Supreme God King

Chapter 2899: fear

In addition to the origin of the Protoss, there are plans for creation. Meng Fan saw the most important thing, the plan for the future of the Protoss.

The God Realm was established, and it continued to ascend to higher dimensions, and finally reached the source of the heavens, controlled the heavens and replaced the heavens. These plans were all guessed by Meng Fan.

But there are some plans that deserve Meng Fan's attention.

For example, in the newly established God Realm, several major temples all have a common goal-to kill Meng Fan!

Whether it is a temple of science, a temple of war, a temple of light, a temple of darkness, etc., there are 22 temples in the God Realm, and each temple has a leader. These temples have clear tasks and plans for the future, but no matter what What their plans and tasks are, there must be one thing, which is to find a chance to kill Meng Fan.

In a few words, Meng Fan frowned, and then raised the corners of his mouth, showing a sneer. He clearly felt the emotions of the Protoss towards him.

That is, fear.

The Protoss did not get rid of the restraint of the heavens, it was only because the power of the heavens weakened that they became free.

However, the Protoss is the same as the Creation God. In their eyes, the current Meng Fan is equal to Heaven.

Whether the Protoss or the Creation God, in front of Meng Fan, they are all weak. Meng Fan is the Way of Heaven, and Meng Fan is the nemesis of the Protoss and the Creation God!

Even when Meng Fan dealt with the three celestial dynasties in Jianchengguan, the war temple leader of the Protoss immediately proposed that at least six leaders should be sent to Jianchengguan to unconditionally help the three celestial dynasties to kill Meng Fan.

What is even more surprising is that all the leaders of the Protoss, including the emperor, and even the people of several major temples, have unanimously agreed!

Indeed, in the long years, the Protoss has endured the relentless suppression and ravages of the Gods. After the weakening of the Gods, the Protoss got a chance to breathe. This hard-won opportunity has even made many Protoss leaders cry. The rise of Meng Fan, who gradually replaced the power of heaven, was a sharp blade inserted in their chests, an existence they could not bear.

There are hatred and various emotions, and even if all the gods don't say it, in the hearts of all the gods, the emotion that Meng Fan has the most is still fear.

They were too afraid of Meng Fan's rise.

Therefore, the kingdom of God at that time reached a consensus, and there were even six leaders of the gods, leading more than 30 strong gods, ready to set off to Jianchengguan.

But everything in Jianchengguan ended too quickly. After Meng Fan and the ancestors of Qilin stepped into Jianchengguan, in just a few days, the three major dynasties completely withdrew from Jianchengguan, and the war was over.

After the news that the Dragon Emperor was forced to retreat by Meng Fan and the news that Meng Fan stepped into the Six Tribulations God King in the battle returned to the Kingdom of God, this vast expedition led by six leaders died.

The expedition has not yet begun, it has ended.

The emperor personally ordered the termination.

The **** emperor did not say, but many gods knew in their hearts that when Meng Fan stepped into the realm of the six-kalpa **** king, even the supreme leader of the gods, the seven-kalpa **** king, and the **** emperor of ten thousand gods personally took action and killed Meng Fan one-on-one. It may not have the upper hand.

Since then, the Protoss has started a new plan to avoid any single Protoss and Meng Fan, and the future Heavenly Court confrontation, from all sides, to contain the future development of the Heavenly Court, delay the speed of Meng Fan’s rise, and at the same time, arrange A trap that can directly obliterate Meng Fan.

But what these traps and plans were, Meng Fan didn't know, and no useful information was found in the library.

After reading everything he needed to see, Meng Fan thought about it, and immediately imprinted all the information he had read in his mind, and he wanted to bring it back to the future heaven.

These pieces of information are extremely precious, and they can not only complement the ancient lessons, but also have the power to change the entire universe!

In particular, the weakness of the Protoss was clearly known to Meng Fan, and he also had a certain understanding of future plans. These were all too precious.

