Supreme God King

Chapter 2445: Four punches

Ghosts all over the sky, like moths, Meng Fan is a raging fire.

Countless ghosts are shattered between heaven and earth in various forms, broken souls, collapsed flesh and blood, burned by themselves, punished by thunder, rebellion of good fortune, devoured by meditation, cut by heaven, and suppressed by god!

The creator's methods are exploding.

Every moment, thousands of alien ghosts are killed. Although they possess the power of chaos and can recover infinitely, they are still half of them. They are directly wiped out by the Dao’s true meaning, and the rest are fascinated by the Era Alliance. Use all kinds of methods, or seal a piece of flesh and blood, or suppress it, you will never live forever!

Everyone has seen this scene.

Not only can it be the Era Alliance, but also the **** kings of the three heavenly sects and the Hundred Flowers Realm.

The real thunder means, the law of the great road.

Shock the world!

At this moment, the demeanor of the Creator is fully revealed.

In the battle, the pros and cons were separated almost instantly.

The punishment gods sees everything in his eyes, his face is dignified. He knows that the three great heavenly sects have missed the best time to attack Meng Fan, but he feels infinitely weak, because the ancient emperor alone did not fight with him. Divide up and down!

At this moment.

A heavy fist, violent, and it was the giant of the battle sky that slew the encirclement of the strange ghost tide and came behind the discipline god!

This fist once defeated the spirit of vitality.

Forced back the Central Emperor.

At this moment, he aimed at the discipline of the gods.

There was the ancient emperor in front and the Zhantian giant in the back. The punishment gods suddenly closed his eyes, motionless, and sat firmly in the void.

The fist of the ancient emperor and the fist of the battle giant arrived together.


Just like the Changhong circling the sun, punishing the gods, directly crushed by the two big fist peaks, turned into pure laws and vitality, and directly dissipated in the world.

Over 30,000 ghosts, more than 80% were killed.

Punishment gods, vitality gods, law gods, all were defeated.

The battle situation outside Hundred Flowers Realm immediately became clear.

Meng Fan is like a moving mountain, stepping out of the Hundred Flowers Realm step by step. At each step, more ghosts fall and turn into dust, and finally stand still. His eyes are on Zheng and the Ark of Conferred God and the Ark of Impermanence. Three Heavenly Sects together.

The eyes are invisible.

It's really tangible.

The white-robed **** kings of the three great heavenly sects, when Meng Fan's gaze catches the gaze, his body immediately stiffens, as if the tame little beast is being stared at by the jackal, not daring to move. Over their heads.

This feeling is too terrifying, but also familiar.

Half of the white-robed **** kings of the three great heavenly sects are puppets of heaven without self-awareness, but half of them are

He still has his own wisdom, but has taken refuge in the **** king of heaven.

The most important reason for them to take refuge in the way of heaven is fear.

The catastrophe that hovered over every **** king's head was a hanging sword that could fall at any time. Their lives were constantly fluctuating in this catastrophe and catastrophe and could not protect themselves.

Taking refuge in the Three Heavenly Sects, these white-robed **** kings, the catastrophe above their heads disappeared.

At this moment, under Meng Fan's gaze, they once again felt the fear of catastrophe overhanging, but this overhanging sword will now fall, and they are not allowed to think!

One after another, the **** kings of the Epoch Alliance, rushed to the location of the three heavenly sects, and quickly surrounded the three heavenly sects, silently watching the fierce fighting among them, but did not move.

The Empress looked back at Meng Fan.

The kings are waiting for Meng Fan's order.

Meng Fan took a deep breath and whispered, "Kill all."

Two words.

The fate of more than one hundred **** kings of the three great heavenly sects was set.

Can be killed!

In the distance, the expressions of the children of Chaos hidden in the secret void changed a little.

The first son of Chaos gently rubbed his chin, and said with a sneer: "The aura has risen again, and it seems to have broken through a certain bottleneck. The creator, Meng Fan, is extraordinary and is not suitable for battle today."

The several children of Chaos around were all startled. The first child of Chaos, who had just had a strong momentum and insisted on confronting Meng Fan head-on, said at this moment that he should not fight today?

These children of chaos all felt that when Meng Fan opened his eyes, the tremendous change in his aura seemed to have achieved a certain breakthrough, but this breakthrough was unclear.

The first son of Chaos withdrew a few steps back, gradually hiding in the Chaos, and said with a chuckle: "It is really unwise to confront him at a moment when he is full of enthusiasm and forever. It is enough to watch the fire from the shore today. "

The children of Chaos looked weird, obviously a little dissatisfied, but did not dare to violate the meaning of the first child of Chaos, and stepped back and gradually hid in the chaos.

But at this moment!

The chaotic vortex suddenly solidified, and there seemed to be some kind of invisible law barrier that sealed the void in a radius of tens of millions of miles.

The children of Chaos were all surprised, but after that, a huge sense of oppression fell on their heads and finally knew what had happened.

In the distance, over the Hundred Flowers World.

Meng Fan turned his head and his eyes fell coldly in this direction.

In the chaos, the first child of the chaos was in the shadows, facing Meng Fan's eyes, and chuckled softly: "I actually saw through my barrier."

"Watching a good show, do you want to leave if you don't give me a reward?" Meng Fan said coldly. With a move of his palm, it was invisible and invisible. No one could see what was born. Princess Yueyue disappeared from the battlefield at this moment.

The next moment.

The moment when several Chaos Children were still looking at Meng Fan.

The first chaos slammed his hands, and the endless chaos power turned into layers of barriers, covering him.

It is this moment.

Meng Fan was already in a vacuum, and came to the front of several Chaos Children!

But Meng Fan was not the only one who arrived.

Before he waved his hand, he brought Zhantian Giant, Ancient Emperor, and Princess Yueyue here.

Then, four fists fell.

Good luck emperor fist!

Origin Fist Peak!

Burial Site Obliteration Law!

The ancient **** king palm!

The four heaven and earth can be called the top **** kings, without any thinking, any communication, and simultaneous shots are the most powerful offensive, covering the sky and the sun, the stormy waves, the tumbling vitality, and the reversal of the law!

The chaotic vortex barrier was immediately crushed.

An unusual light flashed in the eyes of Chaos First Child.

Then without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the sons of chaos and pushed them to the four fist peaks. He stepped back a hundred steps, stepped into chaos again, and left directly!

But the rest of the children of Chaos fell apart under the four fists.

In the flying rain of blood, Meng Fan stretched out his index finger and flicked it lightly to suppress the messy void and let everything calm down. Then his eyes pierced into the chaotic vortex left by the first child of chaos, his eyes were pale and he wanted to chase out. Little clues about the Child of Chaos.

Princess Yingyue, the ancient emperor, and the giant Zhantian stood behind him, silently waiting.

After a few breaths.

Meng Fan's pupils returned to normal, and he whispered softly, "Exterminate the Heavenly Dao puppets, reorganize the Era Alliance, and continue to advance towards the edge of the sea. I will leave for some time, not too long."

After speaking, Meng Fan walked into the chaotic vortex.

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