Supreme God King

Chapter 2948: Great arcane

The sailing boat has two hundred giant sails, four hundred thousand-foot-long oars, and various carved runes. Those carvings are not the common beasts and beasts of humanity, nor the chaotic characters commonly used by the demons and ghosts, let alone The monster minions, wings and wings that prevail among the wild beasts are some imagery words.

Although Meng Fan didn't know these imagery words, he was able to fully understand the meaning.

As a god, although Meng Fan's calculation ability is incomparable with Mingyi's ancestor, and even less comparable to the King of Light Brain, he can listen to the sounds of all things and feel the subtle vibrations of all the laws of heaven and earth. He can solve the nine by intuition. The mystery of nine.

What's more, these imagery texts are very vivid.

These characters are almost all made of a single line. The shape of fire symbolizes the flames, the sun, the shape of water, the shape of rivers, mountains, and the shape of wind, the shape of land, and so on.

Excluding these words, there are many statues standing on the bow of the sailing boat. These statues are also quite different from the statues Meng Fan saw. They are quite realistic. They are men or women with perfect figures, surrounded by different statues. A tall and handsome statue of Qing men and women.

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Arcane Empire."

Arcane civilization, Meng Fan already has some understanding.

First of all, there are various legends about arcane civilizations circulating in the prehistoric cosmos, then there are some secrets about several major civilizations brought by craftsman civilization, and finally, Meng Fan's deduction of many civilizations.

Although arcane civilization is like craftsman civilization, technology civilization, returnee civilization, and poet civilization, it is still shrouded in a thick mist, but Meng Fan knows some of the characteristics of these civilizations.

Arcane civilization was originally just a variant of monk civilization. It was the same as other civilizations. There is nothing to say about it. The only difference between arcane civilization and other civilizations is that arcane civilization itself seems a little bit different. confusion.

The infinite field of science and technology civilization, constantly pursuing the ultimate in calculation ability, using technology and science to change the world; the craftsman civilization pursues the pinnacle of creation methods, so that the **** king of the craftsman civilization has replaced the flesh with a powerful Taoist tool, even some people call it The craftsman civilization is "the Taoist civilization"; the returnee civilization is the Kun nationality. In Meng Fan's words, it is the insects. They have a huge number and pursue chaos and disorder. They are absolutely hostile to heaven. Far beyond the Protoss.

The opposition between the gods and the gods is more like two princes in a dynasty fighting for the throne. The final result is that either you die or I die. The gods also pursue the power of the gods, but because they fear the gods, they want to use them. God's way replaces heavenly way, but the final result is to take over the authority of heavenly way.

It can be said that the Protoss and Heavenly Dao are disconnected, full of various connections.

The civilization of the returnees is like the barbarians and nomadic tribes in the northern part of the dynasty. They are not fighting for the throne of this dynasty, but to completely destroy the dynasty, even to exterminate the gens, and slaughter all the Li people in this dynasty.

Poet civilization is now the most mysterious civilization, because it is said that the world of poet civilization is very far away, farther than other major civilizations, in the extreme depths of the cosmos, but the face of poet civilization is also very clear, poet Civilization believes that the present is short and the future is fuzzy. Only the past history is certain. The poet civilization is the guardian of history.

It's just that this kind of guardianship, what exactly it means, is still unknown.

These civilizations all have their own unique powers, even enough to derive new roads.

Arcane civilization is a lot messy.

The arcane civilization has developed to the present, and it still looks very messy.

At first, the arcane civilization was split from the monk civilization. In fact, the martial arts of the monk civilization were modified in various ways. Some of the changes were very complicated and completely violated the principle of simplification, while others were changed too much. Too simple has caused loopholes in many martial arts systems.

For example, many of the most important concepts in martial arts, such as the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, have been changed into a land of wind, fire and water in arcane civilization, and the simple system of yin and yang has been changed into celestial phenomena by arcane civilization. The Twelve Star Palace, the land resembles the complex appearance of seven buildings.

