Supreme God King

Chapter 2394: Rebirth

The pillar of reincarnation is the only time that the ancestor of humanity fought with the Great Emperor Chaos, and it turned into a trace of reincarnation that he captured from his hands.

But after all, it is not a complete meaning of reincarnation, so it is only more than a hundred pillars, not a complete monument of immortality.

The meaning of this reincarnation has a natural restraint ability for strange ghosts. No strange ghost can survive the coercion of these more than one hundred pillars, and will undoubtedly die.

In addition, from these pillars of reincarnation, we can also get a glimpse of the methods and strengths of the Chaos Great Emperor.

The most important thing is of course the word "reincarnation".

Because Meng Fan is the creator, "Little Heaven", he certainly can't refine these meanings of reincarnation into his martial arts pillar, but he can't refine it. After all, the methods of the Great Primordial Chaos are too terrifying. The dissemination of meaning has laid out the overall situation of the era, let alone the Great Chaos? Mastering the power of the Great Chaos is tantamount to being controlled by the Great Chaos.

But the word reincarnation is enough to make countless powerful gods greedy.

Reincarnation means eternal life.

This is crazy for any **** king.

It also includes the evolving soul.

So the evolving soul wanted to capture Meng Fan's meaning of emptiness, and Meng Fan wanted his meaning of time.

The long silence may also be just a moment of hesitation. Time has no concept of the evolving soul, in short, he rolled the dice.

The game begins.

The number of the dice determines what the bet they want to play.

Twenty-three dice kept spinning and beating on the round table.

One by one settled.

When the last dice settled, Meng Fan smiled.

"Fate, luck, it seems my luck is good."

It is the second type of gambling.

The two created a creature with a drop of blood, and survived in the kingdom of time when the soul was evolved. Seeing who lived long, this was a showdown in disguise.

If you really played against each other, the Evolving Primordial Spirit would be the old monster who had lived for three epochs, but it was definitely not Meng Fan's opponent.

But in the same way, in this time palace, if Meng Fan defeated the evolving soul, he would not be unscathed, at least he would be permanently imprinted by the meaning of time, and be cursed forever by time.

The evolving soul silently patted the round table, and this table immediately changed, and soon it turned into a middle-thousand world.

Although he is an old monster, he does not have the means of Meng Fan to create a great world, but in this middle-thousand world, vitality, laws, etc. are all possessed. Among them are stars, a round of sun, and There are giant moons in the lunar season, spring, summer, autumn and winter, birth, old age, sickness and death, everything is no different from the outside world.

The only difference is that the time flows in it, very fast. In an instant, thousands of years have passed.

"Since it is a gambling agreement, of course it must be fair." The Evolved Soul stretched out his hand to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan understood that when he looked at this middle-thousand world, the power of creation slowly moved, and it immediately condensed vitality in it, and then endless creatures appeared on the earth and ocean of each star.

Even in that round of the sun, the natural **** of flame appeared.

It's totally a world.

Even vaguely, there is a power of the world operating!

The evolving soul exclaimed: "Creating things with your hands and condensing the world, this is the power of the "Little Heavenly Dao"."

While speaking, he urged the meaning of time to continuously speed up the time in this middle-thousand world, one instant, thousands of years, one instant, ten thousand years, one instant, one hundred thousand years.

Meng Fan whispered: "This is the power of the Lord of Time."

As the time in Zhongqian World continues to elapse in units of 100,000 years, many immature creatures among them have continued to multiply and grow up.

"Grass-eaters are good at walking but stupid." Meng Fan slowly said, that is the law. Among the creatures in this thousand worlds, those animals that can only bow their heads to eat grass, such as cows, sheep, deer, etc. , Have become physically strong, vigorous, but dull.

"Carnivores, fierce and fierce."

Meat-eating creatures, such as tigers and leopards, jackals, and eagles, have fangs and claws, which are extremely ferocious and powerful.

"Grain eaters, wise and clever."

Animals that eat whole grains, such as mice, monkeys, and foxes, gradually become wiser and have dexterous palms.

