Supreme God King

Chapter 2857: Persistence

Jingyu Shenfu.

In the second temple, Nangong Jingyu sits in an emerald green glazed chair, holding a warm jade seal under the dim light.

This jade seal is the size of a fist, with rows of small characters carved on it.

"Being ordered by the heart, longevity and everlasting, long-term training, life and virtue."

These sixteen characters are the sixteen-character mantra that has been passed down from the Faxiang Tian Dynasty for nine million years.

The literal meaning seems to be easy to understand, but the first emperor who carved this jade seal in the beginning will never understand the mood and the deep meaning of the sixteen characters.

Nangong Jingyu held the jade seal in his hand and fiddled with it lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The door of the second temple was pushed open, and Meng Fan slowly entered.

"You should be in Fasi Divine Mansion, not Jingyu Divine Mansion." Meng Fan said, his voice echoing in the dark sub-temple.

"There is still a quarter of an hour." Nangong Jingyu's answer was also very plain. "I just wanted to see this jade seal suddenly."

As she said, she stood up, and Jingyu Cishen's robe tattooed with the scriptures slowly drifted behind her, holding Wanfa in her right hand and Yuxi in her left, walking towards Meng Fan.

"This jade seal has been a symbol of the supreme power of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty for nine million years. Now, it is just an ordinary jade seal." Nangong Jingyu said, it was only three feet before Meng Fan. "Meng Fan, once this iron law of yours is promulgated, the nine million-year-old Dharma-xiang dynasty, the efforts of my ancestors and my father's efforts, will be wiped out, and everything will fall apart. Don’t forget, I am the Dharma-xiang first. Emperor Wu Zong of the heavenly dynasty, followed by the second **** Jingyu!"

Her emotions immediately became a bit agitated.

Meng Fan calmly said: "You are right. Before, the **** king of the Faxiang Heavenly Kingdom not only took orders from Jingyu Divine Mansion, but also took your imperial decree. Tell me, this is right or wrong."

Nangong Jingyu's eyes flickered, and she slowly dropped her hand holding Yuxi.

"I heard that the heavens and courts battled, the river of fate was exhausted, and the kings resurrected. I also had the illusion that I could see my father again." Nangong Jingyu said leisurely.

"For the past million years, not every **** king who has died and died is in the long river of fate." Meng Fan said.

"Ruoshuiyi is not there either." Nangong Jingyu suddenly threw these three words.

Throwing out the three words, an imperceptible vision flashed deep in Meng Fan's eyes.

The universe in that eye, many stars, come and go.

Nangong Jingyu suddenly took a step forward. At this step, he was no more than an inch away from Meng Fan. Both of them could feel each other's breathing, and their eyes were already close to the eyes.

Nangong Jingyu, slightly shorter than Meng Fan, raised his head with crystal clear eyes.

"From the establishment of the heavenly court in the future to the present, everything you do has been unselfish, terrific, and great. It is the example of the heavenly court in the future, and the example of the kings. There is no selfishness, only a grand dream. Feelings unattainable by ordinary people."

Nangong Jingyu's words are overbearing.

"But I know, I believe, your resurrected brothers also know that the reason why you don’t fight for power is not because you are selfless, but because you don’t care, you don’t care about everything, you just hope that heaven can replace it in the future. Heaven, even with the future heaven, swallow the source of the heavens, you have only one obsession that has never been changed. When you have the power of heaven, in your heart, you think that maybe you can resurrect Ruoshuiyi.

In order to make the heavenly court become strong enough in the future, so powerful that it can completely control the way of heaven, and then use the power of the way of heaven, and even bring the dead back to life, you don’t care about everything, breaking any dynasty or family for millions of years or even tens of millions. You don’t care about all the heritage accumulated over the years. "

When Nangong Jingyu spoke, her chest rose and fell, and she could see that she was very emotional now.

Meng Fan's gaze changed slightly, and he withdrew a step backward, which was ten meters long, and directly separated from Nangong Jingyu.

"As you said, this iron law will make Heavenly Court stronger and stronger in the future, that's enough."

Nangong Jingyu took a deep breath: "You didn't deny it."

"Nandian, do you remember the first time you met me, what did you say." Meng Fan asked.

