Supreme God King

Chapter 2305: Ancient relics

The realm closest to Wuhai in the path of the gods was almost dead.

The traces of the creatures have almost disappeared. Wherever the tide of ghosts passes, there is no grass. Only occasionally, some escaped creatures are seen. There are figures of gods. When the worlds are shattered, it is difficult to survive below the gods. If there is no **** The king's blessing, even if it is the peak of the gods, there is hardly a ray of life.

Suddenly, the four **** kings passed quietly and landed on a piece of suspended fragmented ground, each with scars. Although all were skin injuries, they could not be healed for some reason, and they could only let the blood flow.

According to common sense, it’s not a big deal for a person at the first level of the **** king to suffer skin trauma. The blood of the **** king is precious, and a drop is enough to attract competition from all sides, but if the blood is lost, a little recuperation can recover with a move, just like them. So embarrassed, but terrifying.

"The tide of ghosts..." A **** king gritted his teeth and said: "Fourteen years ago, I heard that a huge world was destroyed by hundreds of strange ghosts. I still couldn't believe it. I didn't expect it..." As he said, he tried his best to repair Wounds, but with little effect.

"The four of us concentrated our efforts but didn't even kill a strange ghost." Another **** king looked solemnly: "What is this strange ghost? Why is it so powerful?"

The four **** kings gritted their teeth and set foot on the highest ranks in the prehistoric universe, yet they were so embarrassed that they felt shameful.

"Although the Era Great Tribulation has begun, I haven't seen its power yet." Among the four **** kings, the only female **** king said. These four **** kings are not human races, nor can they see what race they are. Into a human form. "I'm afraid that before the Great Tribulation of the Era will kill everything, the tide of strange ghosts has swallowed everything!"

At the moment when several **** kings were healing and talking to each other, suddenly, a **** king said in shock: "A strange ghost!"

Looking up at the same time, in the distance, more than 30 strange ghosts appeared!

The previous four **** kings encountered only forty or fifty strange ghosts. Although these strange ghosts were forced back, and a few more were torn apart, they did not really kill one and suffered so many injuries. At this moment Seeing the strange ghost again, I couldn't help but feel swayed, causing huge waves.

Just when the four **** kings were about to bombard these strange ghosts, and then quickly fled, their expressions changed. Seeing a strange ghost was torn to pieces, it was nothing. The four **** kings were also torn apart before. A few strange ghosts, but after this strange ghost was torn apart, it immediately lost all aura, obviously...dead!

When this strange ghost turned into a rain of blood, Meng Fan in a blue shirt stepped out, stepped on the blood rain, punched left and right, and smashed several strange ghosts into flat, as if The leaves fluttered in the air like leaves.

This scene stunned the four gods.

The woman **** king said in surprise: "Why... I can't understand his power?"

Goodbye to the three **** kings around, all with the same expression. Obviously, the true meaning of the Dao Dao was too mysterious for them to understand.


Holding the head close to the strange ghost with a palm, Meng Fan's heart was cold: "There is really no thinking, the only thought is the greed for flesh and blood. If you know that you are invincible, you have to come forward." With a sound, he smashed his head directly, but even so, he still couldn't be killed. He immediately shook his legs, deduced by heaven, and kicked the strange ghost into the smallest pieces from one hundred and eight tricky angles. , Smaller than dust.

This strange ghost was killed immediately.

After continuously shooting and killing two alien ghosts, Meng Fan looked around. The other alien ghosts were still extremely ferocious. He was extremely greedy for Meng Fan’s flesh and blood. The stronger the flesh and blood in this world, the more excited the strange ghosts can be evoked. It is a powerful body that has been reshaped twice by good fortune and God’s will. Its solidity is amazing. Even if it is the destiny of the Eight Pavilion giants of the Purple Light Empire to judge the king, they cannot cut all of his flesh and blood at once. It requires a little bit of division. Row.

With a move of his palm, the Dao of Heaven and the Sword Intent of the Big Dipper appeared at the same time, as small as a needle, but densely packed. I don't know how much. In the palm of his palm, the small intent of God and the roots of the Big Dipper are as if there is nothing like the intent of the Sword The fusion, followed by a lasing shot, circling frantically around Meng Fan!

How many?

Twenty-nine thousand six hundred!

It was the one-element sword formation that Meng Fan left behind, but it was much smaller, and its momentum and strength also weakened a lot, but even so, in the ten thousand domains, the sixty gods of the Purple Empire showed a different color. The array appeared, still containing God's will, no one dared to underestimate it.

Meng Fan, wrapped in dense sword intent, couldn't splash in, and more than 30 strange ghosts desperately slaughtered, but they could only be repelled, leaving scars that were difficult to heal.

The gnawing of alien ghosts is intertwined with the two powers of reincarnation and chaos, which is also a serious trauma to the **** king, and the same Beidou sword containing the will of heaven will have the same effect on alien ghosts.

In the terror defense formed by the rapid rotation of twelve thousand and six hundred sword intents, the strange ghost reloaded in a brutal manner, while Meng Fan simply sat in the void, with clear eyes rolling in his eyes. , Those strange ghosts that collided with amazing speed, which were invisible to the naked eye, were very slow and sluggish, so after staring for a while, they suddenly shot!

As soon as the hand came out, the 129,600 sword intents also immediately dispersed, and a small gap appeared, causing Meng Fan's palm to fly out, directly grabbing an alien ghost, and pulling it into the sword formation.

