Supreme God King

Chapter 2988: Come back home

Of the few **** kings present, none were mediocre.

The King of Light Brain controls the most powerful calculation power in the universe. The grand plan old man rebirths several times to create the foundation of the gods. Joel is the most respected and respected old king of the Arcane Empire. He was the teacher of the emperor when he was young. The first son under the seat of the Great Emperor, later escaped from the control of the Great Emperor Chaos and became the second Creator.

Which of these people is mediocre?

At the moment when God Buddha Xumi said that Meng Fan had awakened and was going to control the meaning of cause and effect, everyone present understood the seriousness of the matter.

Heaven is immortal, cause and effect are invincible!

Three Thousand Avenue is ranked first!

The blueprint of destiny!

Even if this is some kind of conspiracy by God and Buddha, as long as there is a one-percent chance of being true, the result will be something that the kings cannot face!

The old man Hongtu didn't even have the thought of asking the Emperor of Ten Thousand Dharma.

Take a direct step towards the sky above the sky, to use all your strength, urge all the formations around the sky above the sky to destroy Meng Fan's body!

Joel also moved with him.

Kill Meng Fan!

At this moment, they had only this idea in their minds.

Kill Meng Fan!

The same is true of the detachment of the Lord!

He immediately used his full strength to extract Meng Fan's power.

God Buddha Xumi eased slightly when he saw this scene, but it was only a mental relaxation, his body was still experiencing tremendous pain.

The **** of root burial and the goddess of virtuous robbery are protected by the gods of Xumi, and he can't help but wonder: "How can this be?"

"He sees through the cause and effect, and understands the cause and effect." God Buddha Xumi gasped. "Unexpectedly, I thought that no one in the world could break through the maze of the virtual realm of cause and effect. He broke through, but instead helped him understand the meaning of cause and effect... However, as long as Meng Fan's body was severely injured, the pillar of martial art was broken, The meaning of cause and effect will not fall into his hands... trapped his soul!"

With a loud shout, the Root Burial God Buddha and the Xian Jie God Buddha came to the mouth of the well without hesitation and immediately displayed the Taoist Famen and sealed them around the mouth of the well.

On Mount Xumi, the eight hundred arhats also began to chant and blessed the seal.

Before the sky dome.

The old man Hongtu, Joel, has come to the top of the sky, and at the same time raised his hand to urge the big formation to kill Meng Fan!


Suddenly, the old man Hongtu and Joel were both stiff.

An iron-black fist appeared beside Joel.

A pale palm appeared in front of the old man Hongtu.

The two Six Tribulations God Kings were shocked, because they clearly felt that the two offensives that suddenly appeared were very powerful.

In other words, it was the two Six Tribulations God Kings who shot!

The old man Hongtu and Joel backed back at the same time, instinctively dodging, the whole body's vitality law formed pieces of armor, resisting two mysterious and fierce attacks, and then fixed his gaze to look for his opponent.

The opponent has no intention of continuing to hide.

The two figures fell in front of the old man Hongtu and Joel respectively.

In front of Joel, the figure was shrouded in black armor, slender, showing only one face.

Xie Jingyi.

In front of the old man in Hongtu, there was a gray-robed man with pale complexion and handsome face, but between his eyes and eyebrows, there was a strong indifference, which was indifference to all things in the world, even life and death.


In the future, Xuanyuan Jingzhe of Heavenly Court has fallen.

But a new Six Tribulations God King was born again, lonely and proud.

In the decisive battle of the Way of Heaven, the aura of death on the battlefield transformed his way of dying, and he became the King of Six Tribulations!

And Xie Jingyi's martial arts became more sophisticated.

This age and seniority is very high in the future Heavenly Court of the Six Tribulations God King, the city is deep, comparable to Xuanyuan Jingzhe, and has always been regarded as a great Dinghai God Needle in the future Heavenly Court.

However, this veteran **** king who was inextricably happy and angry, looked at Akdor at this moment, but was extremely fierce.


In the decisive battle of Heaven’s Path, many powerful **** kings fell. Among them, Emperor Splitting Sky and Gu Daozi were seriously injured. Although six months have passed, they have been recuperated, but their realm and cultivation level are great. The magnitude has gone backwards because of their injuries, leaving scars that are difficult to heal.

But at least they are still alive.

The two gods with the highest status in the decisive battle of the heavens, the first, of course, is the nominal leader of the future heaven Xuanyuan Jingzhe, and the second is the Lord Hongwu, Xie Jinghai!

Xie Jingyi's younger brother.

This is the reason why Xie Jingyi's murderous intent appeared at this moment!

The grand old man, Joel, the transcendent king, and the **** Sumi who looked up to the sky in the phantom of Mount Xumi, all showed different colors.

Because the heavens disappeared in the future, it has been four or five months!

Although the heaven in the future will always be there, the heaven in the future will use various means to cover itself, and will not ask about foreign affairs. Even for four or five months, no one has ever seen the **** king in the future heaven.

