Supreme God King

Chapter 2397: Six Theologians

The expression of the evolving soul is quite complicated.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many gambling appointments he made, but the real losers were three times. One time was lost to Qin Taichuan, which helped him calculate millions of years of luck, and the other time was lost to the Immortal King, for him. Found the **** Sumi.

But this time, it was really bad.

According to the agreement, his meaning of time will be taken away by Meng Fan!

For the evolving soul, the most important thing is of course the meaning of time. Taking away the meaning of time means taking away everything from him.

But he never expected that he would lose in this duel.

In his opinion, he has an absolute chance of winning the three betting contracts, and so does the blood rebirth. With his calculation ability, even if he cannot interfere with everything that happens in the middle thousand worlds, he can still pave the blood for his blood rebirth. Good all the roads and make it the number one in the world.

But when the gambling agreement began and time began to flow, Meng Fan proved to him one thing, that is, everything in the future is by no means a fate, and it is impossible to truly predict it. The life of the "Wu She" is a constant struggle against fate. lifetime.

If Wu She was born in such a good environment like Yuan Longzi, and his fate is not too bad for him, how could he fight his fate and change his fate again and again?

This time, the Evolved Yuanshen lost too thoroughly, not only because he lost the bet, but also his most powerful deduction method.

"I won't ask you to strip away the meaning of time, give it all to me."

Meng Fan said softly.

The evolving soul was startled.

Meng Fan said flatly: "As the master of the three eras, you have your own way. Can you let your obsession of the three eras be ruined? I only need a trace of time, just like you are outside the door. The same as those guardians."

The evolving soul was slightly in a trance: "You are the creator, the'Little Heavenly Way', and other people get the true meaning of the Great Dao, and are also the flowers in the moon mirror. You may not be able to grasp it, but you are not. In the world of heaven, the years are long, how could someone like you be born?"

This is not unreasonable to make trouble, it is indeed incomprehensible to the evolving soul.

The most powerful thing about Meng Fan today is that he can plunder any Dao’s true meaning at will, and he can fully comprehend it. After all, he is a "Little Heavenly Dao." The Dao’s true meaning may be an immortal monument for other gods and it is difficult to break. , But for him, as long as he has it in his hand, it is a matter of course and immediately grasps it.

So as long as the meaning of time is given to him, he will be the new master of time, and because he grasps the true meaning of the other five great Dao, he will be the master of time far beyond the evolving soul.

"Like you said, the number of fate." Meng Fan whispered: "The universe is prehistoric, everything is there, there is no certain number of fate, everything is unknown, you want to escape the long river of time, whether it can be done is unknown, but I I very much hope that there is a character in the world who can do it, completely out of time, like Wu She, out of the control of heaven, instead of being like you and me in the gambling game, can only live in that small world, maybe, One day in the future, when I step into the end of Shenyin, you and I will fight side by side."

The Evolving Yuanshen sighed slightly: "Creator, you are indeed a well-deserved hero of this era." With a move of his palm, a ray of time came out and fell into Meng Fan's palm.


The evolving soul suddenly felt a burst of emptiness.

This emptiness in which part of the meaning of time is taken away.

This feeling has happened 18 times in the past years. It is the 18 guardian kings outside. However, it took hundreds of years, even tens of thousands of years, for those kings to truly master. The meaning of time, and even if you master it, it won't be like this, making the evolving soul as if the power of the whole body is taken away.

Even vaguely, he felt that although Meng Fan only grasped the meaning of time, he had more control over the meaning of time than the total of the eighteen guardian kings outside.

This is the horror of the Creator, Xiaotiandao.

"I have made countless bets. It has always been fair and just. It only gave you a hint of time. This has violated my promise. I can compensate you. Maybe..." Yanhua Yuanshen said this, suddenly Confused, the last two bets were lost. He used his most powerful means to help Qin Taichuan and the Immortal King perform calculations. Then compensate Meng Fan, he naturally wants to perform calculations for Meng Fan. .