The strange ghost was caught, still twisting and roaring, but immediately, his eyes widened, and he struggled frantically, and then, the flesh and blood separated, and the power of reincarnation was drawn out.

This power of reincarnation was directly integrated into Meng Fan's palm.

In the palm of the hand, there are more than a hundred gray marks, which are very ordinary, like rough paintings, but this is more than a hundred stone pillars of reincarnation.

It was the only time that the ancestor of humanity had a fight with the Emperor Chaos in a distant era, perhaps the last epoch, or an earlier era. According to the phantom of the ancestor of humanity, there is no difference between the victory and the defeat, but the humanity The ancestor got a trace of the true meaning of reincarnation. At the beginning of this era, the ancestor of humanity preserved the fire of humanity with the ark of the era. An ark descended on the universe of the universe, which gradually spawned many empires and 36 sects, and the ancestor of humanity I have always hoped to be able to comprehend the true meaning of the reincarnation of the Great Chaos Emperor, so he created a "reincarnation" in the universe of the universe, and used it as an experiment.

After that, the life of the ancestor of humanity is approaching, and he took the last venture to divide a part of the source of the heavens. Before that, he left the true meaning of this reincarnation in the universe. What is the purpose is still unknown.

But this trace of the true meaning of reincarnation is the same as meditative, divine, and Zen. Because it is a power comparable to the true meaning of the Dao, it cannot be dissipated or obliterated, so it will be transformed into an immortal monument over a long period of time, but the true meaning of reincarnation, After all, it is not the true meaning of the Great Dao of Heavens, it is the power created by the Great Primordial Chaos, so under the crushing of the laws of the heavens and the realms, this trace of the true meaning of reincarnation is torn apart, and there are hundreds of stone pillars.

Alien ghosts are monsters created with a trace of the power of reincarnation and a trace of chaos. These stone pillars of the true meaning of reincarnation are simply innate enemies to alien ghosts!

The power of reincarnation was drawn out, and the alien ghosts immediately fell apart and fell apart, leaving only a mass of unconsciousness, only the flesh and blood of the engulfed souls. After wriggling in the air for a while, they also rotted.

"The ancestor of humanity really left a lot of means."

Meng Fan murmured, flicking his fingers, and 129,600 sword intent suddenly disappeared, assassinating a bunch of strange ghosts, causing these strange ghosts to scream like a snake. Then, Meng Fan kicked it out, containing pounds. Tianyi kicked and shattered a strange ghost, and at the same time grabbed the empty palm of his hand, pulling out the power of reincarnation.

Kill one more!

To deal with strange ghosts, there is only the true meaning of the Dao. The reason is that the universe, the heavens and all realms, any existence will perish, and any power can be obliterated. Only the true meaning of the Dao will not!

The true meaning of the Dao, even if it loses its sustenance, loses its owner, it will turn into an immortal monument and will never dissipate.

This kind of most indestructible power in the world is also unbearable for strangers.

Mastering the true meaning of the five great avenues, fully comprehending the will and good fortune, and having more than a hundred monuments of reincarnation left by the ancestors of humanity, this is Meng Fan's trump card.

In the blink of an eye, one after another strange ghost was slain, and the sky was full of blood and blood. Not long after, the last strange ghost was grabbed by Meng Fan's bare hands, crushed his whole body, and extracted reincarnation.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is another clearness.

Meng Fan, dressed in a green shirt, was still so clean and clear, with his palm sticking out and pinching a few marks, waited for a while to recover the huge amount of vitality he had consumed.

Promoting the true meaning of the Great Dao is extremely energy-consuming. Even Meng Fan will feel tired if he displays the true meaning of the Great Dao hundreds of times in a short period of time. But the real exhaustion is the monument of reincarnation. This kind of power does not belong to him. Compared with the existence of the Dao’s true meaning, it is more like a powerful Dao tool, or a masterless Dao tool. Whoever wants to use it will have to pay a great price. It is more to urge the true meaning of reincarnation than to urge the will of heaven. Consuming several times the vitality, it consumes more than ten times more than stimulating the true meaning of good fortune.

The two true meanings, especially the true meaning of good fortune, were fully comprehended by Meng Fan. It is his power. Not only is it stronger, the eyes of the sky can see all things, good fortune and condensed sentient beings, but also freely, if Meng Fan can also understand the true meaning of reincarnation, then kill the strange Ghost, it is simply extremely easy, but this is impossible, because there is only one person in the heaven and earth, and that is the Emperor Chaos.

Half an hour passed.

Meng Fan got up again, his eyes were clearer, and his vitality recovered. Then he glanced casually at the four stunned gods not far away, without speaking, and continued to walk.

"That's... the Great Emperor Wanyu!"

The female **** king exclaimed: "The Heavenly Dao must kill the list ranked fourth!"

"How do you tell?" Another **** king asked in surprise.

"Not long ago, when the Purple Light Empire was defeated, his reputation spread. Various descriptions are extremely consistent. He is right."

"Unexpectedly, he can kill more than 30 strange ghosts..." The third **** king looked serious: "So, he came to the edge of the sea at this moment for the relics of the ancient **** king?"

"It's hard to say, but the relics of the ancient gods will definitely attract many people to spy. We still don't stay, and get to the Era Conference as soon as possible. It's too dangerous here!"

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