Supreme God King

Chapter 2358: Lord of the Fairy Elephant

Among the ten thousand domains, there is a confrontation between hundreds of gods.

The kings of the dark alliance and the four holy sages of the mixed world are fighting against the many kings of purple light.

This is a big battle.

It is also a disaster!

Even the vast Ten Thousand Realms could hardly bear the power of hundreds of gods and kings, the power of the world was affected, and many ancient relics and artifacts that had been hidden for hundreds of thousands of years were discovered.

On the other side of the void passages, in the venue of the Purple Light World Era Conference.

The many gods and kings who were standing on the sidelines did not say a word, watching this battle where the strong and the weak were at a glance.

There is a law naturally formed after hundreds of thousands of years on the road of God's hidden, called the law of dark forest.

Just like the dragon domain, hidden in the path of divine seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years, it has been silently derived until the **** Xumi stepped into the dragon domain. This hidden world was seen by many eyes on the path of divine seclusion, helpless Below, hundreds of thousands of pure-blooded Tianlong clan can only abandon the dragon domain, enter the ten thousand domain, and seek refuge in the dark alliance.

This is the law of the dark forest. I don’t know how many dangers and terrifying forces are hidden in the path of the gods. The powerful kings covet each other, spy on each other, and hide each other. Once anyone is exposed, they will be targeted by everyone, let alone The pure-blooded Tianlong is the innate treasure. Even an ordinary god, or an ordinary world, has infinite wealth and will attract countless greedy generations.

The law of the dark forest has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and all the worlds and forces, such as burial grounds, all follow this law. They have little contact with each other and are rarely known to the world.

But at the beginning of the Great Tribulation of the Era, a wave of strange ghosts descended, and the dark heavens and worlds were completely unfolded. Too many hidden powerful existences also came to the world, all strange names, even names forgotten by history, Everyone also knows what Jiuquan Demon Venerable, what Yang Venerable, what impermanent Immortal King, what Tai Wuji, etc.

Like a tiger with a mighty mountain, it has been dominating the roost for countless years, and suddenly discovered that there is a mountain not far away, and on top of the mountain, there is a tiger.

Then came another mountain, another mountain, another mountain, and one after another fierce tiger appeared.

More tigers were forced to leave their mountain peaks and enter the territories of other tigers.

The **** king was originally an arrogant generation. When the two tigers met, they would always fight each other. The heavens and the world became more dangerous and violent than ever before.

Just as the two kings of Jueping led the Ziguang Empire army into the Ten Thousand Realm for the first time.

Just as the three giants of Shenyin gave up the secret fight and faced each other directly.

Just as the great world of Qiankun drives Qiankun's Ark to travel the path of divine hidden.

At the very beginning, conflicts were happening bit by bit.

For the arrogant king, only fighting can solve the problem.

Even if the central emperor suddenly appeared, it seemed to determine the general trend of the world and perfectly convened the second era conference, but there was still a battle involving hundreds of gods!

This battle was the most intense battle since the law of the dark forest was broken.

At this moment, in the purple dungeon of Wanyu.

Two figures suddenly appeared, tall and tall, it was Dragon Scale Taibao and Dragon Blood Taibao.

"what happened?"

Many prisoners in the dungeon asked loudly.

"What happened outside!"

"It's the smell of blood... I smell it."

"It's the eruption of infinite power, the breath of the **** king!"

"Hey, let us out!"

A deity king who was imprisoned shouted.

The Dragon Blood Supreme Soul swept across, and suddenly he moved into the depths of the dungeon, and he was angry to the extreme. He saw a huge pool, like an ocean, in which countless restrictions were overlapped, and in the pool, there were more than a dozen. Wan pure blood dragon!

These pure-blooded dragons were all bleeding. Drops of golden blood flowed into the pool and were condensed into crystal pots. Many pure-blooded dragons were weak and their vitality almost disappeared.

"Hualong Pond..."

Dragon Blood Taibao gritted his teeth and said, his hands turned into dragon claws, tearing the restraint layer by layer.

When Longlin Taibao saw this scene, the same blood filled his pupils, and his anger was trembling all over, he suddenly turned his head and saw the **** king imprisoned in a cage. He brazenly shot and opened a cage.

"Haha...hahahaha! It's been sixty thousand years, and finally free!"

