Supreme God King

Chapter 2399: Opening day

Listening to Yang Zun's words, the central emperor's "really" has a murderous intent. If it weren't for Yang Zun's hidden secrets, and if he didn't know what his cards were, the Central Emperor really didn't care to obliterate it.

After pondering for a long time, he suddenly shot out a token.

The ruling hall master received the token, his eyes changed slightly: "My lord, execute it now?"

The central emperor nodded indifferently.

The ruling hall master shook his mind for a while before flying out of the Senate.

Yang Zun didn't know what happened.

But after a short while, bells rang in the entire Wanyu.

One after another, the **** king flew out of their respective residences and came to the Senate with shocked faces.

Yang Zun knew what this bell meant.

The source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains has a day of opening. Many people such as Meng Fan, Gu Huang, etc. have counted this day. Therefore, on that day, there will be countless people preparing for the dark. , Came to peek at the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms. For this reason, the Central Emperor has an extremely secret command, that is, at the right time, he will tear open the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms with his bare hands, in other words, let it , Open in advance!

Such a move will break everyone's plan and be absolutely caught off guard.

The sound of this bell means that the central emperor is about to make a move to open the source of the heavens in the universe!

However, the Ziguang kings were still a little surprised.

In their imagination, the central emperor would open the source of the heavens only when all the goals have been achieved and are extremely stable and precise. Although the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms is only a part of the heavens, just the tip of the iceberg, it is after all The power of heaven, the mystery of aura, and the endless dangers are self-evident.

Today, the Era Alliance has not been formed, and the kings of Ziguang are panicked, but they want to open the source of the heavens in the world?

However, since the Central Emperor wanted to open it, no one opposed it.

Including thirteen hall masters.

No one knows the way to open the source of the heavens. They can only wait quietly for that moment to come, but they don’t know what means Central Emperor has to do. The true old purple light **** king does not dare to disobey the Central Emperor, and the new The **** kings Jin joined were all speculative speculators with unpredictable intentions, and they would not stop them. The source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains was a bargaining chip used by the central emperor to hoist everyone. The sooner you throw it out, the better.

When everyone gathered, the Central Emperor's gaze swept across a **** king. Except for a few powerful existences, most of the **** kings he saw were shivering and did not dare to look directly.

For a long time, the central emperor didn't say a word, and slowly came to the center of the Senate, suddenly his body moved, and the empty passages were opened. At the other end of the passage was the Purple Light World.

Immediately, the billowing force of humanity, the purple energy, flowed from the world of purple light to the ten thousand realms, and continuously condensed in the hands of the central emperor.

The purple gas is already as liquid.

Although there are no vast waves, no strong shocks, but the power contained in the purple gas has made the faces of more than 300 gods in the Senate show shocking, humane power, they have already seen it, just Even the true meaning of Dadao can be confronted!

The thirteen hall master leaned forward and watched carefully.

After the previous battle, they also suffered a certain amount of losses. Four artifacts of enlightenment, pillars in the restricted area were destroyed, and two hall masters were seriously injured. These days, they have been quietly recuperating.

As the second-generation overlord of Wanyu, they had coveted the source of the heavens in Wanyu together with Meng Fan and the ancient emperor. At this moment, they couldn't calm down.

Time gradually passed.

On the other side of the passage, the entire purple light world, although as always, in the eyes of the kings, lost its color, as if it were black and white.

It's all because of the humanity of the purple light world, at this moment, all are held in the hands of the Central Emperor!

The humane canopy above the central emperor's head slowly hovered, bringing the purple gas into the canopy again.

Then, a broad road suddenly formed.

This broad road seems to be the broad road used by the central emperor to walk across the heavens and worlds in peace days. There is no difference?

It's just that the broad road at this moment is not straight, but winding, like a dragon and snake, constantly coiling, searching everywhere.

The lord of the thirteenth hall whispered: "I'm looking for the entrance to the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms, but can he do it?"

The central emperor had a certain understanding of the source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains, and these understandings mainly came from the oral statements of the thirteen hall masters.

But even so, the lord of the thirteen halls doubted whether the central emperor could really find the source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains.

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

The Senate was quiet.

The Broad Avenue is still constantly twisting.


Kangzhuang Avenue is frozen, motionless, it seems that the other end of the avenue is connected to a certain area!


A vast sound of heaven reverberated in the Senate, and all the **** kings felt intense discomfort at this moment, some suddenly felt a sharp pain in their souls, some were messy with the laws of the whole body, and some quickly lost their vitality.

Suddenly, there were whispers in the quiet Senate, some panicked, some shocked.

The thirteen hall masters had bright eyes.

That's right, the central emperor really found the entrance to the source of the heavens!

They were so familiar with this kind of breath.

When they stepped into the source of the heavens, although they only walked into the periphery, they were still etched in their hearts and could not be forgotten.

The sound of the sky became more and more majestic and vast.

More and more powerful.

On the other side of Kangzhuang Avenue, a simple stone gate appeared.

The central emperor stepped onto Kangzhuang Avenue and came to the front of the stone gate, grabbed it with his bare hands, and slowly opened it.

A stream of pure white light shot out from the stone gate.

The central emperor stepped into the stone gate.

Without a word, the lord of the thirteen halls moved, and hurriedly followed the central emperor into Shimen!

The more than three hundred gods and kings in the Senate looked at each other. What else can you hesitate? One after another vacated, a flood of brains poured in.

After just a few breaths, the senator’s courtyard was empty. Only Yang Zun was still sitting there. He frowned and muttered: “The source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms was actually opened by the Central Emperor. !"

The source of the heavens in Ten Thousand Realms has opened!

at this time.

The three golden lights tore through the world's power of the ten thousand domains, and came to the Senate with three old monks.

Xumi **** Buddha, root buried **** Buddha, virtuous **** Buddha.

The three old monks rushed into Shimen without even looking at Yang Zun.

This is a chess game.

At the beginning, God Buddha Xumi broke his rule of not being freely contaminated with cause and effect, and came to Wanyu to watch the battle between the dark alliance led by Meng Fan and the Purple Light Empire led by the Central Emperor because he used cause and effect to deduct everything. When the infinite variables were reached, in order to be able to grasp these variables, he watched the battle, and after watching the battle, the **** Xumi inferred a result from these variables, that is, the central emperor will inevitably open up the heavens of the ten thousand domains. source.

So the three old monks have been dormant in a hidden corner outside the Ten Thousand Realms, waiting for this moment!

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