Supreme God King

Chapter 2832: Causal mystery

Chang Xi's voice is pitiful to the heart.

Really smelled tears.

"It's so pitiful," Meng Fan said softly, "but poor people must be hateful."

"Forgive me... please..." Chang Xi said in anguish: "From now on, I am willing to be your servant, and always be your servant. I am... a servant of the King of Five Tribulations! Let me do it. You are a cow and a horse! I swear a poisonous oath, I will make my life and spirit into a brand, into a token, and hand it over to you, I will never rebel, never! Please, I just hope Being able to live allows me to see the future, and let me be! As your eternal servant, follow you to watch the glorious future and watch the future dominate the Quartet!"

"A servant of the King of Five Tribulations." The Great Emperor Cracking said with a smile: "This is rare and precious. In the future, the King of Five Tribulations will have less than one hand."

"A dog falling into the water has no power to bind a chicken and can only be slaughtered by others. It is really sad." Wang Haicheng said coldly.

He is an orthodox humane **** king who pays the most attention to humane laws, and he is very uncomfortable because of his might.

It is conceivable that if Wang Haicheng encountered such a situation, he would even commit suicide to preserve his integrity and integrity.

"it is good."

Meng Fan only answered one word.

But it surprised the Emperor Cracking Sky and Wang Haicheng.

With Meng Fan's character, it is impossible for a person like Changxi to survive.

This kind of person walks on two main roads, in order to live, by all means, without real pursuit and inheritance, compared with Qin Taichuan, Chang Xi is more dangerous.

Qin Taichuan, at least pursued evil ways.

If the **** king has no pursuit, there is no principle and no bottom line.

What's more, Chang Xi attacked Meng Fan in order to be able to join the Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Court. This time, without knowing what the purpose was, he again encircled Meng Fan in order to kill Meng Fan.

In this situation, with Meng Fan’s character, how could he leave a way to survive?

"Building a future heaven requires a huge mind. If even a five-caliber **** king whose martial arts cultivation has been lost cannot tolerate it, how can he tolerate sentient beings?"

Meng Fan walked towards Chang Xi step by step.

The law of heaven and earth danced with his steps.

Chang Xi's face immediately showed extreme fear, flinching.

"You said, to be a cow and a horse, I will satisfy you."

Meng Fan pointed at Chang Xi's forehead.

The current Chang Xi, with only broken flesh and blood and a trace of vitality, the pillar of martial art was completely shattered, and he couldn't use any means at all. Without his cultivation, he couldn't resist Meng Fan's finger.

It can be said that Chang Xi now has a "vacuum" in his body. There is no law or any power.

This vacuum body was immediately occupied by Meng Fan.

The power of vows, with multiple layers of true meaning, yin and yang, good fortune, order, law, time, space, etc., quickly filled Chang Xi's body!

In Chang Xi's horrified gaze, these forces changed Chang Xi's flesh and blood at an extremely fast speed.

His body immediately began to shrink, and at the same time he groaned in pain, but after a few breaths, Chang Xi turned into two or three feet in size, and his limbs became hooves. There was a curved horn on the brow, which seemed to be a cow, but The head resembles the head of a dragon, and the tail resembles the tail of a dragon, a monster that has never been seen before.

Turning into a strange monster, Chang Xi raised her head and looked at Meng Fan, with shocked eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but made a "moo..." sound like a cow, and let out a long moan.

"From today, you are not called Changxi, you are called Ziniu, the evil spirit in your body has been replaced by the power of my vows, you have my law, my strength, and I can feel your every move. , You are going to cultivate the heavens of the future, contribute to the future, pull heavy materials, cultivate and work, and redeem your sins. I will only give you ten years, ten years, and your impeccable work, and I will let you return to A **** king upright, if you do not do well, I will use you to make soup.

The beef soup made from the flesh and blood of the King of Five Tribulations will definitely make up for it! "

After Meng Fan finished speaking, he looked at Chang Xi who had turned into a bull with majesty.