They seem to have completely declined.

The decisive battle of the Heavenly Dao has inflicted heavy damage to the future heavenly court, causing too much damage. The future heavenly court will also turn into a piece of scorched earth, with countless cracks appearing.

But today, the people from the heavens in the future have appeared.

In the future, it will take a long time for the **** kings of the heavens to arrive at the sky above the sky. Six months ago, Meng Fan chased the two great emperors and the illusion of destiny in the grand plan of the road. .

And Meng Fan, who possesses the invincible means of walking, can cross long distances faster than Emperor Bo Wu.

Therefore, Lonely Haughty, Xie Jingyi, it is by no means that they have just received the news and rushed over.

The old man Hongtu immediately understood the reason for this.

What he thought was not wrong.

Since the decisive battle of the Heavenly Dao, the future Heavenly Court has been hidden.

However, it is definitely not like the outside world thinks, declining, declining, no longer asking foreign affairs, covering up ears and stealing bells.

After the decisive battle of the heavens, great changes have taken place in the heavens in the future, and a series of plans have been launched!

First of all, under the recommendation of all parties, Qilin Ruihuang, as the oldest **** in the heavens in the future, is older than the ancestor of Mingyi, and he was ordered to serve as the future king!

Although some **** kings have doubts about whether Qilin Ruihuang’s character is suitable for the position of the future king who shoulders the overall situation, but in that situation, no one has expressed such doubts. Everyone knows. First hold on. The situation is the most important.

Qilin Ruihuang also proved that he can do it. In the past few months, he has been listening to everyone's opinions, and he has put on the attitude that the king should have.

According to Qilin Ruihuang’s meaning, Rui Baichuan was the vacant position of the main **** of the law division. However, Rui Baichuan’s personality was not suitable for the main god. He was more casual and casual. Two months later, this position fell to the new promotion. The Six Tribulations God King was lonely and proud.

Gu Xin Ao’s reputation in the future heaven is not great. Firstly, he will enter the future heavenly court for a short time. Secondly, he has always been low-key, but after all, he is a **** king of six calamities, and he is young, about the age of Meng Fan. Especially, after Meng Fan was suppressed, the master of Jingyu Palace was held by Master Zhuge. As a result, the position of the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly King, and the five main gods in the future will not be held by a member of Meng Fan's line, with Meng Fan’s prestige. And the contribution to the heavenly court in the future, this matter cannot be tolerated by all parties.

At this time, the pattern of the future heaven will be re-fixed. Qilin Ruihuang will be the future king, arrogantly will be the chief **** of the law, Rui Baichuan will be the second **** of the law, Zhuge Zijian has suffered some injuries in the decisive battle of heaven, plus When he got older, he gave Zhuge Ziyi the position of master and master, and he became a second god.

Master Zhuge served as the master of Jingyu Palace, Xuanyuan Aohan as the second god, Nangong Jingyu retired and concentrated on training, and the ancient emperor served as the master of Jingyu Palace.

Hongwu Divine Mansion, Xie Jingyi, who was always unwilling to participate in political affairs, did not hesitate to take up the position of the main god, which was regarded as a nostalgia for her younger brother, while Meng Niuniu served as the second **** of Hongwu.

In the Fuxue Shenfu, Wang Haicheng is still the main god, and the demon Ji Siyu who broke through to become the **** king of the Five Tribulations, becomes the second god.

After Gu Xin proudly served as the chief **** of the law division, the future heaven at that time was finally completed. Although it was far less glorious than in its heyday, it finally maintained the foundation of the Dao World. After everything is stable, the power of vows will skyrocket in the future. At this moment, Xin Ao proposed a plan to rescue Meng Fan.

This plan is wrong no matter from which angle it is viewed.

Because the scene of Meng Fan's suppression has spread throughout the universe, from any angle, the possibility that Meng Fan can break through the suppression is very low, almost impossible.

Secondly, in the future, Heavenly Court has just stabilized its position and should not provoke other causes and effects.

However, the heavenly king and the leaders of several major gods almost agreed to the solitary and proud proposal without hesitation!

Because I believe.

I believe Meng Fan will not fall like this.

Two months ago, Gu Xinao and Xie Jingyi, the two main gods, set off to Yangtianqiang.

Forty-two days ago, the two main gods appeared near the dome of the sky and hung down.

They have been waiting for forty-two days.

The old man of Hongtu said coldly: "Young man, I know you. Although you haven't made a name in the prehistoric universe, but a character who has just stepped into the martial arts for ten thousand years has become the King of Six Tribulations. Your future will be Unlimited, but, do you really think you can fight me?"

"It's enough to hold you."

Lonely said indifferently, without happiness or anger.

Then he raised his head.

Look at the phantom of Mount Xumi.

Speak softly.

"Meng Fan, go, go home."

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