Supreme God King

Chapter 2288: Full burp

"The origin of the earth, melted in the Taishan, towering and vast, the highest peak!"

The voices of King Jueping gradually blurred.

It wasn't because he couldn't hear clearly, but because his voice gradually melted into the sky and into all things, and his figure was constantly blurring.

Princess Yueyue who blocked his action, her eyebrows furrowed, and seeing the changes in the figure of King Jueping, she slapped her outright!

But suddenly fell into the air.

Princess Yueyue was stunned on the spot.

"Melting in Taishan."

On the side, since Qiankun's Ark appeared, he had retracted the pagoda. The Golden Palace Master, who was always watching coldly, suddenly whispered.

The Ziguang Empire has a hundred gods, countless people, and the domain is equivalent to four ten thousand domains. However, it is really unbalanced. It can be said that it is entirely because of interests, because the empire's hundreds of thousands of years of heritage and systems stand together. , This golden palace master, the leader of one of the eight pavilions, has been in a state of half insider and half outsider from beginning to end.

At this moment, Taishan stopped shaking.

Rather, it keeps shrinking inward, the endless mountains and rocks are condensing, and gradually, Taishan is getting smaller and smaller.

After a few blinks, Taishan became only three feet tall, and compared to before, it was completely dusty.

But it is mellow and smooth, flat and firm, but extremely rare and terrifying!

Subsequently, the Taishan Mountain changed again, gradually, deriving hands and feet, eyebrows, and gradually turning into a human form.

The appearance of King Jueping!

After three breaths, the human figure was Taishan, opened his mouth, and exhaled a long breath, scorching hot.

Then, opened his eyes.

In his eyes, there was apathy, as if he didn't care about everything around him, and at the same time, there was a trace of confusion, as if he had just awakened from a big dream.

The Lord of the Golden Palace squinted his eyes and said: "Two Kings of Jueping are indeed the first emperor of the Ziguang Empire in 100,000 years. Not only has he mastered the power of humanity and the great dominance of the Tao, but also has the unpredictable scheming of ghosts and gods. Mountain. Since ancient times, before the establishment of the Ziguang Empire, Taishan was the highest peak. I don’t know how many generations of emperors have prayed and worshipped on Taishan. Many remote real people have built temples on Taishan. Humanity, magnificent and powerful, and after the establishment of the Ziguang Empire, there have been nineteen **** kings on the Taishan Mountain, asking the sky."

Say something.

Not far away, Princess Yingyue said coldly, "You know I can hear you."

The Lord of the Golden Palace nodded and revealed a very simple smile. This smile is just like his dress, simple and simple, but it reveals a simple way: "I naturally know that you are young, but these tens of thousands The rookie **** king born in the year, but he controls the mind, comparable to the **** hidden giant, you and I fight against each other, even if I push the golden pagoda with all my strength, there is no perfect chance of winning, how can my words escape your ears?"

Princess Yingyue narrowed her eyes and stared at this low-key but very unusual character.

The Golden Palace Lord continued: "The two kings of Jueping merged in Taishan, and there is a huge risk. Taishan has been standing in the Ziguang Empire for many years, and the humanity it carries is too majestic. Although Taishan did not give birth to its own mind, But that kind of power, even if the two kings of Jueping are recognized by Taishan as a descendant of Taishan, they will be repelled or even backlashed by the power in it when they merge into it. Now he does not know how much his own spirit occupies, 30%? Or? half?

But even so, his strength is stronger than just now, I don't know how much! Regardless of whether the emperor’s throne or the humane canopy is a symbol of the ruling emperor, it does not belong to the ruling emperor. There is a change of office once in a hundred years. No ruling emperor can truly master these two treasures, so these two items The treasure is in the hands of the two kings of Jueping, and can't exert real effects. Taishan, but different, is his origin. "

The Golden Palace Master said, slowly stepping back, every step back, the figure is hidden in the void.

"The two words "Two Jue", one Jue is Yin, referring to his soul, and the other is Yang, which is Taishan. Why didn't I think of it before..."

Speaking of the last syllable, the Golden Palace Lord completely disappeared.

Princess Yueyue snorted coldly. For this person, she didn't feel any real threat, so she didn't chase at all. Instead, she swept across the world of purple light quickly. Along the way, she casually injured several purple light gods. king.

"Kill the two kings of Jueping!"

Her cold voice spread far, and many people in the ten thousand realms heard it.

Meng Niuniu, who barely covered the blood of the seven orifices, heard it, and immediately released the sword intent with both hands, and wanted to get up to go to the place of the two kings of Jueping, but was grabbed by the misty fairy: "It's good to be by the side of the leader!"

After saying this, the ethereal Immortal Venerable and the Emerald Immortal Venerable stepped out together, rushing to the two Jueping Kings who were physically in Taishan.

At the same time, in the world of purple light, three figures floated out, Bai Xingyi, Hong Xi, and Jian Tongtian.

Although the five **** kings couldn't see the mystery of the changes of the two kings of Jueping, they could guess that this was a terrifying method, so without saying anything, they went straight to kill.

The five kings of gods arrived in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, there were five Changhong vitality, which were carried out like a dragon, directly bombarding the two kings of Jueping!


The two kings of Jueping were knocked into the air, swept a million miles, smashed into a mountain range, and immediately flew sand and rocks. Thousands of ancient giant trees were uprooted, and many underground veins were shattered. The entire mountain range became a flat desert in the blink of an eye. .

