Supreme God King

Chapter 3163: Power of creation

The fireballs floating in the sky and the fragments of the prehistoric warship are intertwined into a beautiful picture.

Standing in the center of this picture, Meng Fan, dressed in a green shirt, looks so small, yet so eye-catching.

In the center of the violent vortex, Meng Fan's clothes swayed gently, his eyes pierced through all the flames, and he jumped over the warships one after another in the distance.

Then his figure shook.

Wandering beyond the scope of the sight of all the gods.

Wandering in the depths of thousands of layers of space.

A few moments later, another prehistoric warship fell apart, and the huge spatial vortex swallowed the golden stone puppets, like a giant whale swallowing water.

Standing in the center of the vortex, Meng Fan remained motionless. All the fire and bursts around him had nothing to do with him. His eyes were clear, like a deep pool with the bottom visible, looking for a target.

After a few breaths.

Meng Fan moved again.

Another prehistoric warship burst into the air.

When Meng Fan appeared again, the green shirt was floating as before. The only difference was that he was holding a piece of ice in one hand.

A light blue figure was sealed in this piece of ice formed by the condensing of many great meanings, including the meaning of extreme cold, the meaning of sealing, and the meaning of law.

An incarnation of the King of Light Brain.

At this time!

Several warships turned the muzzle of the thunder cannon at the same time, dozens of rows of huge cannons, like buildings, locked Meng Fan's figure, and then a dazzling light rose from the depth of the muzzle.

More than three hundred thunder cannons erupted simultaneously.

This is enough to cut a dimension, and the power to penetrate the laws of the world is concentrated on Meng Fan.

Then he shuttled past him and exploded on other prehistoric warships.

In the past, Emperor Bowu confronted several warships in the chaos world. The huge power of the warships was eye-catching, but the speed was completely incomparable with Emperor Bowu. The explosion of thunder artillery could not even touch Emperor Bowu.

How far is the difference between Meng Fan today and Emperor Bowu back then?

No one knows.

Everyone only knew that Emperor Bo Wu was the King of Seven Tribulations. Although he ruled the human world, the humanity and morality were not in him.

And Meng Fan, the Eight Tribulations God King, the world's largest giant, and the Lord of Heaven, personally beheaded the ancient overlord Qinglin Mother Empress, deterring the existence of all the powerful.

Although in the eyes of the kings, Meng Fan just didn't move.

Only Emperor Cracking Heaven and Gu Daozi, as well as the old Six Tribulations Demon King hidden in the depths of the Seventh Mansion, could vaguely see that just now, Meng Fan's body shook imperceptibly, and the amplitude was extremely small.

With that shaking, Meng Fan wandered through two thousand layers of space.

Avoided all the movement tracks of the thunder cannon.

Surrounded by dozens of prehistoric warships, Meng Fanru entered the land of no one, looked down at the sealed avatar in his hand, and then put his five fingers together, crushed the avatar, put his arms behind him, and said lightly: " Only a small part of the information remains in, King of Light Brain, you have done a lot of homework in order to prevent me."

"Because of fear."

In the void, the voice of the King of Light Brain could be heard, but he didn't know the direction, as if it were sent out from dozens of prehistoric warships.

"Are you afraid too?" Meng Fan responded.

"Fear is a very empty concept. It originates from the most primitive instinct in the heart of living beings and is an unnecessary emotion."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Fear of the power that I can't guess. In the future, the king of heaven, your power is already strong enough, even if I use 500 million incarnations at the same time, I can't calculate the level of your upper limit. I understand that standing at three feet, you can only see two You have become an incalculable existence in the scenery of Zhangzhang, just like the Baibuxian, like the Emperor Chaos."

"Your world has only one dimension, and that is the number. In your eyes, a thousand prehistoric warships must be a thousand times stronger than a prehistoric warship. My existence has already broken through the range defined by numbers. You Surely panic, oh no, panic is the emotions of creatures, you are very weak."


"But you should always know that if you take action against the Demon God Mansion, as long as I want, I can step in here and destroy your fleet at any time."


