Supreme God King

Chapter 3036: Get together

The two hall masters, ignoring the dark and unconscious creatures around them, raised their heads and looked at Meng Fan quietly with eyes dark as the night sky.

They completely lost the aura that they had in Wanyu back then.

On the contrary, it is like an exorcism without a soul.

Looking at Meng Fan, it was like looking at a stranger.

Their bodies, one hundred thousand acupuncture points, and every pore are exuding black death air, and their flesh and blood have been tempered by the black death air for a long time. They are as dark as ink and look as hard as black iron.

The two hall masters are both in the realm of the Five Tribulations God King.

Obviously, the thirteen hall masters became the leader of the black death catastrophe, and also received huge benefits in the black death catastrophe.

The black death catastrophe is horrible, a black death creature can slowly infect a dimension, turning them all into a black death creature, and transform more vitality into the black death aura.

The thirteen hall masters are the source of black death. The more black death creatures and the more black death spirit, the stronger they are.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the two hall masters both grew up to be the Five Tribulations God King.

Although these two hall masters did not seem to have any glamour, they also seemed to be walking corpses, as if they had no spirit of exorcism, but they were obviously wise.

Instead of stepping out of the torrent of black death, it released a wave of will to suppress those black death creatures and calm them down. Don't be full of fear for Meng Fan.

The torrent of black death that gradually calmed down turned into waves, surrounding the thirteen hall masters, like a copper wall and iron wall, protecting several hall masters.

"Meng Fan."

At this time, a palace master spoke.

The voice was cold, as if coming from the deep cold abyss.

"long time no see."

Meng Fan said indifferently: "Do you think that more than one hundred million black creatures can stop me from taking your lives? You are not so stupid. The thirteenth hall masters, you, know me very well, this universe The king is not clear about my means and strength. Even if you haven't seen me for a long time, you should know that this torrent of black death cannot stop me."

A palace master nodded gently: "Of course, it can't be stopped, but it can delay you for a while."

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

The hall master said: "Baibuxian seals the emperor, you are the biggest beneficiary, then who is the second beneficiary? It is us.

We once stepped into the source of the heavens. Although we did not get the true meaning of the great avenue, we got the way to reverse the vitality and created the spirit of black death, once dominating all realms, almost invincible, but we did not expect that the spirit of black death, We didn't create it ourselves, it was created by God's way, which helped us create it.

We turned out to be a move that Heaven has been brewing for hundreds of thousands of years.

When we were instantly suppressed by the will of heaven and turned into the source of black death, and the aura of black death continued to be sprayed, the frightening thing was that we did not really lose our will, the consciousness was still there, but we were suppressed, unable to control our own body. Like a bystander, even, like a vessel used by others.

However, Bai Buxian sealed the Emperor of Heaven and gave us a day to come.

In the first days as the source of the black death, we were all thinking about the future, almost desperate.

After breaking away from the control of the Dao of Heaven, we vaguely understood the way forward.

Everything will perish, only death will live forever.

We must create the underworld, control death, and establish the only great world in the cosmos, all beings must submit to our underworld, because all beings fear death. "

Some words are simple and even crude.

The transformation of the thirteen hall masters in the black death catastrophe is also amazing, and the words and behaviors can't be seen in the past.

And Meng Fan also knew that behind the simple words of the Thirteenth Hall Master, there were actually huge blood and tears hidden behind them.

"Meng Fan, as the Lord of Heaven, how powerful you are now, and indeed the nemesis of the black death catastrophe, but if you think that you can stop the black death catastrophe, and even eliminate the black death catastrophe, you are too uncomfortable. If you can, the power of the black death catastrophe is far beyond your imagination.

Just as we will not despise you, you should not despise us either.

How long have we been enemies with you? From the ten thousand domains, has been fighting to this cosmic prehistoric.

How many enemies do you have along the way?

How many of your enemies have fallen?

The grand old man, the emperor of ten thousand laws, the **** Sumi, etc., etc.