In particular, the use of vitality in martial arts is very pure, while the use of vitality in arcane civilization has become very complicated. It is necessary to make various runes and spirit stones to operate vitality, and create a kind of staff called wand The Dao artifacts, especially the many magical powers of the Arcane civilization, need to be driven with complex gestures.

In the eyes of the monk civilization, everything the Arcane Civilization did was apostasy, superfluous, or crooked ways to describe it, which is not too much.

However, the Arcane Civilization itself clearly felt that their arcane arts far surpassed martial arts, and were more complete and advanced power than martial arts.

If it is necessary to say that the biggest difference between arcane civilization and monk civilization is that nowadays, the **** kings of arcane civilization are moving in the direction of "Australization".

The so-called Austrianization is not complicated to explain.

In the eyes of warriors of monk civilization, martial arts are their own power.

In the eyes of the Austrian people whose arcane civilization has undergone auscultation, themselves are just the carrier of arcane magic.

To give a very simple example, in the eyes of monk civilization, monks are creatures struggling and struggling in the world, and martial arts are the ships that carry them across the bitter sea to the other shore. The talents on the ships are the main body and the ships are Carrier.

But in the eyes of arcane civilization, the ship is the main body, and the people on the ship are like laborers and slaves. They are only born to control the ship, which is not important.

Therefore, the so-called arcaneization is actually the powerful **** king of arcane civilization, who dedicated all his own, whether it is flesh, soul, pillar of martial art, or origin, to his arcane, pursuing the ultimate transformation of arcane. process.

Therefore, the Austrian people are truly powerful. They are no longer creatures in the ordinary sense. They are the carriers of martial arts. It can be said that they are immortal monuments that can be thought of, and they are magical methods of walking.

Because they are no longer ordinary creatures, the Austrian people, regardless of male and female, can split themselves to multiply and create more Austrian people, and their understanding of arcane arts must exceed other people in the same realm. God king.

Arcaneization has only gradually appeared in arcane civilization in the last several hundred thousand years. Although Arcaneization has formed a trend and the number of Austrians has increased, there are still many gods in arcane civilization. Has doubts about the Austrianization and rejects it.


Nearly two hundred arcane **** kings gathered.

Among them, headed by the six gods on the bow.

Among them, there are five, the Five Tribulations God King, and one, surprisingly, the Six Tribulations God King!

Among the Five Tribulations God Kings, there are two, both of the Austrian tribe, and the Six Tribulations Divine Kings are also the Austrian tribe.

These arcane kings stood on the bow one by one, standing with their hands behind them, stepping on the fast-moving sailing boat, and looking at Meng Fan indifferently.

"Oh, what God Realm, what is the number one race since ancient times, when encountering Heavenly Dao Meng Fan, you still have to ask us for help. How can you qualify as the leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance?"

"Heavenly Dao Meng Fan, but a human race, how can he contend with the great arcane arts?"

"However, it is better for us to deal with Heavenly Dao Meng Fan. This Heavenly Dao Meng Fan is a big trouble for the God Realm. If we can be imprisoned and caught alive and have a dialogue with the God Realm, we will have the most important bargaining chip. This Heavenly Dao Alliance, Our right to speak will increase a lot at once!"

"Master Shi Weifu will go out in person, and then we will set up the arcane world for the adults and capture Meng Fan alive, no matter what!"


On the sailing boat, shouts erupted again and again, appearing high in fighting spirit.

Above the bow.

The Austrian of the Six Tribulations stared at Meng Fan carefully, but remained silent for a long time.

He is Schweife.

The duke of the Arcane Empire, once served as the king's hand for tens of thousands of years!

The hand of the king of the Arcane Empire is actually the first assistant, prime minister, and prime minister.

Truly noble.

He and Meng Fan looked at each other.

Slowly stretched out his hand and shook it.

A light blue hexagram mark appeared on his palm.

"Dragon King Zhuogen, I call you to kill my enemies."

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