When Meng Fan absorbed all the knowledge in this library into his mind a little bit, suddenly, his soul felt a little pain.

After the pain appeared, he immediately stopped absorbing this huge amount of knowledge and stopped.

But the pain did not disappear, but it became more and more serious. After just a few breaths, the pain reached a level that Meng Fan could not bear!

In the realm of Meng Fan, his body was penetrated, and he could still stand proudly without changing his face, covered in blood, but the pain at this moment caused him to instinctively curl up his body, and could not help but cover his forehead with his hands and bite tightly. To stop the wailing!

This is the pain of the soul.

Spiritual damage.

This kind of heavy damage came very suddenly, and it made Meng Fan completely unimaginable. At first, Meng Fan thought this was the history of the Protoss, which was too vast, revealing the origin and development of the entire universe, opening his horizons and expanding. His thinking, such expansion and expansion, is also unbearable for him.

But then, Meng Fan discovered that this understanding was wrong. Before devouring the knowledge of the gods, Meng Fan had already estimated and prepared, he could completely withstand the flood of knowledge.

He didn't understand the origin of this kind of pain, and even signs that the soul was about to be divided.

He felt that every thought in the soul, hundreds of thoughts, began to swell and thrive at this moment, and every thought became independent. You can use "heavens and horses" and "hearts and hearts" to describe his current situation. In the state of divine soul, every thought is thinking independently, devouring different knowledge, splitting Meng Fan's memory and thinking, and even flying away from him!


Meng Fan squeezed a hoarse question from between his teeth.

"Do you think that the knowledge of God can be plundered by mortals?"

In the depths of the library, in the darkness, a distant voice came.

It can be described as the vicissitudes of life.

This sound didn't seem to come from a secret space, but from a distant point in time, a piece of sea with dry rocks, a piece of vicissitudes of life.

From chaos, from the end of time.

From the beginning of everything.

Meng Fan turned his face, his gaze penetrated the small space node where he was hiding, and fell into the abyss of the library.

"Little Heaven, Meng Fan."

The old voice was playful.

From the depths of the library, an old man walked out.

This old man, just like the other aging protoss in the library, seemed to be no different. The whole body exuded a rich and decadent aura, as if it was about to turn into a cloud of smoke and drift into the world at any time.

But he gave Meng Fan an indescribable fear.

It is very pure, very simple, the fear brought by the strong!

The old man was wearing a simple black robe, with a white jade cane in his right hand, knocking on the ground, and coming from the depths of the cave, his eyes were concentrated.

In the severe pain, Meng Fan's eyes were blurred, but he could still clearly feel this old man withered like a bamboo pole, propped up his fat clothes, and the pressure released by him was far beyond the Dragon Emperor!

"The Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws?" Meng Fan muttered painfully. "Who are you...who are you..."

"Do you think the gods are the lines in your palm, can you see clearly?" The old man's eyes were firm. "Do you think that among the Protoss, the highest is the Divine King of Ten Thousands of Laws? Do you think that the most powerful of the Protoss is the Divine King of Seven Tribulations!"

Without saying a word, the old man took a step forward, tapping the cave with his crutches, bursting out brilliant sparks, dazzling.

"The library of the Protoss, every book, every word, has the power of the Godhead, and the brand of the Protoss. If you swallow it, the soul can't bear it, only shattered, or split your soul into many Meng Fans. Xiaotiandao, you are done, you will die here!

It was 200 million years ago that I became the King of Eight Tribulations. Because I have been exposed to the heavens, I am old and not far from the rainbow. My power is less than 50% of the heyday, although these powers are enough to suppress Any Six Tribulations God King, but even if you are facing the split of God and Soul at this moment, after all, you are in control of the supreme and restrained God Race Law, I am still not sure that I can suppress you and defeat you.

However, it doesn't matter, I died with my body, split your soul, and exerted a force to eradicate the greatest disaster for the gods! "

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