But we are still alive.

It's like we tried to kill you again and again, but failed, so we will not despise you.

You are the enemy of us, but we still exist, and even confronting you, you should not despise us. "

After the palace master said, he opened his arms.

"Come on, Meng Fan, how long this torrent of black deaths composed of hundreds of millions of black death creatures can resist you, I am also very curious. If you want to see how powerful the black death catastrophe is, we also want to see, today How powerful are you!"

In the cold voice of the hall master.

The corner of Meng Fan's mouth raised slightly.

In an instant, at Wan Yushi, the energetic and invincible young man appeared again.

He suddenly clenched his hands together, his arms shook tens of thousands of times in an instant, and then suddenly separated his arms!

Between heaven and earth.

Space is shattered!

A space rift across heaven and earth has appeared!

This spatial rift cuts directly into the torrent of black death, as in ancient legends, the humane saint split the ocean and let his people escape.

The torrent of black death was suddenly separated!

The three hall masters, two standing and one fainted, immediately appeared in front of Meng Fan, and there was no obstacle between them.

In this scene, the pupils of the two hall masters were tightened, and the momentum was really amazing!

There are no magic methods, magic powers, just manipulating the laws of space between heaven and earth, deducing the meaning of space to the extreme, all at once, dividing the void and shattering the vacuum!

It is conceivable that if Meng Fan used this hand in a supreme celestial dynasty, then this supreme celestial dynasty, the huge dimension, would be divided into two at once!

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth raised slightly.

Do you want to see my power?

it is good!

After splitting the torrent of black death, Meng Fan's left foot trembled, gently, and took a step forward.

Just this step.

Walker is invincible.

Meng Fan had already passed through the vacuum zone he created, and went straight to the two hall masters!


A strong will came.

The hundreds of millions of black dead beings that were suddenly divided, immediately like a turbulent wave, madly impacted Meng Fan.

Among these black creatures, there are millions, and in the blink of an eye, the divided space is directly cut into pieces.

There are only a few hundred gods, the two-kage **** king, the three-knack **** king, and the four-kata **** king, who have passed through this divided space. Although their bodies have been injured to varying degrees, these dark creatures seem to be unconscious , Continue to rush towards Meng Fan.

Meng Fan glanced at the hundreds of black death kings.

Half of the heads burst directly!

The will of heaven.

The last survivors were almost all the Four Tribulations Black Death King, and behind him, several hidden, five-Tribulations Black Death King!

These five black death kings of the Five Tribulations, surprisingly, were all members of the Legion of Order.

Even Meng Fan saw in it, a young rookie who will rise up in the new era in the future Heavenly Court. He originally had a bright future and a bright future. He joined the Legion of Order with great enthusiasm. He wanted to create his own legend. The first battle fell.

Seeing the Five Tribulations God King, a member of the Heavenly Court in the future, Meng Fan was surprised for a moment, and then with a wave of his palm, dozens of Mighty Spears shot out through these black death kings.

In a flash.

A billowing flame burst out of Meng Fan's body, spreading out in all directions, and in an instant, the entire space was shining and dazzling.

That is the meaning of light.

It is also the anger in Meng Fan's heart!

The black death king who had paid a huge price to hit Meng Fan's side was turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment.

Meng Fan was only a thousand feet away from the three hall masters.

His eyes became cold.

It takes one blow to obliterate the three hall masters!

at this time.

Ten highly condensed chains of black death energy, assassinated out of the void and headed straight for Meng Fan.

As soon as these chains were hit, Meng Fan reacted, his body spun fiercely, the stars were turned, the world was turned upside down, all the laws were crushed, and those chains were also torn apart.

But all of a sudden, Meng Fan's forward posture stopped.

In the void.

Appeared again, ten sources of black death.

They looked at Meng Fan coldly, and surrounded Meng Fan.

Obviously, I got the news and just arrived.

Thirteen hall masters, gather together!

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