Supreme God King

Chapter 2830: Big boost

"Dadao Mind, come back."

The voice was flat, as if calling an old friend.

In the depths of the world of the gods, a low and painful groan suddenly came.

With the groan, a part of the world of the gods collapsed instantly!

A loophole appeared in the so-called dead end.

This was the moment when the Emperor Splitting Sky could break the game, but he didn't move, instead he regained his appearance as a white-haired boy, looking rigorously and solemnly.

A colorful, like a cloud, a complex and chaotic law, came quickly from the direction of the collapse, and the bird that seemed to be returning to the nest rushed towards Meng Fan anxiously and blended into his palm in the blink of an eye.


Meng Fan took a deep breath, only to feel that the spirit is full and round, the pillar of martial arts, and the luster.

Shock, surprise, and even fear emanated from the world of the gods that surrounded them.

"how is this possible?"

"Although the true meaning of Refining Dao Dao just now is not stable yet, how can it be possible!"

Voices of doubt and disbelief sounded one after another.

Hidden in the depths of the world of the gods, Chang Xi and Qin Taichuan cast a stunned look at each other.

Qin Taichuan smiled awkwardly: "Hey...It seems that Daoist Chang Xi, you are going to die here."

Chang Xi showed a different color: "What did you say?"

"The way of heaven is the way of heaven, and Meng Fan is the little way of heaven. The so-called one goes down and the other grows. The weaker the way of heaven, the stronger Meng Fan will be. The first person is in charge of the world, and the second person is under one person. Ability to surrender, supreme authority, and no vacancy. Someone must fill it. Fellow Chang Xi, Meng Fan has already filled the vacancy."

Qin Taichuan's smile became more and more evil: "So you are going to die here, because you have refined an immortal monument, the true meaning of the Dao, just like his child, will desperately break free from your body and return to the master, hehehehe... ...So miserable."

Chang Xi's eyes opened wide and he could see that the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his lips trembled and said, "It's impossible... how is it possible... how is it possible that someone can fill the vacancy of the heaven? How powerful is the heaven? This vacancy can only be achieved by the huge kingdom of gods composed of many gods, or the **** of is it possible?"

"The horror of the Dao of Heaven is not only because of its huge power. The true foundation is that the Dao of Heaven has mastered all laws and all orders." Qin Taichuan said, faded out of sight and turned into a phantom. "Meng Fan has mastered it. He is no longer a ‘little’ god. You and I are not qualified to be enemies of him now. Unfortunately, I can run and I can fight for the future. You have no chance."

The sound fell completely.

Qin Taichuan has completely disappeared.

Left in the depths of the world of the gods, Chang Xi's face was already like a dish.

Suddenly, a strong pressure fell on him!

Chang Xi suddenly turned her head.

Only see a pair of clear eyes.

Penetrating the entire world of the gods and locking him.

These eyes could not really see Chang Xi through the world of the gods.

Instead, he looked at Chang Xi's body, on the pillar of martial art, the meaning of the sky that was being refined a little bit.

Just like a mother.

Look at his child tenderly.

"The meaning of the sky, return."

"No..." Chang Xi shook her head slowly. "This is wrong, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be..."


Chang Xi's body burst apart and turned into a mass of flesh and blood, wriggling in the world of the gods, trying his best to reintegrate together.

But the pillar of martial art has been shattered, and a semi-circular shape that exudes strong power flies out.

"no no……"

Every mass of Chang Xi's flesh and blood was wailing.

The pillar of his martial arts was broken.

He spent countless years, walking the martial arts mark accumulated by the evil way and the dragon way, and all his cultivation was broken!

Extremely miserable!

Although his body is still the body of the King of Five Tribulations, it will not be destroyed by the explosion. Under the control of thoughts, he will gather desperately, but even if he gathers together, he has no magical powers to inspire.

Moreover, the speed at which his flesh and blood dissipated was very fast. At this moment of explosion, 30% of his flesh and blood had completely evaporated.

"The meaning of order, return."

"The meaning of the world, return."

"Ah! Ah!"

In the world of the gods, the most powerful means of suppression in this eighty-four changes of the gods' unique knowledge quickly collapsed and collapsed on its own.

The two leaders of the Protoss came to an end, exactly the same as Chang Xi, they were both martial arts pillars shattered and their bodies dismembered!

However, they are better than Changxi. The flesh of the Protoss is not the flesh and blood of living beings, but the innate aura and laws that gather together, so after being broken, they quickly return to their original state, but they are extremely weak and have lost most of them. The martial arts cultivation base.

It can be said that they now have the flesh bodies of the Five Tribulations Divine King, and their cultivation base has lost more than 90%. They can't be activated by any laws, and they can't use any magical powers. They can only simply operate their vitality!

In an instant, the mind, the meaning of the sky, the meaning of order, and the meaning of the world were all integrated into Meng Fan's martial arts pillars, blending perfectly, without the slightest rejection.

Meng Fan's body became more and more straight, and waves of tangible laws spread outward, cutting the chaos world!

At this moment, not only Wang Haicheng and Demon Ji Siyu, but even the Great Emperor Splitting Sky were already dumbfounded, with white hair fluttering with the waves of law.

Because he understood what happened.

He knew that Meng Fan finally had his own avenue and embarked on his own avenue!

Moreover, he has mastered the most powerful road since ancient times!

"These people are not the Emperor Yuhua. They have not innovated, nor will they make the future world full of more possibilities and more variety, so there is no need to stay alive."

Meng Fan's voice rolled like thunder.

But it was sentenced to death of the three gods leaders and the evil dragon Changxi!

The Great Cracking Sky and Wang Hai shook their bodies and looted them to wipe out these **** kings who were sentenced to death by Meng Fan.

And Meng Fan still stood in place.

Under the gaze of Demon Ji Siyu in surprise.

He raised his hand again.

"The meaning of law, the meaning of yin and yang, return!"

These two Dao true meanings, one is a square white pattern, pure and simple, and the other is a black and white disc, which slowly rotates, and immediately blends into Meng Fan’s martial arts pillars like other Dao true meanings.

Before and after, but thirty moments.

The world of the gods collapsed.

The leaders of the three protoss were beheaded.

The broken Chang Xi was still wailing.

Meng Fan, without any obstruction, swallowed six Dadao's true meanings in one go!






yin and yang.

The true meaning of the six great avenues, each one symbolizes an unbreakable law.

Makes Meng Fan's martial arts pillars become very large and heavy.

It is so heavy that even Meng Fan's original world is already very powerful, it is extremely difficult to completely urge the rotating pillar of martial arts!

Vaguely, the true meaning of Dao Dao has also undergone unusual changes in his martial arts pillar.

Connected together!

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