Supreme God King

Chapter 3127: summer

April 9th, sixth year of the Avenue Times.

While the craftsmen were fighting at Yumen, various treasure houses and secrets from the old places of craftsmen were unearthed one after another. There were more than 700 in front and back, and they were transported back to the future heaven.

Jingyu Shenfu.

The two leaders, Master Zhuge and Wang Haicheng, sat together, and there were countless scrolls scattered around them, and at every moment, priests rushed in, dropped some scrolls and left immediately.

The treasure house brought back from the craftsman’s old mansion had to be moved into the Heavenly King’s Mansion before, and the priests of the Heavenly King’s Mansion had to look at it. However, nine days ago, the Heavenly King’s Mansion suddenly issued an order. The secrets in these treasure houses were arranged by Jingyu and Fuxue Shenfu .

There are more than 700 treasure houses, and new ones are transported back every day. There are millions of scrolls, tokens, and seal plates, and most of the characters in them are very old craftsman characters, even the current craftsmen The elders can only understand a small part, and many places are compiled with the lost craftsman code.

This is a difficult and vast decryption project.

So Wang Haicheng directly moved into Jingyu Shrine and stayed up day and night with Master Zhuge. Even the Fuxue Shrine had many priests and Wang Haicheng.

Master Zhuge put down a book that had been translated by several priests, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Senior Wang, it's heartbreaking."

Wang Haicheng also has sweat on his forehead, nodding his first words: "The content we have deciphered may not even reach 1%, but it is indeed thrilling."

Master Zhuge said: "Brother Meng, with the will of heaven, the supreme heavenly law, has the ability to surpass anyone in the heavens in the future, has he deciphered the contents of these books?"

"Then why give these scrolls to you and me?" Wang Haicheng asked.

Master Zhuge said: "Just as let the future kings understand the tower of meaning, this is a kind of training for the two gods."

Wang Haicheng groaned: "I think that's not true. The calculation ability of Lord Heaven is indeed unmatched by all kings in the future. Even the Mingyi ancestor of the Zhuge family is a magical tool, I am afraid it is not as good as Lord Heaven. There are millions of Fuzhuan secret books, hundreds of millions of words, and they are all written in ancient craftsmen's words that have been lost. There are also riddles and passwords. Even if you see it in light words, you have to shake your head. Lord Tianwang can push a part. , But can't deduct everything."

Master Zhuge hesitated and said: "In this way, it is really a huge project. I am afraid that it will be difficult to do it in one or two years if the power of all the priests of the two gods is assembled."

"The king of light brain can do it." Wang Haicheng said solemnly: "The Fuxue Shenfu is the key to managing the various books and essays of the heavens and the cosmos in the future. It is also a huge project to organize, and understand the affairs of the world. The power of the King of Light Brain, if these secrets are handed over to the King of Light Brain, it may be possible to crack them within more than a month."

Master Zhuge laughed at himself: "The king of light brain, after all, is the king of Taoism, the king of calculus."

Wang Haicheng also said: "On the calculation of the world, the king of light brain is the first, and the head of the Siyuan dynasty is third, but there is a strength, second only to the king of light brain, and stronger than the heavy and dull king head. "

Master Zhuge raised his eyebrows: "Do not use the power of the torrent of soul. Brother Meng said that the few words he understood can already shake the minds of all living beings, and are enough to subvert the cognition of all gods in the universe. We deciphered this A small part of it also vaguely showed some earth-shattering eyebrows, really telling the world, I don’t know what the consequences will be. The torrent of mind is strong, the minds and thoughts of the heavenly beings in the future will be integrated, and the calculation ability will also be concentrated. If you put these things into the torrent of the mind and let all living beings in the future crack them together, you may be able to crack more than 90% in just two or three months. The rest is not difficult to guess, but if this is the case, it is equal to Made it public."

Wang Haicheng sighed, "There is a sky outside the sky. This kind of thing is really scary."