However, the two kings of Jueping who were hit so hard, slowly got up, and his eyes were no longer indifferent and confused, but showed a trace of other aura.

A trace of murder.

A bit harsh.

In the world of purple light, Princess Yueyue, who rushed outwards quickly, raised her eyebrows and said: "He is waking up!"


Two satin shackles descended from the sky and quickly entangled the arms of the two kings of Luoping. Then, Hong Xi arrived, condensing his body like a siege hammer, fighting violence with violence, savagely colliding, and directly knocking the two kings of Luoping out again. A long distance, but before the two kings of Jueping fell, the sword pierced the space with a biting sword intent, and directly killed!

The moment the sword intent fell.

The two kings of Jueping didn't have any magnificent movements, just as if they were driven by instinct, they slowly raised one of their palms and blocked them.


The sword intent cut through, but did not leave any traces in the palms of the two kings of Jueping, but exploded a large number of sword intent sparks, there were hundreds of them, each in the shape of a lotus, falling on the two kings of Jueping, It's also a little bit of no effect.

This scene surprised Jian Tongtian, the veteran **** king, and the extremely high-status Taishang elder in the Promise Gate.

Also at this time!

The color of confusion in the eyes of King Jueping almost completely disappeared, and suddenly he stepped on his feet, and his flying figure suddenly stabilized, like a giant anchor of an ark, his feet blended into the earth.

This integration did not mean that his feet were inserted into the earth, but at this moment, the circling formation rules on the earth with a radius of millions of miles were seamlessly connected with him.

He seems to change for the earth.

He is this heavy earth!

Bai Xingyi has arrived.

Close at hand.

Fly with one leg, it was a brazen kick, driving a huge wave of vitality, swept across, and bombarded the flesh of the two kings!


Bai Xingyi's figure is like autumn leaves, a **** king, staggered to the ground extremely embarrassed, one of his legs is obviously broken!

The king of God has severed limbs.

The two kings of Jueping did not move!

This is real and immovable.

No, it is not as moving as Taishan.

At this moment, a space was swallowed by the billowing black meditation, revealing the space channel behind it, inviting the moon princess to swallow the space with the meditation, forcibly crossing, violently, condensing the meditation with one hand, quietly, imprinting On the chest of the two kings of Jueping.


A wave of fluctuations.

Two kings of Jueping, step back half a step.

Six **** kings, one of them was the overbearing princess Yueyue who controlled the mind. They shot one after another, but they only made the two kings of Jueping take a step back!

Not moving like a mountain, sure enough, it is not moving like a mountain, majestic and vast, the highest peak.

"Is it a first-level figure of Shenyin Giant?"

Suddenly, the two kings of Jueping spoke.

Then, extremely fast, he pinched the white neck of Princess Yueyue in front of him with one hand, and slammed down, with a loud bang. I don’t know how many laws and vitality around, shattered by this shock, the ethereal Immortal Venerable, the Jade Immortal Venerable, and Hong Xi The five **** kings, Bai Xingyi, and Jian Tongtian were also retreated uncontrollably by this shock!

The power is simply amazing.

Jian Tongtian was stunned: "Such a blow..."

With such a blow, the five gods and kings shocked by Yu Bodu retreated, and the princess Yueyue who was directly hit, was afraid that there would be more fortunes!

When the gravel falls, everything is calm again.

Two King Jueping blinked his eyes, rolling in his mind, rolling in his eyes, obviously, completely awakened!

But frowned.


The earth opened, like an earth dragon tumbling, and a beautiful figure floated into the sky, it was the Princess Inviting Moon!

She wore a black plum long gown with a white background that was broken, revealing the matte skin underneath, and the spring beauty in front of the half-tube chest. It can be described as charming and moving to the extreme, but the people present are all gods, and no one will be affected. This spring scene provokes the mind, but it shocked Princess Yueyue!

Princess Yingyue rose in the air with blood flowing from the corners of her mouth, but her face was still extremely cold. She stretched out her slender palm, gently wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand, and spit out another mouthful of blood, her mouth squirmed, spitting out syllables.

"You seem to be fierce."

Five words.

Where is it like what a tyrant king said?

But when these five words came out, the atmosphere of the scene was suddenly different!

Reaching the levels of Meng Fan, Gu Huang, and Princess Yaoyue are all steps one step at a time. I don't know how many difficulties and obstacles they have faced. They are not tongue-in-cheeks and rarely talk about them. They are rather casual in words.

It is because of this randomness!

Let the five **** kings present suddenly become bold and bold in their hearts.

However, no one shot.

Because in an instant, many **** kings felt a certain hidden fluctuation in the void, including the two kings of Jueping.

On a barren hill.

A "skeleton" is covered with text.

At this moment, these text marks have gradually disappeared.

It is not disintegrating, not dissipating, but further, penetrating into the "corpse bones", but the characters of the first level of the **** king, all feel that these words are being sealed, being absorbed and digested!

"read more, walk more."

I don't know who it is, said such a sentence.

"There are thousands of golden flowers in the book, silver glazed glass, and a few words that I am worried about, um~ it is delicious!"

"Bone" sat up.

Meng Niuniu was surprised.

Above the "skeleton", a touch of good fortune came out.

Meridians, essence and blood, flesh, muscles and bones gradually become full.

Rebirth of flesh and blood.

A boy in a green shirt, his face is as old.

Then he burped.

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