Supreme God King

Chapter 2844: Family chaos

Human world.

Still wrapped in the mortal world.

But among them, a lot of slaughter and war suddenly broke out.

Not far away, you can also hear the sound of fighting.

Ups and downs, if there is nothing.

But at this moment, a white light, ignoring the barriers of the human world, directly penetrated the red dust and fell into the imperial city.

This white light looked like a young man, an ordinary One Tribulation God King, his appearance was not good, his breath was even weaker, and it was difficult for people to notice.

After the white-clothed boy stepped into the imperial city, his eyes swept across, and immediately saw a huge building in the middle of the imperial city, burning.

In the void, hundreds of **** kings are fighting each other, all kinds of supernatural powers are omnipotent.

In the burning building, an instrument rose slowly, spinning quickly.

In the streets and lanes hundreds of meters wide, many people were fleeing, and some soldiers came from all directions.

Suddenly a ball of thunder and flames fell from the sky, fiercely hitting a group of soldiers, immediately blooming and exploding, burning many soldiers directly into blood, even steam, without even wailing.

With a serious face, the white-clothed boy withdrew a few steps back, hiding in the shadow of the corner, gently closing his eyes, and then opening them again. The black eyes disappeared and turned pale.

His spirit thoughts spread out immediately, quickly collecting all kinds of news.

The information returned by these thoughts was drawn into a huge picture in his mind. It was not complete, but it still showed the seven-seven-eights of the entire imperial city.

This scene of fighting is happening in every corner.

However, the two parties who are fighting are hard to distinguish in the mind of the white-clothed boy. In his opinion, both parties are the **** kings of the human world, and there is no difference at all.


Shangshu Provincial Government Avenue.

A black-gold long-handled sickle crashed down, and a two-foot sharp blade stared at a **** king, wailing and burning on the road paved with lapis lazuli, and soon turned to ashes.

The owner of the long-handled sickle is Shang Shuling, who is known as Zhang Biyan'er's first assistant.

At this moment, this Zhang Biyan'er is still wearing a gold-patterned four-claw black python dress and five boots under his feet. Although he is panting slightly, he is still solemn, and his body is not stained with dust.

Shang Shusheng's autonomous restriction has been activated. It is an ancient Daqin Empire star-ring pattern, connected with the heavens and the ground veins, forming a trend of isolation, but even so, the gods still rush in from time to time to attack.

At this moment, Emperor Bo Wu is absent, and Shang Shusheng is the center of the human imperial city and even the entire human world.

Zhang Biyan is the first person in the center.

However, the first person, the first assistant of the dynasty, who was known for his layout ability, had only had time to issue orders to the warlords, guards, and tiger talismans at the moment of the civil unrest, and the external contact was severed. Up to this moment, Zhang Biyan still couldn't understand what kind of power could instantly cut the connection between Human Imperial City and the outside world.

What made him even more painful was that this civil turmoil had actually been brewing to such a degree. The undercurrent surging in the imperial city, suddenly broke out without warning, and then many **** kings responded, but he, from beginning to end, did not Perceive any signs!

It's like spring bamboo shoots.

As soon as the rain and dew fell, they came out silently and vigorously everywhere.

Outside the star ring array, a figure suddenly appeared.

It is a God King of Five Tribulations.

Wearing a long gown, khaki-colored military armor, embroidered with stags, stepping on all four hooves, he looks like he's moving with the wind.

This extraordinary breath of the Five Tribulations God King walked out of the dust on the battlefield, came outside the star ring formation, and looked at Zhang Biyan silently across the formation.

With no expression on his face, he punched the formation map!

With a punch, the formation immediately trembled violently, but there was no crack.

The King of Five Tribulations received his fist and said coldly: "Zhang Chun, now is the best time for you to surrender. If you wait until we break the formation, you will only have a dead end."

"Heh..." Zhang Chun smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm really old. You aristocratic families have been dissatisfied with Da Qin from the beginning, and have formed a faction of their own. I know this well, but you can actually surging under your majesty's feet. For so long, I have not been able to detect the civil turmoil that echoed in such a moment."

"This is a means of infinite realm." The Five Tribulations God King said coldly: "All those who write the vows can communicate with each other silently and silently through the King of Light Brain. The secrets are to the extreme. If you want to have Of course it is difficult to detect."

"Your Majesty is back, what shall you do?"

"Emperor Bo Wu was trapped in the Chaos Realm at a huge price by the Infinite Realm. In a short time, he could not return at all."

"It's been planned for a long time. It seems that there is really no room for negotiation." Zhang Biyan reached out his hand and drew the long-handled sickle, his face lost a lot of indifference and became extremely solemn.

Five Tribulations God King said coldly: "Master Zhang, you should know that the human world is rapidly expanding and expanding, and countless gods and kings have poured in. Among them, the major humanity families accounted for half of them, even though the human world gave us all The great family has many awards, many titles, and even land, but the humane family and the world are always separate, and there will eventually be a battle."

Zhang Biyan gasped slightly, supported by the courtiers around him, silently, looking at the Five Tribulations God King outside the formation.

The God King of Five Tribulations continued: "Da Qin Shooter is also one of the aristocratic families of humanity, and it is in parallel with many aristocratic families of humanity, but at the moment of the rise of humanity, he became the leader of the human world. How many aristocratic families are dissatisfied, I don’t think much Say? The establishment of heaven in the future is a good example! The Zhuge family, Xie family, Shao family, Xuanyuan family, and Wang family are all ancient emperor family and the most powerful humane family. They would rather stand on their own than the world. Into the world, obey the Shejia family dominance.

The human world, Emperor Bowu, will not allow the division of humanity. Other families are not strong enough. Whether it is to protect themselves before the black death catastrophe or to protect themselves from Emperor Bowu, they must be merged into the human world. Genus, helpless.

After the establishment of the human world, although many honors were given to major families and a large number of knighthoods, the new officials and courtiers in the three provinces, two governments and one department were all lone **** kings without background and no family foundation. Why, I don’t need to say more. Three provinces, two governments, and one place are the real core of the human world. All the major families are shut out for the sake of the marginal families, weaken the power of the family, establish a centralized power, and make the imperial power dominate. These, you are us Can these humane families fail to see through?

Your newly established imperial examination system, the declining official salary system from generation to generation, the nameless fifth-class noble system, etc., are all designed to weaken the power of our humane families, and let us become people and subjects little by little. .

Therefore, this fight between the aristocratic family and the archer is inevitable and will erupt one day!

Emperor Ruobo Wu is not only the leader of the human world, but also the orthodox core who inherited the fate of humanity. The great humanity lies in him. We aristocratic families can only surrender.

But now, otherwise. "

In the words of the King of Five Tribulations.

Suddenly, in a corner of the imperial city, a huge catastrophe came!

Shang Shu ordered Zhang Chun to look over.

He whispered in his mouth: "Wen Wang Mansion."

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