Master Zhuge stood up, flexed his muscles and bones, looked out the door, took the scroll in the hands of a priest, and saw that the priest looked solemn, and said softly: "Cultivation for a few days."

The priest retreated.

"Look." Master Zhuge pointed to the leaving priest. "Even the priests of my Jingyu God's Mansion, after knowing some things, looked solemn."

Wang Haicheng picked up a spar fragment. In this small fragment, millions of words were condensed: "The secret of ancient soldiers."


Heavenly Palace.

Meng Fan put his hands behind his back and stood in front of the window.

Behind him is Nangong Jingyu.

Since Meng Fan took over the position of the third generation of heavenly kings, Nangong Jingyu, who was originally the second **** of Jingyu, has also returned to hermit. As the elder of Jingyu's palace, he devoted himself to training martial arts and eventually became the king of five calamities.

Since then, these two "husbands and wives" in the eyes of the future kings of heaven have not seen each other for more than a year.

The relationship between the two is becoming more and more detached.

It is rare that Nangong Jingyu, who became the King of Five Tribulations, walked out of his retreat and stepped into the Palace of Heavenly Kings.

She is also the only one who knows that Meng Fan has become the King of Eight Tribulations.

Her current status is the Secret Envoy of the Heavenly King's Mansion, equivalent to the writer and clerks of the future Heavenly King, and assists Meng Fan in handling various affairs. After the war with Siyuan Dynasty, a large number of **** kings entered the old artisan land, and various tasks were extremely heavy. Many patrons who returned to the secluded cultivation heart chose to leave the customs to share the worries of the future heavenly court and assume important tasks. Nangong Jingyu will be the veteran of the future heavenly court. , Emperor Wu Zong, who was once the ruler of the heavenly dynasty, and the second **** of Jingyu God's Mansion, had sufficient reputation and qualifications, and he was also handy in doing many things.

"The ancestors of artisans were the Qiuliang clan billions of years ago. This race began to split about 7 billion years ago. Some of them were far away from the center of the universe, which is our monk civilization, and migrated and settled. One group is the ancestors of today's craftsmen, and it has been spread to other places. Most of the Qiuliang people who are still here have been extinct or integrated into other races. In short, they have disappeared."

Meng Fan said slowly.

"The reason why the craftsman became a craftsman is about four billion years ago, after the craftsman settled in the old place, he discovered and excavated several mysterious ruins. In one of the ruins, ancient soldiers appeared. The ancient soldiers have never seen them before. The magic weapon, especially the weapon that can contend with the law of heaven, ignores the various constraints of the law of heaven, is extremely powerful. The artisans of the ancient soldiers cannot understand, but the artisans can control some of the edge skills of the ancient soldiers, and they have developed a brilliant and continuous The craftsman civilization.

Before the emperor was sealed, the primordial gods and kings of the universe were fighting against the sky, and they were all changing their lives against the sky, just like the Great Chaos, like the impermanence king who cuts cause and effect, etc., and so on, so are the ancient craftsmen. They wanted to crack the secrets of the ancient soldiers, and they also wanted to integrate the strength and resistance of the ancient soldiers into their bodies, but it was too difficult, so the craftsmen launched a series of plans for this, the most important of which was, It is Taoism.

At this point, when you see Qingyu and the widows of the craftsmen, you can see that all Taoist artifacts want to become creatures, while the craftsmen want to transform their bodies into Taoist artifacts a little bit. Dao Qi possesses many powers that creatures cannot match, the most important of which is that the body does not rot.

But the craftsmen who have transformed themselves still can’t do the same as the ancient soldiers against the forces of heaven. Therefore, the thirty-three heavenly treasures between the ancient soldiers and the creatures are created in the hands of the craftsmen, imitating the ancient soldiers. Up.

Here is a problem.

Who is the ancient soldier?

The answer I got so far is.

Gu Bing is the puppet of the Taoist master.

So, who is the Taoist? "

Meng Fan looked out the window, the blossoming Dragon City, muttered: "The Great Emperor Chaos may already know the answer."

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