Supreme God King

Chapter 2385: Might of the Creator

Dazhu State House.

Compared with this mansion, the Nanhe Realm Lord’s Mansion actually looks a lot shabby. Here, Qionglou Yuyu, Qianzhang high pavilion, towering glazed walls, and one after another vitality springs, spraying liquid vitality, all show The decent scene of Dazhu State House.

At this moment, in the deepest part of the Dazhu State House, a dozen gods and kings were sitting firmly together, and there were millions of swords that had been transformed into swordsmanship, surrounded in the air, murderously intent.

And before all the **** kings, it is the majestic Great Pillar Kingdom, sitting firmly on the jade chair, holding a euphorbia, closing his eyes and resting.

This is just a scene in the Dazhu Nation. Outside the Dazhu Nation, there are already tens of millions of fighters. Among them, there are many sacred first-class existences. The aura is continuous and vast, and some are good at observing aura and assassination. The dead man of means lies in ambush.

At present, all the ancient ship fragments in the entire common people's realm have gathered here, and Dazhuguo personally shot it, waiting for the mysterious person to take the bait.

Everything has been prepared.

At this time, Meng Fan was wandering through layers of different worlds, and without touching any restrictions, he continued to deepen into the Dazhu State House.

Stepping into the realm of God Capital, collecting tens of millions of news in an instant, Meng Fan learned more secrets.

It turns out that the harmony of the common people is only on the surface. The common people's emperor's life and vitality are about to come to an end, and he is not far from returning to the west. Maybe he can't wait for the strange ghost tide or the incarnation of the heavens, and he will die.

The Cangsheng Emperor has hundreds of sons, all of whom look respectful as guests, but in fact all of them are wolfish ambitions, and they have secretly seized the sons.

However, the methods of these people are very ridiculous in Meng Fan's eyes. This common emperor, a mysterious figure in the ancient era, has a name that does not even appear on the list of Heavenly Dao's kills. What kind of method is it? How could I fail to see the ambition of these sons.

Even if the current emperor of the common people has dim eyes and can't see all kinds of open and secret fights, there are really people who can use means to win the protagonist, so what?

In today's cosmos, there is no ancient foundation or emperor's throne.

The great catastrophe of the era is approaching, the tide of ghosts is surging, and the son of chaos is present, what is the emperor's throne? What's more, how can a **** king who changes his fate against the sky care about becoming the lord of the kingdom?

Even if it is the ancient emperor, the real purpose of establishing the ancient **** dynasty is to be able to fight against the dark alliance in the ten thousand realms, and not let the dark alliance dominate the family. Once needed, the ancient emperor will not hesitate to abandon the ancient gods towards.

The Central Emperor didn't even care about the position of the Purple Light Emperor. For him, the Purple Light Empire was just a tool for him.

This common people realm, up and down, is a group of rotten and ridiculous existences. They are really closed doors, frogs at the bottom of the well, hiding their ears and stealing bells.

Including this big pillar country.

Isn't it too convenient for Meng Fan to gather all the pieces of the ancient ship together?

With a movement, he jumped directly out of the void of another world, without any hiding, already standing in front of the laid-back Great Pillar Kingdom.

His sudden appearance shocked Dazhu Kingdom and the dozens of gods and kings. He didn't notice it at all, but suddenly appeared!

At the same time, countless sword intents coiling around were contaminated by Meng Fan's will, and crashed to pieces.

After Dazhu Kingdom was surprised, without a word of nonsense, he raised his hand and lifted his enlightenment tool, Fang Tian's halberd, and blasted it down with a mighty force, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and hitting Meng Fan directly. Of the eyebrows.

There was a sound of collision of gold stones.

Meng Fan grabbed the Euphorbia with his bare hands.

His palms had already turned into golden scaled dragon claws, and the spirit of the halberd was filled, and the spirits in the halberd immediately wailed and were directly suppressed and turned into half-dead creatures, and the halberd also appeared cracks.

At this moment, more than a dozen gods and kings around jumped up, killing together from multiple angles.


Although the offensives were swift and violent, in the eyes of Meng Fan, he was still a bit slow. Before the offensive arrived, he was already wrapped in dragon scales. His spirit was sacred and inviolable. The attacks of these gods did not work at all and were unscathed.

Dazhuguo's face was horrified.

Meng Fan's face was expressionless, his legs spread apart, his left foot was immediately filled with vitality and boundless good fortune, but his right foot was in silence, and the river of meditation was surging.

Yin and Yang!

It is the eternal separation of heaven and man.

More than a dozen gods and kings were immediately involved in the long river of meditation, constantly wailing, but to no avail, the vitality of life is rapidly passing.

Meng Fan still grabbed the Euphorbia with one hand.

He clenched a fist with the other hand, and in an instant, he made nine punches and smashed them on the spear.

The Great Pillar Kingdom's enlightenment device directly exploded, and Dazhu Kingdom himself was shaken out and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

Meng Fan moved forward slowly.

Behind him is the tumbling river of meditation and the Great Pillar Kingdom vomiting blood.

When he came to the house where the remaining ancient ship fragments were placed, he waved his hand at will, and the layers of restraints disappeared by themselves. The walls built with the strongest ancient stones in the common world were also directly turned into sludge. Turn into gold, some gold into mud. Dazhuguo, who was vomiting blood, was completely stunned, and his heart was shocked beyond words.

In the Great Thousand World of Origin, Liu Suxin also gasped in horror.

However, the kings of the dark alliance have long been accustomed to Meng Fan’s domineering methods. They are very calm and serious. Meng Fan said that the **** city world is the core of the common people world. Even if you break into this place, you can’t take it lightly. After all, this common people realm is one of the three prehistoric realms of the universe.

"The continuous use of the void, the will of the heavens, the will of the mind, the will of the gods, the good fortune, the energy consumption of the leader is a bit violent." Hong Xi said.

The surrounding Dark Alliance kings nodded and immediately closed their eyes. Suddenly, their bodies showed a very pure and pious aura. The power of desire surged and merged into Meng Fan’s body, filling his consumption. His vitality washes away his soul.

Only the ancient emperor and the four holy kings of the mixed world did not release the power of desire. This power of desire must come from the heart, without the slightest hesitation. It must have a great source and an extremely firm belief. Row.

As for the kings of the dark alliance, as well as many people in the dark alliance, they absolutely trust and worship Meng Fan.

Meng Fan got closer and closer to the place where the fragments of the ancient ship were placed.

He raised his hand again, about to destroy the last few defenses, suddenly frowned, and sneered: "I know it won't be that simple."

He had already turned around before he could speak.

This turn around is like moving the stars and changing the moon, and the world changes colors!

Good luck emperor fist out.

The person who came was directly separated by the bombardment, exposing his bones, and abandoning his body in wailing, the remaining bits of remnant soul fled all over the sky.

In the Great Thousand World of Origin, Liu Suxin said in amazement: "Grand Prince!"

At this moment, she finally understood what Meng Fan said in the South River Realm that if she acted recklessly and attracted some unnecessary people, it would inevitably be a slaughter or destroy a great world.

The great prince of the common people emperor, the strongest man in the common people world, alongside the eternal father Qin Ciyu and the Six Pillar Kingdom, was killed by Meng Fan with a single punch, only the broken soul escaped.

However, what Meng Fan said was "not that simple", and of course he was not talking about a prince.

His eyes shot far away.

Outside Dazhu State House.

An old man, sitting firmly on the throne, was beside a dozen and half-step god-king gentle women.

A man with white shirt and plain clothes.

A young man with the blood of the ancient gods.

There are also many powerful killing and killing auras, completely different from the wise kings of the common people.

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