"You are testing me with three hundred prehistoric warships."

"Because everything about you is unknown to me, so this temptation is necessary."

"Each, each other." Meng Fan chuckled lightly. "So, I'll start."

The voice did not fall.

A flame emerged.

Six prehistoric warships burst!

The sky above the Seventh Mansion was shrouded in dazzling fire, and the naked eye was completely deprived of vision.

Thousands of Demon Kings watched in silence one after another, the prehistoric warships being torn to pieces like paper, a strong shock brewing in their hearts.

"One of the three powers of the world, the Primordial Fleet..." the old Six Tribulations Demon King said with a trembling voice: "In front of the future king, it is so vulnerable."

The shattered wreckage fell to the ground, billowing flames swept like the wind, and the outside of the seventh palace was already plunged into a sea of ​​flames. Thousands of Demon Kings did not take action, they just watched quietly.

Seeing that he didn't use any means, he just relied on the uncapable moving speed and the tough flesh body beyond the imagination of the **** king to collide with the predecessor.

So a prehistoric warship burst.

More than 40 prehistoric warships capable of piercing through a single dimension, in front of Meng Fan, in just one incense stick, most of them have been damaged.

In the middle of the storm, Meng Fan released the will of Heaven in the battle, searching for all the secrets he wanted to know.

In the process of destroying the fleet, the voice of the King of Light Brain has also been ringing in Meng Fan's mind.

"In the future, the battle between you and me will be sentimental and ruthless. When the way of heaven declines, the new heaven will stand, and can replace the gods of heaven, but the Quartet, you, me, the gods, the creation gods, but now the gods are in decline and their spirits are depressed In this struggle, only you and me are left. I am not a creature, and I am ruthless. If you have a soul, there is sentiment. Whether the way of heaven is sentimental and ruthless is the basis of our struggle."

Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and a prehistoric warship broke again. He said lightly, "Where is the God of Creation?"

"The creation gods are the failures of the ancient gods imitating the heavens, but they share the same roots with the heavens, and have powers similar to those of the heavens. After the establishment of the Riyuefeng Alliance, you seek the world, and I swallowed all the creation gods. "

"I swallowed all the creation gods... I took the luck of the gods, and you swallowed the power of the creation gods. The dispute between heaven and the way is between you and me, but you must not forget that the way of heaven also wants to be sentimental, so Transformed into a living being, you today are just like the way of heaven in the primordial era of Hongmeng. You are still immature and young. You have not yet understood the heart of living things. You know, why?"


"The way of heaven was just like you, with only power and calculations. In the eyes of heaven, everything in the world is a number. Just like you, you can build thousands of prehistoric warships. This is the most you can touch. A powerful force, but these prehistoric warships were vulnerable to a blow before me.

You can't evolve, you can't break through yourself, and you can't derive any kind of avenue. This is the power of sentient beings, the power of the human heart, you don't understand.

Heavenly Dao has realized the terrible power of this kind of power and the infinite possibilities that sentient beings can evolve from a very old age.

After Tiandao tried repeatedly to destroy sentient beings and failed, Tiandao realized that with the deduction of time, sentient beings are getting stronger and stronger, and Heavenly Tao, always stagnating, will one day be replaced by sentient beings and destroyed by sentient beings.

Therefore, the way of heaven began to transform, doing everything possible to transform into living beings, possessing the same infinite possibilities as sentient beings.

Since ancient times, the way of heaven has been devouring the wisdom of sentient beings and the wisdom of gods.

And because of this, there has been a long river of fate, the coming of the Emperor of Heaven, the conquest of the heavens by the Hundred Step Immortals, the black death catastrophe, and the dispute between the heavens.

King of Light Brain, you swallow the God of Creation, but you have their power, but the God of Creation is still not a creature, but just a group of rules.

Swallowing them can bring you closer to heaven.

It is even possible to make him a god.

But even if you become a god, what?

The King of Light Brain, the conversation with you is the most boring conversation in the world.

Because you are not a creature, you don't understand what I say. "

The last word falls.

More than forty prehistoric warships were wiped out.

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