Supreme God King

Chapter 2893: Protoss Secret

"who are you?"

The woman's voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind.

That voice is not a communication between souls and souls, nor is it a language, but a very advanced voice that uses the law as a mouthpiece.

It is a very weak vibration of the law.

This kind of law shakes, cannot be heard by the king at all, because it is too thin and softer than a breeze.

But Meng Fan could clearly perceive it.

"My name is Meng Fan."

The woman's light blue eyes opened wider, a little surprised, and her body moved in the dome: "You can hear me."

"I can."

The woman was very excited: "I can hear you too!"

"Because I am using the same rules as you to talk to you with fluctuations."

"I have never heard any creature speak, nor can any creature hear me...Who are you? You are different from them, you look...very strange."

"I am different from them, I am not a protoss, I am a human."

"People...what is this...?"

"Everything in this world has a name. My race is called a human."

Meng Fan trembles with the most subtle laws and talks slowly. He can vaguely infer that this peculiar creature in the dome has only existed for a short time. It may have only appeared for a few years, and it should have been living in this one. In the Holy Water Dome, especially she can't communicate with any creatures, so she knows nothing about everything.

However, after a few short words from Meng Fan, the woman's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she said excitedly: "I understand, I understand... Then, who am I?"

"You seem to have a name, Qing Yao."

"My name is Qing race, is Qing Yao?"

Meng Fan thought for a moment and replied: "Since you should be a brand new race, your name can be said to be the name of your race."

"Understood, I understand..." The woman swims slowly in the dome, and she can see that she is very happy, communicating with other creatures for the first time, and also knowing her own name, she seems very satisfied , And then showed great curiosity. "Then your race is human. You don't all of you are called humans. Everyone must have a separate name. What is your name?"

Meng Fan couldn't help but chuckle: "You are very smart. My name is Meng Fan."

"Meng Fan, Meng Fan... It sounds so good... Why does it sound so good? Because this is the name of the first creature I know, so it sounds so good... Meng Fan, I beg you one thing, can you please let me know? I'm going out? It's so boring here, so uncomfortable, I want to go out and take a look. I know that there is a vast world outside."

"How did you know?"

"Although I have been here, I can hear a lot of voices, coming and going here... You said they are protoss... these protoss all carry something more or less, that's very faint things. , But I can feel that from these things, I understand a lot of outside things."

Meng Fan thought for a while and knew that the "things" Qing Yao said were very subtle fluctuations of the law.

In the prehistoric universe, there are laws everywhere, time, space, omnipresent, meditation, providence, and all things, etc., every living being, or an inanimate stone, will contaminate the laws between heaven and earth. These laws , Like text, but also information.

It's just that this kind of contamination is too weak, like dropping a drop of wine into a river or even into the sea. Who can taste the taste of wine?

But Meng Fan can do it.

This is why he can sense many changes between the primordial universe now, and why he only guesses one thing by intuition that will make the heavenly kings and several major gods pay attention to it in the future.

And this Qing Yao could actually do it.

"I can let you out, but not now. If I do, it will be very dangerous." Meng Fan replied.

Qing Yao wrinkled her smooth brows somewhat incomprehensibly, looking very cute and cute: "Why?"

Meng Fan knew that this was too difficult to explain. For a person who knew nothing about the world, how could he explain the complex events such as the Protoss, the future heaven, and the heavens?

"Because I am very similar to you, you see, only I can communicate with you, which shows that we are very similar, if I let you out, they will find me, and I will be locked in the dome." Meng Fan Said.

Qing Yao immediately showed a panic expression: "You must never save me! Never! Don't be locked in, it's very miserable."

Meng Fan nodded lightly: "Will you or not, tell me what you know? If I know a lot, maybe I can save you. This is my promise."

"Okay." Qing Yao smiled innocently, without any calculations, and immediately without reservation, he told Meng Fan all kinds of information.

Qing Yao said it quickly, but Meng Fan understood it faster.

Qing Yao first told him that he already knew, or had guessed, that this temple was a temple for research, and the main thing he studied was the birth defects of the gods.

And what Qing Yao told more meticulously also made Meng Fan's eyes extremely heavy.

The inherent defect of the Protoss is the Protoss, it is the opposite of heaven!

Qing Yao didn't know this, and she didn't understand what heaven is, but the few words she told Meng Fan immediately formed a complete pattern in Meng Fan's mind, becoming extremely delicate.

This seems to be a curse, but also an inherent defect of the Protoss, or in other words, the price of the Protoss's strength.

Every creature who has gone through the long journey of martial arts and stepped into the realm of the **** king will be obliterated by the catastrophe of heaven. As long as he survives the catastrophe, he can truly see the true meaning of the law of heaven and earth and become a **** king.

The more powerful creatures step into the realm of the gods, the greater the calamity of the heavens will be. This is why the number of giant spirit races, desolate beasts, and various powerful race **** kings is far fewer than the number of human **** kings. the reason.

The calamity that a gluttonous glutton faces is ten times, or even a hundred times, that of a humane monk when he steps into the realm of the **** king.

So the chance of falling is much greater.

The Protoss completely meets these two points.

First of all, every newborn of the Protoss comes into the world as a **** king. If it is too powerful, it will suffer a powerful tribulation that surpasses all living beings. The chance of falling is too great, especially in the midst of heaven. It is full of hostility to the Protoss. This hostility is not only because the Protoss is powerful, it will plunder the laws of heaven and earth once it is born, and become a threat to the heavens. Among them, there seems to be a deeper hatred, a kind of hatred like natural enemies, like an old enemy. Hate.

However, the Protoss seems to be born, and is restrained very much by the laws of heaven.

According to Qing Yao’s words, Meng Fan deduced that in the ancient dark age, many protoss walked out of the kingdom of God and affected the changes and trends of the universe. These protoss, which had a very long lifespan, fell in large numbers in the process. The law seems particularly obvious to them, and they age very quickly when exposed to heaven.

This seems to be the reason why the Protoss has been hidden in the kingdom of God and rarely appears.

Vaguely, Meng Fan also understood why the gods in England would take refuge in heaven and become the emperor of the sun and moon.

In the dome, Qing Yao pointed a direction with a slender and white finger. "Every time a Protoss comes out from there, there will be an old aura on the body, and there are many complicated things, I can't understand."

Meng Fan looked back and saw that it was a corner of the spherical space with a folded space maze. He immediately shook his figure and shuttled in.

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