Ziniu Changxi seemed to hesitate for a moment, suddenly all her hoofs were bent, and she knelt down to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded slightly, waved his palm, and first incorporated Chang Xi into his original world. After Chang Xi entered, he walked directly to a wasteland that had gone through war and became barren, and began to cultivate hard sand silently. land.

"Lord Meng." Wang Haicheng stepped forward and said: "This Chang Xi has no unique path, no pursuit, no principle. He is afraid that he can't surrender. The flesh has surrendered, just a disguise to live."

"Ten years." Meng Fan said majesticly: "Within ten years, he worked hard, and after ten years, he will respect me like God."

Wang Haicheng's eyes flashed and he nodded heavily.

A God King of Five Tribulations, who has lost his cultivation base and laws, has turned into a bull, working and farming for Meng Fan, and Meng Fan, at this moment, is the moment of rapid rise. Without the constraints of heaven, he has made rapid progress. In ten years, Even if Meng Fan releases him completely, to what extent will Meng Fan grow up?

Even ten years later, it is not surprising that Meng Fan will become the current level of Emperor Bowu!

This is Wang Haicheng's confidence in Meng Fan.

"If the power of Tao is vacant today, the Kingdom of God will definitely make a move." The Heavenly Cracking Emperor suddenly said. "The Kingdom of God has always wanted to replace the Way of Heaven. In the past, this ambition seemed to be extremely ambitious and even delusional. But now, this ambition does not seem to be far away. The Kingdom of God started it, not to mention that they are already too far away. The three legendary worlds of Xuando have established the embryonic form of the future God Realm, allowing all living beings to believe in them and provide the power of faith."

"The Kingdom of God, the God of Creation, and the heavens in the future will all fight for the way of heaven." Meng Fan looked outside the chaos world. "Perhaps, there are other powers who have to fight for the way of heaven, but there can only be one winner in the end."

After that, Meng Fan's gaze was released again.

Before, he spied on the gates of the heavens for only a moment.

While prying into the gates of the heavens, he vaguely felt that there were some existences, staring at the heavens.

These existences are competing for the way of heaven, and they will definitely go to the gates of the heavens.

Among them are the Kingdom of God, the God of Creation, and the Heaven of the Future.

However, there is still a force, which seems familiar and strange, has never been felt before, and it also puts its attention on heaven.

It's just that Meng Fan can't make deductions.

If he grasps the meaning of cause and effect, relying on his current power, he can make deductions, and he can make deductions even for various things in the primordial universe.

Everything has a cause and effect, and they are mutually cause and effect. A small action that changes a small cause may cause effects that affect the entire universe.

Therefore, the way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible!

Meng Fan had a little understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

A small cause can produce huge results.

Everything is bound by cause and effect. If you can't escape from cause and effect, you have to be constrained and controlled by heaven, and there is nowhere to hide.

Cause and effect are opportunities, and conversely, karma.

One thing, perhaps not a creature, is not controlled by the mind, is not enlightened, does not cover the sky, etc.

But one thing must be in the huge network of cause and effect!

This is the power of cause and effect.

Meng Fan vaguely caught it, but what he saw was not clear.

He only knows that now, the meaning of causality may be the only true meaning of the great road that he cannot control.

Heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible. They are talking about the meaning of cause and effect, not the person who masters cause and effect. Therefore, the former God and Buddha Xumi, even if he masters cause and effect, is not terrible.

But now, the **** Xumi, or the impermanence immortal king, has stepped out of cause and effect, and at the same time, is in control of cause and effect, holding impermanence in his hand, establishing an unprecedented Buddhist path, and growing rapidly.

If Meng Fan wants to grab cause and effect, the other party can use impermanence to hide cause and effect.

Moreover, if Meng Fan robbed the cause and effect, the other party could feel it in a small move. Because he touched the cause and effect, he could seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and immediately flee.

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