Supreme God King

Chapter 2261: 霸绝 Girl

Ancient fortress.

This has become a dark alliance branch, a large number of dark alliance elites are stationed here, every calendar training, at the same time, it has jurisdiction over many cities in the eastern part of Wanyu.

Suddenly a void passage opened, and on the other side of the passage, there was endless darkness. In the darkness, some figures gradually flickered.

The leader is a dignified young girl in bright red armor, with a brown cloak fluttering behind her, which is more than ten feet long.

On the left and right sides, there are five or six hundred elite dark alliances wearing black armor. Each of them is powerful, marching like a mountain in silence, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Behind the elite of the five or six hundred dark alliances are a few huge fierce beasts, with teeth and claws, weird structures, exuding a wild atmosphere, all of them are monsters on the road of divine hiding.


Immediately, many dark alliance elites stepped forward, swiftly removing the bright red armor for the girl, exposing the charming red gauze under it, and washing her face with the innate water of the snowy mountain.

It is Meng Niuniu.

"How's the credit?"

Meng Niuniu asked casually.

"It has been implemented and used in various branches, cities, and fortresses. In two days, the response has been good." A dark alliance elite smiled.

Meng Niuniu nodded: "The wisdom of the predecessors of the gods is indeed incredible. This is a pioneering work. The number of members of the outer door of the dark alliance is now too many, hundreds of millions of people, and many of them are talented. But only relying on talent can step into the inner door and become the core elite of the dark alliance. It is inevitable that they will be disorderly and assessed one by one, but they can't do it. The credits have solved this problem. We need to make various contributions to humanity and Wanyu. , Earn credit, and only when the credit is accumulated to a certain level can you be eligible to participate in the assessment.

What are the tasks in the current credit list? "

"Killing innocent people, fugitives, and characters on various wanted lists are given the most credit, followed by bringing benefits to various human empires, or preaching and receiving jobs in various human empires, opening up the wisdom of the people, or for drought. The land drops nectar, wait."

"it is good."

Meng Niuniu nodded gently. "After ten days, the list of members who have stepped on the path of divine hiding again must be drawn up as soon as possible."


As Meng Niuniu spoke, she became more and more of Meng Fan's momentum, pointing the country.

Now the many **** kings of the dark alliance are in retreat, still staying in the ten thousand domains, and managing all affairs, there is only one Meng Niuniu left. Now the dark alliance is on the right track, and various institutions are functioning normally. Meng Niuniu only needs to mention a few words at will. Most of the time is spent on self-cultivation.

Now, she has taken the position of Ling Daiyou, has become the marshal of the dark alliance, has the power to mobilize the elites of the dark alliances from all over the world, and Ling Daiyou is devoted to developing the humanity of the ten thousand domains and consolidating the status of the dark alliance.

As for Lin Tang, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Gu Xin'er, Bai Shui'er, Grandpa Bird, Master Gui, etc., the older generations of dark alliances are basically relegated to the second line, although they still manage some dark alliances. But most of the time, it is also in retreat and enlightenment.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to the Hall of Heroes to visit Old Man Gu. The ancient fortress will be temporarily in charge of you, focusing on the implementation of the merit book." Meng Niuniu said, suddenly her brows twitched and looked at the heights of the ancient fortress.

At this moment, on the heights of this ancient fortress, there is a huge high tower, on which there are brilliance.

It is the pattern left by Meng Fan.

More than a month ago, Meng Fan's left-handed array was completed, and there were arrays everywhere in Ten Thousand Regions. The tower of this ancient fortress was a very important array.

Regarding the entire formation, it is not clear even for the many **** kings of the dark alliance, because the formation is too vast, and Meng Fan's strength and the means to build a large formation are beyond the reach of the people in the dark alliance. , So incomprehensible.

It’s just that Linglong Xinzun can see that this array is completely arranged in ten thousand domains and has thousands of functions, one of which is very obvious, which is early warning. Once an abnormality is found anywhere, the entire array will be activated. , There will be reactions from all over the world.

And this anomaly does not refer to a small incident or a battle in a certain place. These are small things for the current dark alliance. There is no need to use the formation map. As long as the beacon formation can be used to pass messages to each other .

The abnormality that the array can sense is the king of gods.

He is the unregistered **** king!

In most areas of Ten Thousand Domains, it should be said that more than 80% of the areas have arrays. At the same time, all the **** kings in the Ten Thousand Domains are registered. If these kings act, the formations everywhere will respond, and Tell which **** king is moving, and at this moment, the brilliance of this true eye shows that there is a **** king who is acting in the ten thousand realms, but it is not known which **** king is.

The unregistered **** king.

Meng Niuniu's brows jumped, and she stretched her hand to the side to grab it. Suddenly, a sharp sword came out of the ancient fortress, landed in her palm, and stepped out!