Nangong Jingyu's expression stagnated.

Of course she remembers.

It was a long conversation with Nangong Jingyu in the Chaos Realm. Meng Fan led the Epoch Alliance.

In that long talk, it was Nangong Jingyu who simply and neatly proposed to marry Meng Fan. In fact, it was a relationship of interest and mutual use, because Meng Fan at that time showed great strength and talent.

At that time, Nangong Jingyu, who proposed to marry a husband and wife for the first time when they met, has shown great ambition and ambition.

At that time, Meng Fan had many doubts about Nangong, but in the bottom of his heart, he admired Nangong.

"After the promulgation of this iron law, the Heavenly Court will grow rapidly in the future, establish a brand-new system, brand-new rules, and rapidly rise and rise, so it must be promulgated."

Meng Fan turned around and walked outside the temple.

"You are right, my obsession has never changed, Nandian, you must also remember that when you and I met for the first time, our union is only a nominal couple."

He walked out of the temple.

Outside the temple.

Master Zhuge is waiting for Meng Fan.

"The meeting is about to begin."

Master Zhuge said.

Meng Fan nodded gently, and left with Master Zhuge.

Inside the temple.

Nangong Jingyu slowly sat back in the glazed chair, holding the jade seal in his hand, with a complicated expression.

"Xiaoyu, you are in love with him."

In the depths of the second temple, a voice suddenly sounded.

Nangong Jingyu suddenly turned her head, and when she saw the identity of the person who came, she fell silent again.

It is the former Empress of Faxiang and the Empress Dowager of Faxiang now.

Now, she gradually abandoned her previous identity and name, and referred to herself as the King of Nangong.

This name obviously meant to commemorate the Faxiangtian Dynasty and the Nangong family, but she actually changed her name, and she often referred to herself as the Nangong Fawang. In fact, it also showed her attitude, agreeing with the supreme authority of the heavenly court in the future, and no longer based on the Faxiangtian Dynasty. Identity.

Speaking of it, she is also a hidden powerhouse, the God King of Five Tribulations, one of the few women among the top fifty, but after joining the Future Heavenly Court, she is also like Xie Jingyi, Emperor Sundering, and Like some other powerful **** kings, they all chose to meditate instead of participating in any future heavenly affairs.

Because she is already old.

After the death of Emperor Zhenzong, she became the pillar of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, preventing the black death catastrophe in southern Xinjiang for many days. Her blood and energy were consumed severely and her energy was gradually depleted. With the rise of the younger generation, she no longer worried about her body and foreign affairs. .

What's more, she has such a personality.


Nangong Jingyu whispered, somewhat weak.

"If it's just a matter of fact, you can only affirm the interests of Faxiangtian Dynasty. Why should you touch the softness in Meng Fan's heart?" Nangong Falun smiled and kneaded Nangong Jingyu's hair, looking very spoiled: "You love I fell in love with him, just like your mother and I, I fell in love with your father and emperor."

Nangong Jingyu looked at Nangong Fawang in confusion.

The latter squatted down slightly, grabbed Nangong Jingyu’s hands, and smiled lovingly: "Meng Fan is a generation of heroes, who has turned the tide time and time again, with countless followers beside him. His strength, his indomitability, his righteous way, let Those who believe in him admire him and make those who hate him fear. You have also experienced so many storms together. Falling in love with him is nothing, but you have to know that if you allow yourself to really fall in love with him, you will suffer pain. Throughout your life, because he walks too fast and he has to bear too much, you will be very tired, and you will also bear the unimaginable loneliness and loneliness outsiders.

As for the promulgation of this iron law, the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty will indeed collapse, but you and I, after the death of your father, tried to do our best. We did not make the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty a mess, nor did we let it become a mess. The living beings are smashed, but they have found the best way out for the Fa-xiang sentient beings, one is stable, and the other is home. We are worthy of facing the ancestors of the Fa-xiang Tian dynasty. "

Nangong Jingyu squeezed the hand of the mother's queen, and said hoarsely: "The queen, what should I do."

"Help him." Nangong Fa Wang smiled and lifted the hair from Nangong Jingyu's forehead. "Be a woman who is not inferior to anyone around him."

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