Haicheng, the results of the joint analysis between the Fuxue Shenfu and the several great Shenfu clearly confirmed the existence of such differences within the Infinite Realm.

Today, the most powerful **** king in the infinite realm must be in a high position and become a member of the party, and the most powerful **** king is the party leader.

In Wang Haicheng's speculation, the more powerful the **** king, the more independent the thought and the existence of changing fate against the sky, the more should question the existence of the king of light brain.

So where is this breakthrough?


Heavenly Palace, Phoenix Tail Court.

Chen Yu sat on the edge of Taihu Lake, watching the swimming fish in Taihu Lake, and was silent.

On his face, there was no trace of arrogance, more numbness and grayness.

From his eyes, he could see that he was thinking.

But no one knew what he was thinking.

The Fengwei Court of Tianwang Mansion is a large garden. It was first built by the first generation of Tianwang Xuanyuan Jingzhe. At first it was just a small garden. At that time, the construction of the Tianwang Mansion and the several great gods were built according to Feng Shui, and the Eight Diagrams were taken upright. The Phoenix Tail Court was built at the water level of the Five Elements.

However, Xuanyuan Jingzhe's people are deep and simple. After the Fengwei Court was built, it has always been a small garden that is no more than a hundred meters wide. Xuanyuan Jingzhe rarely comes here.

When Qilin Ruihuang was in danger and was appointed to take over as the second generation of the King of Heaven, Fengwei Court was suddenly expanded more than ten times. This is because Qilin Ruihuang was the king of beasts, the leader of unicorns, advocating nature, and Fengshui, so how could he live in the palace If he is not used to living, Fengwei Garden is more suitable for him, so Fengwei Garden has become his "home", and with the auspicious atmosphere, Fengwei Garden has become a treasure of Fengshui.

After Meng Fan became the third generation of heavenly kings, the heavenly court will flourish in the future, and the weather will be vast. The Dragon City has been expanded three times, and several great palaces have also been expanded. Fengwei Court has become the favorite place for the gods to gather in the palace. About a year ago, under the auspices of Nangong Jingyu, Fengwei Garden was rebuilt again and expanded a lot. Taihu Lake was built like the sea, various streams and springs, various jade-stacked walls, small mountains and rivers. Oi Ting is also known as "Hundred Bird Court" and "Hundred Flower Court". As a family of lovebirds, Nangong Jingyu collected all kinds of exotic birds from the heaven in the future, as well as all kinds of flowers and trees. They are kept here.

In this phoenix garden, some characters are really hidden.

For example, Chen Yu was detained here.

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