Supreme God King

Chapter 3135: My war

King City is located in the southeast basin of the old land of artisans. It has a pleasant climate and is surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers. It retains the few natural scenery of the artisan’s territory. It is a place where the nobles with sufficient seniority and old age can enjoy their lives.

Therefore, this basin is also called the "Old Man Basin".

As for the origin of the name of the King’s City, it is also very simple and clear. In the craftsman civilization, all the veterans who are too old and do not want to continue to struggle and subtly practice martial arts are here. Many of them are retired craftsmen civilizations. Craftsmen civilization has no king, no emperor, and there is no concept of hereditary power and status. Only land, titles and money can be passed down, so the highest leader is the ruling power.

According to historical records, after the sixth chief of the craftsman civilization entered the Old Man Basin, he created his own city here, called the "Sage City". This ruler is indeed praised by the latecomers as the power of a generation of sages. God king.

The early history of the craftsman civilization, like the historical origin of many worlds, was full of variables, uncertainties, and crises, and the future heaven will be the same. Therefore, the earliest leaders of the craftsman civilization were all heroes of the generation, and they changed quite frequently. In thirty years, there were five great rulings who died in battle against foreigners. Of course, the foreigners at that time were not the Kun people. , But after the craftsman civilization arrived here, some "indigenous people" here, that is, the sects and countries established by some gods who lived here earlier than them.

Among them, there are even some sects and countries that share the same roots as the ancestors of the craftsman civilization. They are basically the same race. They are all Qiuliang, but they are also opposed to each other.

Until the sixth generation came to power, they began to unite vertically and horizontally, using diplomatic means, uniting the tribes and forces of the Qiuliang tribe, and signing various treaties, until finally signed a non-aggression treaty and a trade treaty, and a few The Qiuliang tribe who are unwilling to sign a treaty kicked out of the alliance, and it can be regarded as a complete unity of the Qiuliang tribe living here.

At that time, the Qiuliang tribe had not discovered the ancient soldiers hidden deep in the ground, nor had they become "artisans."

The sixth generation has been in power for hundreds of years. He devoted his entire life to consolidating the covenants and relations between the various Qiuliang tribes. Externally, it was used to pacify and war, so that the Qiuliang clan reached the last great prosperity before becoming a craftsman. At the last meeting of the Qiuliang tribe, he won the title of "Republic in Power", which means that he has the power to decide the diplomacy and military affairs of all the Qiuliang tribes.

When he left office, he was already very old, and the various tribes once again gave him a title, King Ming, but he did not accept it and refused to be king.

After his death, the Sage City he built was proposed to be renamed King City by various tribes.

This is the origin of King City.

Hearing these stories, Zhuge Yun said with emotion: "The vicissitudes of life." Then he looked at the King City and saw various magnificent buildings and a large number of statues. Those statues are the masters of the civilization of craftsmen in the past.

He whispered: "This city full of history and honor, this basin where countless stories have been written, was retained in the end, which is the greatest shame of the craftsman.

When the Kun nationality broke through the first defense of the Western Front, a vast army slammed into the entire artisan territory and could not be stopped. Under this situation, many veteran **** kings living in the Old Man Basin were former guarantors. , Prosecutors, or parliamentarians, master craftsmen, one after another went to the new city, dragging their old bodies to take control of the overall situation and fighting the Kun people.

At the same time, there are also many veteran **** kings who choose to stay here to draft documents or direct battles.

At that time, it was simply the second new city, the second capital of the artisan territory.

When the new city of Guxin was breached, countless craftsmen were killed, including the Great Ruling; hundreds of Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures were suppressed, including the horned armors. The main force of the craftsmen all died, but the remaining craftsmen still resisted, and a large number of them retreated to the old man basin.

But what was waiting for them was the news of the surrender of Old Man Basin.

