Supreme God King

Chapter 2331: Seven feet

The flowers are full of colors and butterflies are flying.

This is a faraway world, above a small star, next to a village where the vitality is thin, never seen a monk and don't know what vitality is, a field of flowers growing out of the farmland.

Compared with the Era Pass and the Ten Thousand Domains where the war is breaking out, compared with the worlds that are constantly being swallowed by the tide of strange ghosts, and compared with the chaotic heavens and the worlds, this is a paradise.

Two tall King Jueping sat in the field, staring blankly at the cute girl in front of him, picking a flower or catching a butterfly, and then sending it to him to ask for his credit.

"Uncle, you don’t seem to be happy? Father and mother said that you are a noble person, and helped us run away from the bandits who always bullied us. They also said that you are a god, knowing spells, and helped us pass the river and water the carrots. Cabbage, my parents said I don’t know how to thank you, Yiyi wants to thank you, but Yiyi has nothing. Can Yiyi make a wreath for you? The brothers, brothers, sisters and sisters in the village praise the beauty of my wreaths."

The little girl said playfully.

King Liang Jueping was still expressionless, just looking at the innocent and ignorant girl, no one could see what he was thinking.

"Uncle, father and mother said, do you live on that big mountain?" The little girl pointed to a bald, towering mountain in the distance, with no way to see the top. It seems that no bird can cross: "My father and mother said Uncle The high mountain appeared on the day it appeared, saying that the mountain has reached the sky, and only gods can live."

The little girl named Yiyi said, she suddenly saw a beautiful blue butterfly again, and immediately said excitedly: "Uncle, I will catch it for you, put it in the small bamboo cage I made, and give it to you. Laugh, okay? I know that kind of butterfly. It’s called Biwing Butterfly. I heard that it can only live for a few months. Every Biwing Butterfly will find another Biwing Butterfly. My parents say that they will be in pairs. I will not leave anyone. If one flies away, the other will find a way to find it. If I catch it, it will definitely attract another one!"

"No need." Liang Jueping finally said: "You are my butterfly."

The little girl smiled brightly: "Hehe, I'm Uncle's Butterfly."

Two King Jueping stretched out his hand and patted the little girl's head gently: "Yiyi, what is your full name?"


"How old are you?"

"Twelve years old! I will be thirteen years old soon! My parents said that when I was fourteen years old, she would find me her husband's house, saying that I was just the water that was poured out. I don't know what it means..." Yiyi is always lively and cheerful Looks like a talkative.

"Yeah." Two King Jueping nodded slightly: "Who are you anyway?"

Yiyi tilted her little head strangely: "Uncle...what do you mean? Yiyi doesn't understand."

"It doesn't matter who it is." Liang Jueping Wang smiled.

Yiyi jumped up happily: "Uncle Immortal finally laughed!"

The two kings of Jueping smiled brighter and brighter, really joyful from the heart: "Yiyi, you said, a butterfly can only live for a few months. Is their life short? Maybe every day is their last One day, on the last day of life, what will they do?"

Yiyi frowned and thought about it carefully: "It should fly into the flower field together, but Yiyi feels that there is nothing short and short. They are so beautiful. They fly in the flower field every day, and there will always be With the other one, even if it is short, it is very happy."

King Jueping blinked his eyes lightly and smiled very comfortably. He looked at the Biyi butterfly in the distance and said: "Yes, Yiyi, you are right. Uncle will ask you again, if a Biwing butterfly is different, Half of it was caught, and at the same time its child was also caught. Who will it look for?"

Yiyi's mouth was squeezed tightly, and her brows were completely twisted. After thinking for a long time, she said: "Mother always said father, said that with me, father doesn't care about mother anymore. I have to let me first To eat, he said that he used to give all good things to his mother first. He often laughed and scolded him and forgot his wife when he had a girl, and he said that the child is the biggest. I think Bi Yidie should also go. Find its children."

The two kings of Jueping closed his eyes lightly, and stopped talking, but the corners of his mouth could not dissipate his smile.

In the depths of the universe, the ancient emperor who received the sound transmission of Yuhan Space stood in the sky.

He didn’t have Meng Fan’s means, and he couldn’t urge the meaning of the void to cross thousands of miles. When Meng Fan was fighting ghosts on the edge of Wuhai, he was still on the way to the edge of Wuhai, and just eight hours ago, he got After receiving the news, he immediately rushed back to Wanyu, but at this time, he was blocked by a handsome man in a white shirt.