"The Ziguang Empire, imprison us, treat us as beasts and horses, and absorb power from our bodies day and night. Finally, it is finally released!"

"Kill out! Kill out!"

"You can be presumptuous in the world again!"

"Brother, please take a few steps forward..."

A black shadow in a prison said to the Dragon Scale Taibao.

"Help me get rid of these restrictions."

Dragon Scale Taibao slowly approached, looking at this black shadow warily. It was a huge body, almost as large as the battle giant. On his body, the chain was not tied, but pierced into his body.

Especially, this person does not have a leg, and some kind of forbidden formation is on his broken leg, restraining his leg and preventing it from growing again.

"Who are you?" Longlin Taibao asked with a frown.

The black shadow whispered: "A prisoner who has been imprisoned for a hundred thousand years... my real name, I have forgotten it a long time ago, but someone called me... the lord of the elephant."

Longlin Taibao was startled and frowned.

Lord of the fairy elephant.

Why are you so familiar?

I always seem to have heard it somewhere.

"Brother, help me untie these restrictions. You don't need to untie them all. Just make some cracks in the three dark purple, humane purple chains. I have been thinking about these humane chains for 100,000 years and found the cover. The door, as long as some cracks are made...I have been locked for a hundred thousand years, and I am very weak now, rest assured, I am not capable of hurting you... There is a familiar breath outside, the breath of the original meaning... Someone got it Is it the inheritance of the original meaning?"

Taibao Longlin frowned, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly made up his mind, the dragon claws came out, and they shot continuously, making cracks in the three humane chains.

"Ok... well, that's enough..."

The Lord of the Elephant smiled, and suddenly all the chains on his body were torn off!

This huge figure slowly walked out, shrugged his shoulders slightly, made a creaking sound of bones, took a deep breath, and laughed: "A hundred thousand years, it has finally come out... I was afraid that the original meaning would fall to the Central Emperor. In my hand, I abandon it. I didn't expect someone to find it and get its heritage?"

The lord of the fairy elephant whispered, turning his head, he saw the Dragon Blood Taibao who was trying to tear the Dragon's Blood forbidden, his palm moved fiercely, and there was a loud noise. The whole Hualong Pool was instantly torn apart, and hundreds of thousands of pure-blooded dragons surged. Out!

"Thank you, brother."

The Lord of the Elephants said, standing up and rushing out of the dungeon.

Longlin Taibao looked at his back, curled his eyebrows and said, "Lord of the fairy elephant."

"Heaven's Dao must kill the eighth." Dragon Blood Taibao said solemnly.

Taibao Longlin was surprised: "By the way, it's him!"

The lord of the fairy elephant rushed out of the dungeon and came into the ten thousand realms. First, he breathed extremely greedily and took a breath of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, which immediately caused a burst of emptiness in the vitality of the heavens. Then, his eyes scanned, he saw the darkness supported by hundreds of gods and kings. The kings of the League, their eyes fell on the most courageous figure.

That is the giant of war.

The moment the Zhantian Giant was seen by the Lord of the Fairy Elephant, he couldn't help but shake his mind, and forced a purple light king back with a punch, then raised his head and looked directly at the Lord of the Fairy Elephant.

The lord of the fairy elephant smiled slightly and took a step.

He can only take one step, because he has only one leg.

At this step, the void collapsed.

He crossed half of the ten thousand domains and came to the battlefield where Meng Fan and the Central Emperor fought, and came to this battlefield where the King of Gods should not enter.

His body was also crushed by the power of the smashing vacuum and the humane purple energy, cracks appeared everywhere.

But he didn't step back or stay hesitant, and he was still in a bad mood.

"The Central Emperor!"


The central emperor who was entangled by Meng Fan raised his head fiercely.

The palm of the lord of the fairy elephant has already blasted out, carrying the resentment of being imprisoned for 100,000 years, the thick hatred, and the bitter murderous intent!

Upon seeing this, Meng Fan immediately dissipated the dragon body, shattered the vacuum, and withdrew a big step backward.

"This palm came one hundred thousand years late, I'm very sorry!"

In the roar, the central emperor's eyebrows were erected, and the purple energy in the humane canopy rolled over him to form layer after layer of armor.

And the palm of the Lord of the Elephants has also arrived outright!

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