Supreme God King

Chapter 2935: Shot

After the ancient dynasty met with the returnee Kun clan, the spider **** king Yiyuan withered away his body by himself, leaving no useful information for Meng Fan.

After that, will Meng Fan turn around and leave?

This is not Meng Fan's character.

He immediately sealed the vestige of the jacket Yiyuan, branded and refined the spirit remaining in the vestige with the Law of Heaven, and based on the clues left in it, he pursued and killed the territory of the jacket Yiyuan!

The returnee civilization, this title is given by the craftsman civilization, and its real name is Siyuan Dynasty. How vast and how many Siwon dynasty was spread is still unknown, but it is known that the center of Siwon dynasty is the mother nest. In other places, in various worlds, dimensions, and domains, there are also a large number of Siyuan dynasty's territories. These territories are all controlled by powerful Kun tribe lords.

And the territory where Jack Yiyuan was located was already in the outer periphery of the Siyuan Dynasty, very far away from the brood, but it was the closest one to the monk civilization.

Even in the nearest territory, it took four days for the jacket to rush from its territory to the edge of monk civilization, where the ancient dynasty was located.

Meng Fan spent an hour and a half.

He saw countless caves, crypts, and all kinds of wild and wild buildings, as well as countless Kun people, and hundreds of Kun people kings.

After arriving, Meng Fan made a casual riot. It can be said that there are not many. The martial arts of the returnees' civilization is inherently rebellious. Therefore, this fight was not straightforward, and it seemed quite anxious. Meng Fan used it. It took only a few hours to kill more than 30 Kunzu **** kings, but didn't see Yu Yiyuan. I don't know what method was used to hide or leave, and finally was disturbed by the seemingly endless Kunzu monks. Boring, he walked straight out of this territory and continued to go deeper.

He went forward for about three days with the invincible means of walking, passing more than a dozen Kunzu territories, and finally stopped by a strong sense of anxiety.

That kind of anxiety comes from the unknown. Meng Fan knew that at that time, he was infinitely close to the mother's nest of the Siyuan Dynasty. His heavenly law was strongly suppressed, and his sight could not even cross the barriers of dimensional barriers. All senses became weak, and his connection with Master Zhuge Also completely cut off.

The power of the Siyuan Dynasty against Heaven became stronger and stronger, and it even changed from one to the other. Meng Fan knew that he would not get any benefits in the Siyuan Dynasty. This was the opposite of being in the God Realm, so he wandered for a few days and collected some After the information of Siwon Dynasty, he left.

But Meng Fan didn't rush back to the future heaven. According to some news from Master Zhuge, he made long-distance leaps in the prehistoric cosmos, established coordinates, and reached the junction of the artisan civilization and the returnee civilization.

There, Meng Fan saw the battlefield of two major civilizations.

The battlefield stretches for several dimensions. It can be seen that the war between the two sides has lasted for many years. Although the corpses are piled up in the battlefield, occasionally you can still see the scattered craftsman civilization **** king and the Kun clan **** king clashing. Both sides entered the battlefield secretly to search for corpses.

There, Meng Fan’s heavenly laws can be unfettered. He observes the battlefield with the eye of creation, and can clearly see that the craftsman’s civilization is at a disadvantage in the war. Although the craftsman’s civilization is amazing, Taoism can be seen everywhere. Fan even saw a set of strangling formations consisting of one hundred and seventy low-grade Taoist artifacts, but even so, the craftsman civilization is still difficult to resist the Kun people.

The reason is that the number of Kun people is too amazing.

The artisan civilization and the Kun clan clash, and the ratio of deaths to injuries on both sides is staggering. The Kun people often have hundreds of casualties in exchange for one casualty of the artisan civilization, but the number of Kun people’s fighters is a thousand times that of the artisan civilization.

After staying in the battlefield for half a day, Meng Fancai finally set off, ending this long journey and embarking on the road to return to the heavenly court of the future.

Along the way, Meng Fan received the news from Master Zhuge many days ago, and collected a lot of information from wherever he passed. He has an understanding of the various changes in the entire universe during these days, and he also knows that the future heaven is now. The situation is not good.

Back to the future heaven, before stepping into Jingyu Divine Mansion, Meng Fan heard the conversation between Qingyu and Xuanyuan Aohan.

So he spoke directly and said four words.

"The agreement is void."

Facing the sudden appearance of Meng Fan, the craftsman civilization messenger immediately stood up, his expression was a bit unkind, and he was obviously tasting the words "abolishment of the agreement".

Meng Fan’s words seemed too sloppy, making his whispering uncomfortable. It’s a joke, but Meng Fan’s style of acting has already spread in the prehistoric universe. Almost everyone knows about Meng Fan’s weight in the future heaven, his words, and The words Xuanyuan Jingzhe said have the same weight, and even in many cases, Meng Fan's influence in the heavenly court in the future will surpass Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

After uttering the four words, Meng Fan didn't even glance at the whisper, and walked straight to the depths of Jingyu Divine Mansion. As he walked, he said: "I have already seen the Siyuan Dynasty, and I have gone deep into the brood once, and on the way back. I saw the battlefield between Siwon Dynasty and Artisan Civilization. Obviously, Artisan Civilization has no sincerity. It just uses the power of the future heaven to fight against Siyuan Dynasty.

