Supreme God King

Chapter 2375: Control life and death

Meng Fan's fist front cuts through the space and doubles every three feet it moves. When it collides with the arm derived from the heavenly path, the size is already the same, fully demonstrating the Creator's means!

With this punch, even the **** Xumi was stunned.

He never thought that Meng Fan was so domineering today!

In the previous ten thousand domains, the Purple Light Empire vs. the Dark Alliance, the Central Emperor vs. Meng Fan, in the calculations of the God Buddha Xumi, the outcome has long been determined, and that is the complete destruction of the Dark Alliance.

However, before the outbreak of the war, God and Buddha Xumi perceives infinite variables. The world is full of variables, and a certain power is about to rise, so he broke his own rule of not contaminating cause and effect for no reason, with roots and roots. Xian Jie rushed to Ten Thousand Territories, and saw the fight with his own eyes, and also saw Meng Fan become the Creator.

However, before the real outcome of that war had been resolved, he and Jiuquan Demon Venerable were entangled, running through the world, and arrived here.

In just one day, he and Jiuquan Demon Sovereign have not yet distinguished the victory or defeat, but Meng Fan has led the Dark Alliance to escape from the Ten Thousand Realms, and has completely recovered from the exhaustion of the war to a state of heyday, like a sword hanging on the top In front of him, immediately followed by a punch, hitting the heavens!

The arm derived from the heavenly path is certainly not the true power of the heavenly path, but the tip of a small iceberg, but even the tip of the iceberg is the source of the heavens, the path of heaven, and it is also released by the most supreme being in the primordial universe. Power, how many people have directly opposed the way of heaven throughout the ages? The primordial dragon and elephant lord are very few, but today, there is another Meng Fan.

Between the fist and the front collided, the root burial **** Buddha said: "The timing is good now."

In a word, Xumi Shen Buddha, he did not hesitate, directly tore off some of the cause and effect threads, and suddenly disappeared.

Just like in the ten thousand realms, without the central emperor, no one can stop the escaping Qiankun Ark, without Meng Fan's action, no one can stop the **** Xumi.

Between the collision of the fist and the front, the avenue tore and crushed each other, and the kings felt a strong sense of oppression, and there was even an illusion that the laws of the body and the pillar of martial art would be broken.

This collision seemed to be only an instant.

But it seems to be a hundred years.

Under the pressure of heaven, time and space have no meaning, and time and space cannot be used to measure this punch.

Only after a short and long moment, the world returned to peace.

Everything that was distorted was restored.

Tiandao's arm is also completely missing.

Nothing seems to have happened.

Only Meng Fan, dressed in a slender green shirt with silver and gold collar, put his hands behind him at random, stood silently in the air, silent.

No one can understand the mystery of this punch, and no one can understand it, including the Heavenly Giant, Linglong Xinzun, which fully grasps the true meaning of the Dao, and cannot understand this punch.

Meng Fan’s eyes were calm. At the moment of the punch, only he himself understood that it was him as the creator, as a miniature heavenly path, and a punch that collided with the true heavenly path. In this punch, he saw Arrived at something.

It is an emotion, an emotion that is constantly brewing, waiting for a suitable opportunity to explode. It is the will of heaven that has been brewed after an unknown number of epochs.

He could feel the hatred of Heaven's Will against him, especially the will to kill, extremely strong.

There was no victory or defeat in this fist, and Meng Fan was not injured. He finally knew that the source of the heavens, the way of heaven, is completely different from everything. There is no real entity, no real power, and it is a kind of secret. Among them, the existence of strong operation is a kind of existence that currently Meng Fan can only watch the leopard. Unlike the impermanence fairy king or the central emperor, the tangible entity can always be hit. Facing the heaven, he has always upheld the power. There will be no effect.

And the way of heaven, although in a plane far above all beings, above everything else, there is no way to truly interfere with the primordial universe of the universe.

Just like in several epochs, the cognition of powerful **** kings for countless years, the source of the heavens, and the heavens are just the aggregation of the most primitive laws. After years of evolution, their own laws of operation have been born, and the most indestructible The true meaning of the Dao, although supreme, has no way to directly influence everything.


Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

In the process of forming the way of heaven, all the unbreakable true meanings of the great avenues that have been derived have constrained everything in the world, and in the same way, they have also bound the way of heaven himself!

The strong make the rules, and the strong must abide by the rules.

So the arm just now, although strong, but fleeting, there is nothing left.

However, what was spied in this fist was not just this. Meng Fan felt the dignity of the will of the heavens. In the faint, the heavens are constantly evolving, and a huge fluctuation is brewing. He has already speculated that this era The catastrophe will be the most terrifying epoch catastrophe in all ages, and the way of heaven is true...I want to completely wipe out all living beings and punish all **** kings.

Freed from the heavy thinking, Meng Fan turned his head and looked at the monument of immortality.

At this moment, Taiyi and Princess Yueyue were both standing in front of this monumental monument, but their expressions were very serious and extremely solemn.

Feeling a slight strangeness, Meng Fan frowned, and slowly came to the monument of Mingyi Immortal. What greeted him was the complicated look of Princess Yueyue.

"So that's it..."

Meng Fan sighed lightly.

Too everyone shook their heads, and then laughed heartily, but the laughter was a bit bitter.

In the Ark of Universe, the Zhantian Giant scratched his huge head and asked Linglong Xinzun: "What's wrong?"

"The monument of immortality is a kind of inheritance." Gu Huang said suddenly.

Linglong Xinzun gently nodded: "It is not that you can control the immortal monument if you get the immortal monument. Any immortal monument is an orthodoxy, and it must be controlled by the heir of the orthodox."

She was right.

Just like the gods, the temple of Zen, and the earth, the three gods and hidden forces, although they each guard an immortal monument, for countless years, the giants of these three gods and hidden forces have never truly mastered the three gods, Zen, and the mind. Kind of the true meaning of the road.

In the end, the Shenzang giant failed to control the divine will.

The Big Three of the Underworld, Taichu and Tai'a seem to be in control of the Underworld, but it was a conspiracy that crossed the epoch of Jiuquan Demon Venerable, and finally died.

Tai Wuji once picked the apple of the meaning of the void, but because he could not bear its weight, he handed it over to Ye Xuanji. By this era, he wanted to master the meaning of the void again, but found that he could not do it anymore. The meaning of the void was There was no reaction in his hands.

Not get it, you can master it.

The true meaning of Dao Dao, the most indestructible power in the primordial universe of the universe, even at the level of inviting the moon princess and Tai together, can only sigh.

The Giant Zhan Tian was quite surprised: "So, the old way and the giant chest are busy? This Mingyi hasn't found a descendant yet, and wants to continue wandering?"

"No, Mingyi has found a descendant." Linglong Xinzun said meaningfully: "Unexpected, reasonable."

Ancient Emperor Dao: "The true meaning of the Dao belongs to the source of the heavens. When the Jiuquan Demon Sovereign dies, the Ming Yi should return to the source of the heavens. Therefore, the Dao of Heaven took it away, but Meng Fan blocked the Dao of Heaven."

Zhan Tian giant frowned and thought for a while, finally opened his eyes, clenched his right hand and smashed his left palm: "That's it!"

The annihilated woman who had no emotions except for being curious about everything, looked at the monumental monument, blinked her eyes, and suddenly drifted away. This scene made the kings see that they were cold in their hearts, when Jiuquan Demon Sovereign obsessed too deeply. Even so completely crazy, this woman was still indifferent and left without nostalgia.

Meng Fan stretched out his hand and touched the monument of Immortality.

This stone stele dispersed immediately.

Meng Fan's body radiated black mist for a while, and then disappeared immediately, but in the void, the sound of ghost crying and howling sounded again.

Behind him, an illusion of the world appeared. It was the projection of his original world. In this illusion, there were four powers, one for heaven, one for divine will, one for good fortune, one for void, and another, If there is something like nothing, but it is solid in the blink of an eye, and it is meditation.

"Our creator." Linglong Xinzun smiled: "Another power has been added, and a level has been raised. Good luck and meditation, both in hand, have mastered life and death."

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