However, thinking of the previous confrontation in the middle of the world, and if there was a seemingly nonsense smile on Meng Fan's face, he suddenly felt very powerless.

Everything about Meng Fan is an unknown fate.

It is impossible for him to make any calculations.

"I'll give you a message." Evolving soul said: "Tell you an entrance to the source of the heavens."

As soon as he said this, Meng Fan suddenly became serious.

An entrance to the source of the heavens.

The source of the heavens mentioned by the evolving soul, of course, is not the source of the heavens of the ten thousand realms, it is only the tip of the iceberg of the real heaven, only a small part.

The source of the heavens he said is the real iceberg, where the heavens are!

When the words of the evolving soul were uttered, disasters and catastrophes derived from the heavens suddenly appeared on his head.

This sentence is completely revealing the secrets of heaven, completely against the sky, and cannot be tolerated.

The evolving soul silently glanced at the catastrophe on his head, indifferent, and continued to Meng Fan: "Today's heavens and worlds, there are very few who know the entrance to the source of the heavens, because they first stepped into the avenue of the source of the heavens. The true meaning of the gods, most of them are dead now, and are still alive. Tai Wuji is one, and the impermanence is one, but the impermanence is your enemy. I will not say that Tai Wuji evades the catastrophe of heaven all his life. I won’t reveal the evil consequences of the secret, of course I am afraid, but I can bear this risk."

With a single finger, a drop of time liquid fell into Meng Fan's hand.

In this time liquid, time is completely still, immobile, so it will never die, and a coordinate is recorded in it.

It’s just that this coordinate is not an ordinary conceptual position coordinate, and it cannot be measured by space. It is a very peculiar coordinate interwoven with space, law, and time as three lines. If the location is wrong, the law is wrong. It is impossible to open it before time.

Seeing it, Meng Fan sighed secretly.

In his previous concept, there are two kinds of coordinates. The first is of course the coordinates in the normal space concept, and the second is the law. The law must be reorganized, or changed, etc., to open the coordinates, but it is evolving. In the eyes of Yuanshen, even time is a coordinate, and it must be when the time is up.

"This coordinate is a gift given to me by the Immortal King and I during the first gambling game. However, the Immortal King only has space and law coordinates. He can't calculate the specific position. It is my time. The coordinates are also added, and one day, you may use it."

As the evolving soul spoke, suddenly his eyes moved, his body was strangely twisted, and then returned to its original state after a while, and he said in a deep voice, "The source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains is about to open, and the central emperor will use his means to pave a path. The avenue of the source of the heavens!"

The source of the heavens of ten thousand domains is about to open!

The tone of the evolving soul is extremely certain.

After listening, Meng Fan's expression did not change, but there was a wave of waves in his heart, he put the coordinates away, stood up, bid farewell, and walked out.

"Creator." The Evolved Soul suddenly said: "I know you don't believe in fate, but in my deduction, there will be four catastrophes in your future. What's even more terrifying is that these catastrophes are interconnected, one after another. , Formed a terrifying knot."

Meng Fan stopped, turned his head slightly, and looked at the evolving soul.

"These four catastrophes are incomplete, but I can see some afterimages. The first one is the shadow of the Central Emperor.

The second one is the shadow of five ships.

The third one is a bow and two arrows. I can't see the person holding the bow and the arrow.

The fourth is the gods, the six heavenly gods, and now, these four catastrophes are getting closer and closer to you. "

Meng Fan nodded silently and said, "Thank you." Then he left directly.

The evolving soul looked at the closed door and whispered to himself: "The dead knot that cannot be opened is bound to die. Creator Meng Fan, you will eventually become extinct like all living beings in the world, or you can really change against the sky. What about fate? Wu She, who was reborn from your blood, was not able to resist fate. He was ultimately just a **** in a game between you and me."

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