The ancient emperor didn't know who the man was, nor could he see any details.

But after all, he was the first-generation overlord of Wanyu, the longest-ever Wanyu giant, looking at the man in front of him, he vaguely guessed that he was a powerful **** king only by instinct.

"Friend or foe."

The ancient emperor spoke, but it was just four words.

Baishan Suyi smiled lightly: "The emperor has a good demeanor. I heard your reputation when I was still on the way to seek the Tao. It has been spread thousands of miles away, and people on the road of divine hiding have mentioned it. Sansheng was fortunate, but I finally got my wish, but unfortunately I can’t talk about the wine, because it’s an enemy, not a friend."

Gu Huang closed his eyes gently.

Then suddenly opened, two brilliant lights jumped to the horizon like a billowing sun. Between the body shapes, they have reached the front of the white shirt and plain clothes. The huge fist is like a dragon out of the hole, turning the river and the sea, carrying the billowing vitality, attacking and killing the white. Shirt.

"It's okay to fight with you in the first battle."

Baishan Suyi raised his arm.

Use your arm to fight against the ancient emperor!

Suddenly the law was collapsed and distorted by the huge force shock, forming a void pit. The face of the white shirt was slightly taut, and the red and white colors were intertwined. It was obvious that he punched the ancient emperor hard, his blood was unstable, and it was somewhat unbearable.

Although unbearable.

But after all I can bear it!

Afterwards, Baishan Suyi lifted his foot, without any fancy skills and methods, purely a simple foot, right on the waist of the ancient emperor.

The only mysterious thing is that there is a seemingly purple purple gas on the soles of the feet.

And as soon as the sole of the foot kicked, many phantoms suddenly appeared behind Baishan Suyi, a phantom of a humane dynasty, rolling in the dust, and noisy and prosperous.

After one kick, the ancient emperor's face was tense, and he withdrew three feet back, his Adam's apple agitated, puff! Spit out a mouthful of blood.

"The Central Emperor..."

Gu Huang gritted his teeth and uttered four syllables.

Baishan Suyi tapped his chin: "Exactly."

Then his body shape was raised and kicked a second kick!

Suddenly, the central emperor wore a white shirt and turned into four colors of red gold, black and purple. A complex atmosphere of wildness and civilization permeated the world, revealing the weight and vastness of the long road, heavy responsibilities, and long roads. This foot was brewing to say no The unclear energy of the Qing Dao is surging and terrifying.

The ancient emperor punched.

Fists and feet collided, flesh and blood splattered, and the ancient emperor's body was directly kicked, but under the broken body, another body was revealed.

It's like a silkworm cocooning a butterfly.

This re-exposed body was much tougher than the ancient emperor's body.

"The body of the ancient sage king." The central emperor tightened his pupils: "This remains, after two epochs, is it still so tough?"

Suddenly ended.

A canopy appeared silently above the central emperor's head.

It is the humane canopy held by the Emperor of the Purple Light Empire!

But at this moment, this canopy appeared on the head of the central emperor, but it was completely different from the head of the two kings. At this time, the purple gas came to the east, and the emperor's weather was extremely strong, even faintly like a solid, billowing like a river, with rumblings. The sound is extremely vast.

Under the canopy, the color of the Central Emperor's clothes changed again, turning into pure purple, dazzling.

Then his waist twisted.

The third kick was kicked out.

The ancient emperor, who had always been passive and had no choice but to attack, reluctantly took another foot, and his skin was splintered, and even the ancient sage king's body hidden under his flesh and blood showed signs of loosening.

"This is not your physical body, just an armor."

The voice of the central emperor echoed in the ears of the ancient emperor.

But without waiting for the ancient emperor to speak, the fourth foot arrived.

After the fourth foot, there is the fifth foot.

The sixth foot.

The ancient emperor bears six feet, and can no longer force the turbulence in his body, Qiqiao spouts blood.

The ancient emperor who had shocked Wanyu from the ancient times suddenly understood a fact, even if he was as calm and cold as him, it was difficult to accept this fact for a while.

It is already his limit to bear the six feet of the central emperor. Even though the ancient saint king's body is not injured, the ancient emperor's vitality has been separated and the law is broken.

At this moment, his eyes widened.

The seventh foot has reached the front door.

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