Falling down again is in a human kingdom.

This Terran Nation is not huge. It has only a population of two to three hundred million. It is a small country. It has been assigned to a beautiful place by the Dark Alliance. Because of the blessing of the Dark Alliance, especially the introduction of the credits, many Terran nations have already The fighting stopped, and the rapid development, the number of monks was increasing, every country was very prosperous, and the streets were very lively.

However, in order to maintain the bloodliness of the various human kingdoms and continue to maintain the unique style of Wanyu, there are games arranged by dark alliances between the kingdoms, three days and one small competition, and a few months of big competitions, to get a better place in the battle competition. The country of the United States will also receive more support from the Dark Alliance, mainly from resources and credit.

At this time, Meng Niuniu fell on the streets of this human kingdom, and suddenly appeared. The surrounding Li people were slightly stunned, but then they turned a blind eye. For the past six months, they have become accustomed to the dark alliance monks, but they still remain in awe and keep away from it. the way.

Immediately there was a local official of the capital, surrounded by many guards, volleyed in the air, and came to Meng Niuniu, who was the cultivation base of the Heavenly Origin Realm. He respectfully said to Meng Niuniu: "I don't know if the dark alliance is here. Ying, please forgive me, what instructions does the dark alliance have? Do I need to report to the sage immediately?"

"Martial law." Meng Niuniu said only two words.

The magistrate was taken aback for a moment. He didn't recognize who Meng Niuniu was, nor could he see her cultivation level, but he was obviously a member of the dark alliance, and he was not like a member of the outer sect. He seemed to be a core elite, but even a core. Elite, the martial law order is not just issued.

The martial law order is an order of the dark alliance. Once issued, all monks in the entire country must immediately go to the capital and be taken care of. All the people must stay behind closed doors, do not work, do not do anything, and the army must enter the highest state of alert and affect Too big.

Although the core elite of the dark alliance has a high status, there are more than one million people. How can anyone come to the dark alliance and issue martial law?

"Martial law immediately." Suddenly, inside the palace of the capital, a huge voice came out, it was the emperor of this human kingdom. "Follow the command of the General Marshal and immediately martial law!"

The order is issued.

In a short period of time, first in the capital, there were immediately a large number of military guards who flew through the sky, managed the people, and entered a state of martial law. At the same time, many messengers went everywhere.

In the capital of the country, just a stick of incense, no one can be seen, and some formations are also urged.

Meng Niuniu held a sharp long sword, still standing in place.

After a while.

A pink and lovely girl appeared in sight.

The girl's pink face and smart eyes can tell at a glance that it is a beauty embryo, not cute, but in her eyes, there is an uncomfortable cold frost.

"A small human nation, with the highest cultivation level, it is only the realm of the initial stage of the gods. It is still a faint and withered old emperor, but can complete martial law within the time of a stick of incense, and spur so many people. The defensive formation, it seems we guessed wrong, the dark alliance is not as simple as the overlord of the ten thousand domains, the dark alliance has completely controlled the ten thousand domains."

The girl said coldly.

Meng Niuniu sneered: "Don't hide it?"

"Since you can come here, although you don't know what means you used, obviously, I can't hide it." The girl squeezed her shoulders and turned her head. "I know everything about the God King of Ten Thousand Realms, and it is deeply imprinted in my heart, but without you."

"You know everything about the King of Ten Thousand Territories." Meng Niuniu sneered even more, "So, first, you are not from Ten Thousand Territories, second, you must have conspiracy attempts, and third, you are overpowered. The guy, since he knows the God King of Ten Thousand Realms, he dare to set foot here in an attempt?"

The girl opened her hands and suddenly made a crackling sound. It was the sound of the surrounding laws collapsing. The entire country, centered on her, twisted. "You have a shallow foundation, and you have become a **** king, at most a thousand days, and you are young, and your tone is not small?"

Meng Niuniu nodded: "My roots are still shallow, but I am just enough to kill you."

The girl's eyebrows were upside down, and she grabbed it with a palm!

This palm is absolutely not overwhelming, nor does it have the horror of other gods and kings shredding the laws of the heavens, so standing in the streets and alleys, even the bluestone slabs in the streets were not shattered, because she has condensed her strength and did it. The true pinnacle is not leaked at all.

As soon as the palm came out of the domineering, Meng Niuniu was also awe-inspiring, knowing that this pink girl is a very domineering character, she immediately raised her long sword, in an instant, three hundred and sixty hits, pointing to three hundred and sixty blood in the girl's palm. Orifice.

Compared to a young girl, Meng Niuniu made a move, but the whole street was overturned, the ground was cracked, and many buildings collapsed.

Power control, the pinnacle is a little bit, the judgment is high!

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