Supreme God King

Chapter 2323: Yang Zun


The thick palm of Emperor Scale pressed Meng Fan's palm.

With a solemn expression on his face, he slowly shook his head, while the emperor Yu on the side was cold and did not speak.

This Yuhuang and Linhuang are both honest and heroic **** kings, but there are some differences in their personalities. The Yuhuang and Linhuang are more kind and domineering.

At the moment, Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin both felt murderous in Meng Fan's body!

Although they did not know why Meng Fan broke out of murderous intent, because they did not have the means of Meng Fan to spy on everything around them with the will of heaven and the eyes of heaven, and they did not hear the conversation between the six sages and several gods, but they could clearly understand Feeling the fierce aura of Meng Fan beside him, Lin Huang quickly blocked it.

"The Era Conference, I don’t know how many **** kings have gathered. We can feel the breath of the **** kings. There are five hundred people. There are hidden **** kings. There may be many. The most powerful figures in the heavens and all realms are gathered here That's it!" Lin Huang said solemnly: "Great Emperor, here, don't take it lightly."

Meng Fan's eyes flickered twice before returning to clarity, and sneered, "I'm used to killing people."

The Emperor Lin was startled, and let go of his hand uncomfortably: "The Great Emperor, this epoch meeting is of great importance. It is not held by a certain person, but many gods and kings will join together to call on the kings to participate in order to ensure the epoch meeting. For the smooth progress of the era, a few rules were temporarily set. Because I know that the kings of gods are all mavericks, extremely arrogant, and no one abides by too many rules, so there is only one real rule. When the Era Conference is held, dare Everyone can punish anyone who hurts others at the Era Pass."

"Don't worry, you two, as you said, this epoch conference is very important, and it will determine the direction of the heavens and the world. I will not go crazy, but now the time, every moment is very important to me. Niuniu, and..." Meng Fan took a deep breath: "I have to do something, which will definitely cause a lot of danger. If the two of you cannot accept it, you can leave at any time. If you still want to follow me, I dare not say anything else. But one thing can be guaranteed, even if hundreds of gods and kings in this era are my enemies, I can leave as long as I want, and I can take the two together."

Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin glanced at each other. After a long time without saying a word, Emperor Yu calmly said, "Arouse us?"

Meng Fan shook his head.

Emperor Lin laughed: "It's up to the emperor to save us Dao Sect, how can we see the wind turn the rudder?"

Meng Fan arched his hands: "Thank you for the two of you." With a sudden movement, he took the Emperor Yu and Emperor Scales, and in an instant he crossed the Epoch Pass and came to the other end of the city.

Inside Jiyuan Pass, there are houses of gods and kings, all of which are built temporarily. No matter which house it is, there are many restrictions, various formations, and more, tens of millions of arrows hovering outside, each They are all divine artifacts, spinning back and forth, guarding them.

Although the **** king figures are domineering, they are also extremely cautious. Even if there is an iron order not to hurt people in the Era Pass, they will never put down their guard.

Logically speaking, a rule does not seem to have any binding power, because the **** kings present are all gathered temporarily, what command can bind hundreds of **** kings from the heavens and the world? But this rule is extremely interesting. There are no law enforcers in the Era Pass, but anyone who violates this rule can kill everyone. Then you can imagine that if there is a **** king that hurts people, it will immediately attract many others. The prying eyes of the God King would justifiably kill him and seize all kinds of treasures. If nothing else, a condensed law and the blood of the God King would be enough.

Therefore, this rule can be said that no one dares to break.

But each **** king is still very guarded.

But at this time, the place where Meng Fan fell, the mansion in front of him, did not have any defenses. From any angle, it was an unusually unusual building, just as unusual as the imperial palace of a secular dynasty.

"Great Emperor, where is it?" Lin Huang asked strangely.

"Yang Zun's residence." Meng Fan said bluntly. What his methods, the divine king's divine soul communication can be carefully heard, when he fell into this era, he had already collected too much information, and he knew that this was the residence of Yang Zun.

Yang Zun!

This is a character Meng Fan has never heard of.

However, he ranks tenth in the list of Heaven's Killing!

When the list of God’s kills was read out, it seemed to be only a moment, and it seemed to be a long time. It was a list read out by the will of Heaven. It is difficult to measure with common sense. No one knows how many gods have been read. Most **** kings can only hear their own names and the names of people who are involved in various ways with them. Only Meng Fan, who has realized the will of heaven and is able to observe the will of heaven, knows the list, at least There are three thousand names!

In other words, there are at least three thousand **** kings in the worlds.

Although the kings could not hear as profoundly as Meng Fan, there were ten names that everyone could hear, and that was the top ten on the list.

Yang Zun is also one of them.

While walking around in Jiyuanguan, Meng Fan searched for all kinds of news, only to know that not only him, but also the many gods and kings here, even the six sage gods, did not know the origin of this Yangzun, just like Tai Wuji. A name that no one knows, but he appeared in this era pass and influenced the situation of the era conference. Now he is one of the three parties of the conference, and some **** kings agree with his suggestion, although he does this One faction is the smallest of the three factions.

Meng Fan's spirits were running, and between the electric light and flint, he also informed several **** kings of the information he had collected about this Yang Zun.

Inside Meng Fan’s body in the Void, the Heavenly Battle Giant sneered: “Escape? Even my head knows that the tide of ghosts is coming, and the Great Tribulation of the Era will be wiped out. Where can I escape? An idiot, this kind of opinion, there are more than a dozen gods and kings who agree, all are idiots!"

"Finally admit that your brain is not working well?" Meng Fan mocked.

"Compared with you, the thirteenth hall master, and the ancient emperor, I am very simple." Zhan Tian giant said coldly.

Meng Fan walked straight into the mansion. There was no one in this mansion. Unlike the mansion of other gods and kings, there were more or less disciples deployed. After all, they were fleeing here.

After entering, Meng Fan looked around, took another step, and went straight to a place in the mansion that looked like a mortal imperial garden, and sat down facing a man wearing a light blue short robe.

The man in front of him was very thin and thin, even a little bit haggard. He was sitting and meditating among the beautiful landscapes. The moment Meng Fan appeared, he was slightly taken aback, but he said indifferently: "The meaning of the void."

Meng Fan sat down steadily and said softly, "Yang Zun... So it was such a Yang Zun."

In his eyes, the man in front of him completely changed his appearance, which was real.

No longer a **** king, like a scorching sun, burning blazingly!

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