Supreme God King

Chapter 2466: Whispering Forest

Constantly appearing, among the endless army of strange ghosts, giant spirit races, and desolate beast puppets, one by one, the children of Chaos, with a greedy face, stand among the tide of strange ghosts, sneering at the Qiankun Ark and the Conferred God Ark.

"The boss is the boss, really amazing." A son of Chaos laughed strangely: "It actually swallowed the body of the creator Meng Fan and escaped the control of the Great Emperor!"

"Yes, according to the emperor's intention, the creator should be the leader of this era, just like the nine ancient gods, forming an alliance, bringing all the gods to the end of the gods, and stepping into the cage prepared by the emperor. , The infinite flesh and blood, the endless laws, the majestic vitality, the true meaning of the great roads, all must be used by the emperor! The emperor cannot leave the chaos realm, cannot be exposed to the heavens, so this method is really clever, and the boss made a move , Completely disrupted the Emperor's plan. I heard that the Emperor was very angry?"

"Of course, as soon as the Creator dies, the Epoch Alliance will collapse, and the plan of the emperor will of course be disrupted. The Chaos Realm is our home field. How many gods enter will be swallowed by us. In this way, only It is also helpless to let us leave the Chaos Realm and come directly to siege the Epoch Alliance. How could the emperor not be angry?"

"What is the appearance of the emperor's anger? I have never seen it. It has been 300,000 years since I was born. I have never heard of the emperor's anger."

"We didn't see it either, just heard that the emperor didn't speak day and night, and he also projected a shadow, looking for the boss in the heavens and the world."

"That's really angry. The emperor generally doesn't care about anything. The things that we care about are not worth mentioning in the emperor's eyes, let alone trying to separate a shadow to find something. "

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Think about it. This time hundreds of thousands of ghosts, thousands of puppets of desolate gods, and more than a thousand giant spirit races are dispatched. It can be said that this is the most powerful legion in this era, the Era Alliance. It will also be completely extinct, we will find the right opportunity to swallow the **** king!"

"The female emperor, the ancient emperor, the battle giant, and the moon princess are all powerful divine kings. If we swallow one, we are infinitely useful!"

"I heard that the female emperor is outstanding, if she can be taken into a slave, it would be better!"

"Dreaming, it's easy to kill, and easy to eat. Take control and be a slave? That's a joke, don't bother!"

"There is also the one called the One who stole the meaning of eternity flowing from the end of our divine hidden? Hey, I want to find him and regain the meaning of eternity. In this way, I will be one of the best in the chaos world!"

The screams of alien ghosts, the buzzing of wild **** puppets, and the breathing of the giant spirit race resounded like a storm!

The plan laid down by the Great Chaos failed.

Completely failed.

He was a wise hunter who waited for work at ease, waiting for Meng Fan to bring the gods and many creatures to the end of Shenyin, so he never broke out the true power of Shenyin's end. Hundreds of thousands of ghosts did not move, thousands of wild gods None of the puppets, more than a thousand servants of the Giant Spirit Race with countless restrictions and shackles, did not move.

Even the children of Chaos, who stepped into the heavens and worlds, are only a very small number.

However, once the plan to wait for Meng Fan fell through, the Great Chaos would no longer be able to wait at the end of Shenyin.

So the real power at the end of Shenyin broke out completely!

This time, it is no longer a wave of ghosts that is gradually awakening.

It's the chaos army sweeping the world!

In the face of this force, the entire heavens and myriad realms are unstoppable, and it seems that they are destined to be completely overwhelmed and usher in the final chapter of an era!


A forest full of towering trees.

These trees don’t know how many years they have lived. The youngest ones are at least hundreds of thousands of years old. They are so strong that any one needs hundreds of people to hold them!

Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, and Fairy Bai Xue walked slowly in the woods.

Their steps are very light.

The Yang Zun dressed in white stretched out his hand and gently stroked some trees, and whispered: "The oldest giant trees we saw along the way are more than one million years old, and there must be even more ancient ones, many of them. The giant trees have evolved their own consciousness, they have become fines, become monsters, and have reached the gods, but they are still rooted in the deep underground like other giant trees, motionless, choosing to sleep."

Fairy Bai Xue looked left and right curiously, and suddenly moved his gaze, and saw a huge tree towering extremely far away, almost as high as the Taishan Mountain of the Purple Light Empire.

"That giant tree... I can't actually infer its lifespan!" Fairy Bai Xue was surprised. As the master of the meaning of blood source, she is second only to the creator Meng Fan in understanding of living creatures. Any living creature is in front of her. There are no obscurations, no reservations, and many things can be inferred at once, especially life span, which is easy to speculate.

But she couldn't infer the lifespan of the giant tree. It can be seen that the giant tree is definitely more than a few million years old!

And vaguely, a kind of **** king aura was circulating.

That's right, that giant tree is a **** king.

"For tree spirits, hundreds of years and thousands of years are just a blink of an eye. Even if there are no mature trees, they can live for thousands of years. Therefore, they have plenty of time. They can often sleep for tens of thousands of years. Don't disturb them, it's dangerous."

Meng Niuniu stepped forward and said softly, "Senior Yangzun, how did you know this place?"

"I am the fourth sun in this'Mussing Forest'."

Fairy Bai Xue was startled and repeated: "The fourth sun?"

This forest is called the Forest of Whispers. According to Yang Zun, this forest, which is many times larger than Wanyu and the Purple Light Empire combined, has existed for many years.

And Yang Zun, in a very old age, was once called the Yang God. He is a natural god. Everyone knows this. He is a **** king turned into a scorching sun, an old monster who has lived for an era. It can be said that it is also the first king of gods in the world.

Although he is a little weaker than the Heavenly Giants and the Ancient Emperors, it is because he is not good at fighting, killing, and disputes. From the first era conference, he was the only one who did not advocate fighting. The characters of this can be seen.

But his longevity, vitality, etc., are extremely long.

If the Zhantian giant and the ancient emperor are lions and tigers, Yang Zun is like an elephant. It is not easy to fight and treats people gently, which should not be underestimated.

At this moment, Yang Zun said that he was the fourth sun in this Whispering Forest. As the gods, Meng Niuniu and Fairy Bai Xue looked at each other and understood.

Since Yang Zun was transformed by a scorching sun, he must have shined on a certain world, a certain starry sky, and it turned out that he was shining on this Whispering Forest, and he was the sun of this forest!

"This forest of whispers has its own consciousness. Every giant tree you see has its roots deeply inserted into the earth, deep into the core of this great world. They have their own thinking, so when they The sun’s death, or is about to die, they will urge this great world to move slowly to find the next sun to shine on them. I only know that they moved at least three times before this forest of whispers found me. , So I am the fourth sun. There are many giant trees here that may have lived for tens of millions of years!"

A giant wood of tens of millions of years!

Only amazed.

"A long time ago, when I was the sun of this Whispering Forest, a group of giant spirit races came here, turned this place into their residence, and settled down here, the leader of the giant spirit race was A **** king."

Yang Zun finally came to the point.

That’s right, even though he had his own consciousness since the last era, he left the Whispering Forest after turning into a **** king, and this forest also began to move. I don’t know how far it moved in the time of an epoch, but Yang Zun There is still a certain secret connection with this Whispering Forest.

Because of this, he found here, in order to meet the leader of the giant spirit tribe, Thunder God.

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