This is the reason why the King City and the Old Man Basin are well preserved, and those craftsmen who surrendered, who were lucky, became slaves, and those who were not lucky, were beheaded outside the city of Guxin City to show the cruel and terrible Kun people. "

Softly stretched out his hand and gestured to the huge King City.

"In the future, the battle of the Heavenly Court will be for the secrets of the ancient soldiers, to eradicate the Kun tribe’s scourge, or to solve the worries of the resurgent Emperor in the future, for the sake of fame, righteousness, etc., it doesn’t matter. For the craftsmen, this is not the future war of heaven, this is our war."

Zhuge Yun looked at the whisper, and was silent.

He whispered softly: "The enemy is coming soon."


Jin Xuanxian is a very promising young man.

In any era and place, he can be called a genius.

He was once a small citizen in a supreme celestial dynasty. Because of his exquisite martial arts talent, it took less than a hundred years to reach the pinnacle of the spiritual realm. However, his identity and status are not Gao, even once refused because of the emperor's sign, was arrested and detained for decades.

Three and a half years ago, after the supreme celestial dynasty he was in was merged into the future heavenly court, he was released, and took advantage of the huge fortune of the future heavenly court to rise quickly and eventually become a **** king.

In three and a half years, he saw the rise, bitterness, hardship, twists and turns, brilliance, and prosperity of Heaven in the future.

The powerful vows of the heavens in the future and the ideal of allowing sentient beings to dominate their own destiny made Jin Xuanxian believe that he lived in the best age and met the greatest group of people.

Just like many young people in the heavens in the future, Jin Xuanxian will have endless admiration and worship as a **** whenever he mentions Meng Fan.

He participated in the future examination of the heavenly court and successfully entered the Fuxue Shenfu. After studying various martial arts secrets for a year, he stepped into the God King of Two Tribulations, applied to join the Heavenly Army, and finally became a member of the Heavenly Army after three failures. , And was the youngest and weakest member of the Tiandao Army at that time.

He participated in all kinds of tough battles fought by the Heavenly Dao Army.

In the attack on the last big stronghold of the Black Death Army, he died nine times a lifetime, but broke through on the verge of death and became the King of Three Tribulations.

At this time, it caught up with the Xie family's selection meeting.

The Xie family, as one of the great families of the heavenly court in the future, will have a huge influence. The Xie family’s selection meeting is a custom left by the Xie family in the ancient years. It does not matter whether you are born or who is noble or poor. Yes, what is the purpose? The chosen one will become the son-in-law of the Xie family and can marry a young woman from the Xie family.

This is a method used by the ancient emperor family Xie family to rule its own territory and assimilate other clans, but over time, it really becomes the patriarchal clan method, which must be carried out every few years, until the strongest moment of the Xie family. Any **** and king in the world can come to the selection meeting, and as long as they win, they can marry a woman from the Xie family.

Jin Xuanxian went.

He originally didn't have a name.

Just have a surname, and according to the customs of their hometown, ranked third, he randomly chose a very poor name, Jin Bing.

The requirement of the Xie family’s selection meeting is age. Jin Xuanxian is definitely a first-class strong at his age, and finally took the top spot. He married an eldest lady from the Xie family and married about two months later. Property, business, money, family , Xie’s family is ready.

But he knew that he couldn't wait for that day.

He was lying on the ground, with only his upper body left. In front of him, he was a long-time veteran of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion, a Four Tribulations God King.

This loyal Changqing looked at Jin Xuanxian with serious eyes, and said nothing.

"I don't regret it." Jin Xuanxian smiled slightly: "Is it... Your Lord, has come?"

"Yes, news has been received in many places, and many people have seen Lord Tianwang." Changqing replied.

"I heard that there are still many reinforcements..."

"The demon world and the waste world have all sent reinforcements."

"I don't regret it." Jin Xuanxian repeated it again. "In the future heaven, we are all the masters of our own destiny. Everything is up to us. Joining the Legion of Heaven and dying here is my own choice. This is my war."

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