Supreme God King

Chapter 2458: Disciple

Meng Fan followed the voice and turned his head.

What I saw was a very charming and **** woman with a graceful figure, a slender waist, long legs, and a pink baby face, but elsewhere, it was very plump.

This appearance is very different among the many disciples.

It's just that in Meng Fan's eyes, this is an immature child. He wouldn't even compare such a girl with those arrogant girls. Regardless of appearance or temperament, there is so much difference, there is really nothing to say.

This girl, named "Zhou Yun", was about the same age as Zhang Xuyang, only a few months older than Zhang Xuyang. She was originally a mortal in a small town under the rule of ghosts and gods, but because she could comprehend vitality, she was selected to enter the gate.

After entering, the treatment was much worse. Zhang Xuyang had an ordinary face, a scar on his cheekbones, and a cowardly temper, and his aptitude was even more ordinary. So he was a disciple, but it was more like a small handyman. , Was also arranged to serve as a helper for the monster man and became a "dinner."

In contrast, Zhou Yun is much better. As one or two years have passed, his appearance has become more and more charming and coquettish. Although his qualifications are not much better than Zhang Xuyang, he is better than clever, majestic, eloquent, and appearance. Well, many older brothers take good care of her, even some Shura, although when they see Zhou Yun, they will inevitably look down at her because she is a human race. Sometimes there will be female Shura deliberately embarrassing her, but she can always be She resolved.

Simply put, Zhou Yun is much better than Zhang Xuyang here.

It’s just that the smooth wind is on the surface, but there are many hardships in private. Zhou Yun is also worried and cautious every day, not dare to offend anyone, doing everything with twelve minutes of mind, only sleep for one hour a day, sometimes even more so. Do not sleep, do your utmost to practice and spit out, and if you can flatter, you will be flattered.

The internal fire wounds on her body caused by several times of too rush to practice, and the internal injuries caused by working for some senior brothers and sisters, others did not know, but only Zhang Xuyang knew.

She is now in the Po Yuan realm, and it is not easy for a human race who is very ostracized in ghosts and gods.

Because she was a fellow countryman and was a very good friend when she was a child, Zhou Yun has always been very good to Zhang Xuyang. Even if Zhou Yun’s status is getting higher day by day, she is even favored by many human disciples and cultivated for more. To produce an excellent human disciple, let the human race have more status in ghosts and gods, but Zhou Yun has always been like Zhang Xuyang when he was a child, half close to and half hating iron and steel.

Speaking of which, this terrifying scar on Zhang Xuyang’s face was when he was a child, when there was a beast disaster in the town, and many people suffered from the seedlings. Zhang Xuyang, who was only a few years old at the time, took the claw of a wild beast at the most critical moment. The next saved Zhou Yun's life.

This is the friendship between two people.

Therefore, in recent years, as Zhou Yun has reached the Po Yuan state and Zhang Xuyang is still groping in his Qi training state, the state of the two people is simply the difference between heaven and earth, but Zhou Yun has never left Zhang Xuyang and has always secretly given him some good things. Things, and even taught him some methods.

It's a pity that Zhang Xuyang is indeed not qualified, mainly because he is still a little dull, and there is no improvement.

Zhou Yun stepped forward and could see that she was a little flustered, and she grabbed Meng Fan's arm and looked back and forth. The unique smell of a **** her body immediately made Meng Fan miss some days in Wuzhen.

"Huh..." Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief. "I just learned that you went to the Bliss River to help those really...really, scared me to death! Why didn't you discuss this with me in advance!"

Shouting, there were some tears in Zhou Yun's eyes, and she could see that she was really angry and anxious. This shout attracted the attention of many people around.

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could feel Zhou Yun really cared about Zhang Xuyang.

After a few hours, the bodies of him and Zhang Xuyang have merged very well. Even though the seizure of homes is dangerous for the King of Gods, Meng Fan is Meng Fan after all, and has achieved perfect integration. It can be said that it is like his own physical body, without any problems, so no one can see it.

Even if it is a **** king, it is difficult to tell.

The scars on his face were not erased, but he was afraid that one out of ten thousand people would recognize Zhang Xuyang and would doubt.

So at this moment, he was able to feel the tears in Zhou Yun's eyes with Zhang Xuyang's mood, knowing that she was completely worried.

Suddenly, I sighed, this kind of worries among young children is pure and simple. How many years have I not felt it?

"Didn't I come back?" Meng Fan smiled.

Zhou Yun was startled, but he couldn't react for a while. The usual Zhang Xuyang didn't say a word and rarely spoke. Even if he was with Zhou Yun, he was like an elm. Zhou Yun had repeatedly criticized him for being beastly plagued when he was a child. Frightened silly.

But now, it feels completely different.

How would she know that standing in front of him is a giant that scared the heavens and all realms?

Even if the strength is no longer, even if the words are calm and unconscious, but that kind of temperament flows out naturally.

This smile is perfect.

Meng Fan smiled, and his eyes fell on a reward list on Zhou Yun's waist.

He was aware of the details and saw at a glance that this reward list was for a traitor named "Ghost Seven".

This ghost seven, and that ghost six who was offered a high reward, are brothers who worshipped the handle!

Gui Liuzi, there are a total of seven brothers, from Gui Bo, Gui Er, to Gui Qi, all of them are the ironest group of brothers who just entered the mountain gate a thousand years ago. However, after these thousand years, the Gui Boss cannot break through because of the realm. At the end of their lives, several other people died in a battle to besieged and killed the demons a hundred years ago. In the end, only Gui Liuzi and Guiqi were left.

These two people are ghosts and gods who rebelled together. It is not clear why they rebelled, but what is certain is that these two people have already established a clan full of earth demons and ghosts in a certain area of ​​this world. There are various sects that rebel against Shura.

It is too difficult to kill the six ghosts.

But Ghost Seven seemed to be simpler, because this Ghost Seven was still the pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and there was still some distance away from the Profound Origin Realm.

"What are you?" Meng Fan asked.

Zhou Yun was stunned when she saw this, and then reacted, pulling out the reward from her waist and said, "It's a few seniors and sisters, and they want to join hands to kill Ghost Seven, let me go with them, saying that this time, they want to go deep into the Demon Wasteland. There are many dangers, but there are also many opportunities, so you must grasp it!"

Of course the brothers and sisters in Zhou Yun's mouth would not be those Shura.

But the disciples of some human races are all powerful disciples who are close to the Tianyuan realm or have reached the Tianyuan realm.

In the ghosts and gods, the human races who are excluded and despised naturally become their own factions, and the human races always support each other.

This time, to kill the Six Guilds, it is conceivable that it must be the disciples of Shura, the disciples of the human race. There are too few elites who can fight the Six Guilds. Even if there are a few, they dare not easily grab the limelight of Shura, but for Striving for a sigh of relief, in order for the human race to have a higher status in the ghosts and gods, the human disciples will also do their best to do something. This kills the ghost seven, naturally becoming their goal.

Meng Fan immediately knew in his heart how to get back to the top.

His soul was moving, and a clear and straight road appeared in his mind.

The slowest, three months.

The fastest, one month.

He must return to the realm of the **** king, awaken the true meaning of many great avenues, reshape his body, and leave the thirties!

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