The evolving soul nodded slightly: "What a law of life." He urged the meaning of time again, and this time, tens of millions of years have passed.

Endless years, a long river, all in his fingertips.

Just as the dignity and humbleness of all beings are in Meng Fan's words.

When tens of millions of years passed, because of the many rules set by Meng Fan, this middle-thousand world began to split.

Some creatures took the lead in opening up wisdom, establishing civilization, having their own country, and having their own history, they are humans.

"It's time to put the finishing touches." Yanhua Yuanshendao.

Meng Fan slowly opened his mouth, his tongue beating, and said the last rule.

"Those who eat breath, live for gods."

Qi is vitality.

Breath-eaters have clear souls, can see through the mysteries of heaven and earth, and live longer.

When the last law came out, there were some uncountable creatures in this thousand worlds, directly stepping into martial arts!

Immediately, the world was surging, the ocean was no longer isolated, the distance between the stars was no longer far away, and longevity was no longer a dream.

The entire Zhongqian world has completely changed its appearance!

Meng Fan silently looked at this middle-thousand world: "It's really sad."

Evolving Yuanshen said: "Of course it is sad. The longer I live, the more I feel the sadness of all beings. The living beings in this middle-thousand world, birth, old age, sickness and death, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, eternal sadness, in our eyes are just a game, for them Say, you and I are heaven, and their sorrow is also our sorrow."

Meng Fan took a deep breath and watched quietly as countless monks appeared in Zhongqian World, established powerful sects, competed and killed each other, and finally some monks of the Heavenly Origin Realm appeared, and they began to doubt the world they were in. , And from the unbreakable law, I have spied the existence of the "Tian Dao". Of course, this Tian Dao is actually Meng Fan and the evolving soul, but in their eyes, it is extremely terrifying and powerful. They want to ask the sky. .

"It's okay." Yanhua Yuanshen stretched out a finger.

"Your tone seems to boil a pot of good soup, it's time to prepare the ingredients." Meng Fan said, also extending a finger.

"It is indeed a pot of good soup. Throughout the ages, there have been so many people with me in these gambling games. They have joined hands with me to create one world after another, but they have never been so perfect as the Creator has created." Between his fingers, a drop of blood was forced out and fell into the middle of the world.

Meng Fan also forced a drop of blood at the same time.


Two drops of blood fell on the ground and turned directly into two babies.

These two babies, in the middle-thousand world, among countless monks, seem very ordinary and featureless, but they are transformed by the essence and blood of Meng Fan and the evolving soul, and they are truly "born by the way of heaven." .

The baby of the evolving soul appeared in a powerful sect and was directly met by a great elder of the Heavenly Origin Realm. This great elder, with a high status, was also a well-known strong person. When he saw this baby, he took it away and collected it. From this, it can be seen that the Derivative Primordial Spirit still uses his amazing calculation ability in this middle-thousand world. Knowing that this great elder will certainly take in his own reborn baby with blood dripping for whatever reason. This child has chosen a best future.

When the elder took the baby away, the evolving soul was suddenly startled. He saw Meng Fan rebirth his blood and put it in a very poor remote place, a desolate star, full of wars, deaths, and flesh and blood. Separate.

The place where Meng Fan’s blood rebirth fell is still a warm place. It is a shabby small village. Under the control of a powerful sect, he barely has enough food and clothing, but pays tribute every year. As long as the tribute is slightly dissatisfied, that sect People will be sent to kill some old people in the village, or take some children away for alchemy.

The place where the blood of the evolving soul was reborn was simply heaven in comparison, a prosperous star with too many monks, so there was no problem of hunger and cold at all, and it was highly developed.

Therefore, the evolving soul looked at Meng Fan with shock and incomprehension in his eyes, but he knew that sitting in front of him was the Creator, a character that Heavenly Dao desperately wanted to obliterate, and he did not dare to touch him directly. The strong can never aimlessly.

He waved his palm.

Time began to pass quickly!

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