Now that the Alliance of Heavenly Paths has been established, the Lord of Heaven has made various safe responses to avoid its edge. This is just to hide one's capacity and bide time and wait for work. The future heaven is still thriving and possesses countless innate advantages, but it seems that in the eyes of the craftsman civilization, the future heaven It will lose to the Heavenly Dao Alliance, afraid that you will have a good relationship with the Heavenly Court in the future?

At the end of the day, you will fall when you see the wind, such an ally, the heavens do not need it in the future, Aohan, see off! "

After speaking the last sentence, Meng Fan had entered the depths of Jingyu Divine Mansion and disappeared.

Xuanyuan Aohan accompanied Meng Fan all the way. He stopped walking until Meng Fan disappeared, turned around, looked at the craftsman civilization messenger whispering, and smiled coldly: "My messenger, the agreement is invalidated. I will send you all the messengers to leave the future. Heavenly Court."

Whispers were shocked and angry, and pressured his emotions: "The dialogue between artisan civilization and the future heaven has been going on for more than ten days. The agreement has been signed. I also send some people to pass back some news. How can I cancel it? "

Xuanyuan Aohan walked a few steps forward. His previous serious appearance was no longer at all, and he turned to a cynical expression: "Lord Meng went to the God Realm many days ago. This trip has been out for too long. The Envoy did not see him. As far as Lord Meng’s demeanor is, we can’t understand. The presence and absence of Lord Meng will be different in the future."

He whispered and narrowed his eyes: "Are you serious?"


A loud voice came from the gate of Jingyu God's Mansion, and then, a white-gold, mighty and mighty Kylin God King stepped in on the colorful clouds. It was the Qilin ancestor Ruihuang, who was very fast and went straight into Jingyu God's Mansion. Place.

After Emperor Rui, it was the Great Emperor Leaping Heaven and the ancient Daozi of Jin Mutang. Both **** kings glanced at them with complicated eyes, and did not speak.

After Jin Mutang abolished the peak book, it was announced that it would be incorporated into the future heaven. Although it has not yet started, Gu Daozi has already walked around in the future heaven because of the selfless help from Jinmutang to the future heaven. With Meng Fan’s verbal promise, this merger will go smoothly.

As the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures, Gu Daozi and the Great Emperor Leaping Sky are quite complex in their emotions towards the craftsman’s civilization, so they didn’t speak, and entered the depths of Jingyu Divine Mansion.

At the moment when Meng Fan suddenly returned, in the future, the three heavenly kings of six calamities appeared one after another and came to Jingyu Divine Mansion, which made Qingyu smell a bit unusual.

"The agreement may be signed again."

A calm voice sounded. In front of the gate of Jingyu Divine Palace, the future Supreme Leader Xuanyuan Jingzhe put his hands behind him and stepped in slowly.

"This agreement is definitely invalid."

As Xuanyuan Jingzhe said, he had already come to Qingyu, and said, "Because sincerity is really insufficient, and Heavenly Court does not want an unreliable ally in the future, I hope Master Envoy will go back and discuss a result."

After that, Xuanyuan Jingzhe didn't say anything, and went deep into Jingyu Divine Mansion.

Qingyu looked at the deep space vortex at the other end of the main hall in a dazed manner, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"My Messenger, please." Xuanyuan Ao said coldly.

In the depths of Jingyu Divine Mansion, Meng Fan often retreats and repairs.

Meng Fan, Xuanyuan Jingzhe, Emperor Cracking Sky, Gu Daozi, Ruihuang, the five six tribulation **** kings, stood together.

Except for Xie Jingyi and Ming Yi's ancestor, the most powerful combat power of Heavenly Court in the future has arrived.

"Lord Meng, your aura has become even bigger." Xuanyuan Jingzhe said.

Meng Fan nodded lightly: "It has swallowed up a large amount of ancient knowledge in the God Realm library, the original world has transformed into the original universe, and has successively learned several Dao true meanings and refined various treasures in a supreme heaven. There are many benefits."

"Stop talking nonsense." The Emperor Rui said impatiently: "Boy Meng Fan, you can be regarded as coming back. The world has changed drastically these days. In the future, the Heavenly Court will endure some time, and there will be a lot of talk and talk, and the Heavenly Dao Alliance has raised its tail again. "

"Yeah." Meng Fan replied, "I heard that the Heavenly Dao Alliance is still making my perfect replica, and I want to create another Meng? It's just that the Heavenly Dao Alliance is indeed fierce now. The four major forces have joined forces. Look, so, I can't be alone this time."

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