Supreme God King

Chapter 2796: Killing God and Demon Emperor

Outside the Sealed Demon Valley, the special order from the divine machine was still motionless, with pairs of eyes staring at the depths of the magic mist through the mask.


A group of special orders almost felt the crisis coming at the same time, and their bodies flickered. In a moment, they were hidden in the space fault and watched vigilantly.

"So strong murderous..."

"I have never felt such a strong murderous intent. Even in the Red Flame battlefield, General Xia Houshun bloodbathed the Qi army and killed 60 million soldiers. Among them, there were eight hundred **** kings. So murderous!"

"I heard that General Xia Houshun also realized this illusory avenue. He was murderous for a while and was put under house arrest by his Majesty. He was washed away and returned to the army."

"What character..."

At the moment when the special orders were communicating with each other, the **** light and shadow flashed by, and without hesitation, it pierced into the demon qi of the Sealed Demon Valley without a trace.

Before all the **** kings who came here only dared to observe from a distance, and did not dare to step into the Sealed Demon Valley, one person stepped into it!

This person, the original name, has been abandoned.

He is now called the One Holy King.

Champion Hou!

After beheading the sacred King Taiyi, who was left with only one breath, he obtained all the martial arts traditions and secrets, and also swallowed the foundation of a law, directly ushered in the catastrophe of the hit, and set foot on the Four Tribulations God King. realm.

The most important thing is that his way is almost finished.

Kill road.

Whenever he kills once, his killing is more complete.

He has realized that killing is the simplest kind of avenue in the prehistoric universe, simple and crude, just killing.

But anything is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do it. To kill one strongman after another requires extremely powerful strength.

All the way deep, champion Hou, now Taiyi Holy King, saw corpses everywhere.

The dead mountain blood sea.

These corpses are all a **** king who respects the magic path. This kind of scene is very rare, because any **** king can be regarded as a huge treasure house or precious medicine. The corpse will not be thrown in. Here, wait for the rotten ones.

From this it can be seen that the fighting in the Sealed Demon Valley is so tragic, everyone is in danger, it is difficult to protect themselves, and there is no time to refine the corpse of the **** king.

On the contrary, some monsters and creatures are secretly eating these corpses and gaining their power.

A Shura field.

Passing over the Asura Field, King Tai Yi breathed heavily. He liked the taste, like a fish entering the water, like a bird flying into the sky, very comfortable.

This is the purpose of his coming to Seal Demon Valley.

Condensed killing intent.

Killing intent is a kind of momentum, an invisible power, but the champion has already condensed this nihilistic power to tangible.

At the moment when Fa Xiangtian was fighting Meng Fan, there were countless battlefields behind the champion Hou, and that was the battlefield he had experienced. This was a transformation from invisible to tangible.

Champion Hou, walked the simplest but also the most difficult avenue in the great universe.

The simplest reason is that it is not complicated to kill the Tao. To kill, the gods block and kill the gods, kill everything, and all beings are killed!

Difficulty, one is because it requires strong power to walk through the path of killing, on the other hand, because too much killing will be contaminated with problems of cause and effect, karma, etc. These problems will erupt, maybe a little bit of eruption. It may also burst out all at once, destroying a strong man.

In the simplest terms, for example, if a mortal kills a person, first of all, his conscience will not get through, and even nightmares will torture him.

Secondly, there will be revenge.

This is cause and effect.

This avenue, although straight, is not open.

In the mist of demon energy, the sound of fighting was very thin, but suddenly there was a wailing and screaming. It was the champion Hou who passed by and killed several demon kings.

His goal, of course, is not these ordinary gods.

He wants to find a powerful Demon God King and behead him to further condense the killing intent.

The magic is that wherever he goes, the devilish energy is all scattered, making way for him.

Many observing kings outside of the Demon Valley did not dare to enter, on the one hand because of the indiscriminate killing that broke out here anytime and anywhere, and on the other hand, because the demon energy was too strong. After entering, if they are infected with demon energy, Not a good thing.

So only the Demon God King stepped in.

But these devilish spirits seem to be afraid of the champion and repeatedly avoid them.

After flying for more than two hours, the champion Hou Meng stopped, stepped on the black ground, raised his head, and saw the distance.

That is the peaks under the devilish energy.

All have fallen apart.

This is the place where Xiao Lian immortal sealed demons. More than three hundred ancient demon heads were defeated one by one, banned and suppressed here.

Xiao Lianxian was very powerful. He was a **** king of the Five Tribulations. There are also legends. He may have reached the Six Tribulations, but no matter what, he was able to suppress more than three hundred demon heads. But there are some Five Tribulations Demon Kings and Four Tribulations Demon Kings, and there are many.

The main reason is the inherent disunity of the Demon Race. The current Sealed Demon Valley is full of internal struggles and various guards. It is not much better than a plate of loose sand. When Xiao Tuxian sealed the Demon Valley, there was no such thing as that Existence, all demons are standing on their own hills, Xiao Lianxian suppressed one by one.

Until the end, when some demon kings finally joined forces to fight against Xiao Lianxian, it was too late.

Now, these mountains have collapsed, and the ancient demon heads have been released. The fiercest fighting in the Sealed Demon Valley occurred among these ancient demon kings.

Champion Hou looked at the black peaks and stopped for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded.

Champion Hou turned his head and glanced over.

A man who was so handsome as to be unreal, covered with blood and wounds, walked step by step.

One step, a black footprint.

The devilish energy on his body is extremely strong, not only that, behind him, there are a lot of weird phantoms, which are not real.

"Who are you..." the handsome man said coldly, his breath was a little messy, obviously, he had just experienced a fierce battle. "You are not the Demon God King, what are you..."

Champion Hou squinted his eyes and said coldly: "A respectful Three Tribulations God King, killing you, it doesn't mean much to me. Tell me, where is the magic maple, I will let you make a living. If the magic maple is dead Now, just tell me where his body is."

The handsome man's eyes flickered: "What are you looking for?"

"I don't like to listen to people's nonsense." Champion Hou Ping said calmly, with a strong killing intent permeating his body. This killing intent was vaguely tangible, transformed into various weapons, and the sound of the axe echoed in the void, buzzing.

Walk to kill.

Don't talk nonsense.

Just kill.

"If a few days sooner, you, such a powerful God King of the Four Tribulations, want to kill me a severely wounded God King of the Three Tribulations, it would be easy to turn around." The handsome man suddenly chuckled, "Unfortunately, now, you are... late. ."

As his voice fell.

Behind him, in the thick mist of demon energy, one and another god-king came out.

Demon God King.

Each one exudes a powerful breath!

One tribulation **** king, two tribulation **** king, three tribulation **** king.

Even, there are eight Four Tribulations God Kings!

"I am the Magic Maple you are looking for." The handsome man smiled weakly: "However, from now on, my name is Demon Emperor."

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