Supreme God King

Chapter 2251: Life and death crisis

Every imprint of true meaning is a seal. In this void created by Meng Fan, the heart of the discipline of the gods is sealed off.

Outside of the void, one person, Linglong Xinzun, invited the moon princess, the dragon scale Taibao, all kinds of means, to resist the power of heaven's punishment and the law of rolling from everywhere.

"Sure enough, the heart is condensed by the will of heaven, and it is the core." Meng Fan was more certain in his heart, and at the same time, his thoughts swept across, looking for whether there is any tricky in the void.

Because chasing the gods, although they are intelligent creatures, they are completely different from all real creatures. Meng Fan guessed that he could not directly kill or crush this heart, otherwise, it would be reborn.

What he is even more afraid of is that this discipline **** does not match his reasoning. Perhaps the heart is the core, but even without the heart, he has other abilities that can be recovered.

However, no other visions occurred.

The heart of the punishment gods was pinched in his palm by Meng Fan, and he used the five real meanings to block it, and soon fell silent.

And the power of Heaven's Punishment everywhere, as well as the law, were also quiet.

"The true meaning of the Great Dao is the most powerful force between the heaven and the earth, and the power of the source of the heavens. Since you are the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, you must abide by the true meaning of the Great Dao." Meng Fan squeezed his heart, and his breath was much calmer.

The incarnation of Heaven is not invincible.

In other words, the source of the heavens, the way of heaven, is not invincible.

Although it was the five tyrants and kings who joined forces to suppress it, there was almost no use of strength.

The old man too fell aside, looked at his heart, concentrated for a moment, and said solemnly: "Something's wrong!"

Meng Fan listened to it and paid attention quickly.

Taiyi old man said: "The panic of heaven has disappeared!"


With Taiyi's voice, the heart contracts at an extremely fast speed.


When the heart of the discipline gods completely withered and shrank, a lavender bead appeared.

In this bead, there are many thin white golden threads, constantly twisting and shaking, Meng Fan frowned, took a closer look, and suddenly understood, was shocked in his heart, and quickly threw the bead out!

Tai Yi immediately retreated into the void.

But it was still a step slower.

The thin white gold thread inside the purple beads suddenly bloomed and turned into two big hands, firmly grasping the bodies of Meng Fan and Tai.

"The power of God's punishment!"

"I have never seen such a fierce punishment!"

When Bai Ju crossed the gap, Meng Fan communicated with Taiyi's spirits. The two teamed up to bombard the pillar at the fastest speed in their lives, breaking away from the two palms condensed by the force of the tumbling punishment, and at the same time retreating quickly, but they broke free The moment the palm was opened, the beads exploded!

The mighty power of Heaven's Punishment is surging and surging. It is more than a hundred times stronger than the disaster of Heaven's Punishment encountered by any strong man when he steps into the realm of God King, and it is extremely concentrated, and the power is even more amazing!

Within a radius of only seven or eight steps, the power of Heaven’s punishment penetrated hundreds of millions of layers of space in a single instant, creating a remote tunnel that didn’t know where to lead, especially in this tunnel. After the hole is penetrated, the law, vitality, vitality, everything is destroyed.

Both Meng Fan and Taiyi Old Man were hit hard and shot out!

Pop! Princess Yueyue stretched out her hand to catch Meng Fan, but her pretty face turned white and almost missed. Suddenly a pure gold dragon claw grabbed Princess Yueyue and Meng Fan together, and it was the Dragon Scale Taibao who took it.

Inviting Princess Yue and Longlin Taibao to see Meng Fan and was shocked!

At this moment, Meng Fan's half of his body is gone, only the meridians, bones, exposed outside, and even the heart! The blood of the **** king kept flowing.

Especially in the position of the head, not only the skull is exposed, but half of the teeth are gone.

Such serious injuries, even if it is the King of God, are too terrifying! I don't know how long it will take to truly recover.

At this moment, Meng Fan also closed his eyes tightly, his breath was weak, and his consciousness was very indifferent. Obviously, he was on the verge of life and death.

On the other side, the two incarnations of the young man and the mature man caught the old man's incarnation, but the old man was even more miserable. There was only a bone left, and there was a very indifferent ray of vitality and soul, which seemed to be there. No, it will drift away at any time.

The young man and the young man rushed to protect this skeleton, injecting his own vitality into the skeleton, retaining the vitality and broken soul at the fastest speed. After all, an incarnation is one-third of a person. A cultivation base, lifespan, strength, etc., so the two incarnations completely ignored them, dedicated themselves, and took a few breaths. Finally, the vitality of the bones stabilized and won't dissipate, but the incarnation must be renewed. I don't know how many years and wealth it will take to cultivate to the original state, maybe a thousand years is not enough.

Even Princess Yueyue, her face was ashamed at the moment.

Linglong Xinzun stepped on, looked at Meng Fan, and said softly: "You should heal him as soon as possible, otherwise the vitality and vitality will collapse more and more."

Princess Yingyue gritted her teeth and cursed angrily, and immediately stretched out her wrist, putting another finger on her wrist, in order to cut through the blood, draw the blood of her tyrannical king, to heal Meng Fan.

Linglong Xinzun was taken aback by this decision!

How precious is the blood of a **** king? Even a drop is enough to attract the frantic scramble of other **** kings, especially the loss of a drop of effort is a huge loss for a **** king. This is not only a loss of strength, but also a loss of life.

When Linglong Xinzun saw this scene, the expression on his face was totally unbelievable, even incomprehensible!

But in comparison, Princess Yueyue was very determined despite her teeth. The Dragon Scale Taibao on the side was relatively indifferent. She actually stopped Princess Yueyue and stretched out her arm: "Use mine, I am a dragon. There is the blood of a real dragon."


at this time.

A void was punched through, and a drop of lavender liquid flew quickly.

It is the power of God's punishment again!

Although this drop of heavenly punishment is not as powerful as the purple bead that exploded before, it is only one-tenth, or even less, but it suddenly appears, its power is still amazing, especially when it appears particularly abrupt, it seems It uses the power of the meaning of the void, which is very similar to Meng Fan, and it appears in an instant.

Directly at Meng Fan!

Upon seeing this, Princess Yueyue immediately took a step forward to stop Meng Fan, but everything happened too fast, but it was too late.


A white-boned palm grasped this drop of Heaven's Punishment power, then pinched it to break it, and then the silky Heavenly Punishment's power was absorbed by the bone's palm!

Princess Yueyue, Linglong Xinzun, and Dragon Scale Taibao were all startled.

Meng Fan stood up.

He was still half of his body, full of bones, and looked terrifying, but he stood up like this, his eyes were gleaming, although one of the eyes was not protected by flesh and skin at all, it was in the eye socket of the skull.

Stood up.

His gaze saw a long distance through the void tunnel pierced by a drop of heavenly power.

I saw a ray of heaven, entangled by various laws, and became a heart, and then it continued to evolve, **** veins grew on the heart, and then a head appeared on the blood veins.

It is to punish the gods.

Through the void tunnel, Meng Fan saw the **** of punishment who didn’t know where he was, and said coldly, “So, as long as that ray of heaven’s will remains, you will not die, and the law of the source of the heavens will reconcile for you. Physical body, and every time you go through all battles, you will feed back your combat experience to the source of the heavens, and then the source of the heavens will nurture you, and your combat effectiveness will continue to improve. At this point, you and I are the same, and every time I experience A battle is stronger, and the more dangerous the battle, the faster the progress."

As he said, his boned palm was lifted, and the thunder of Heaven's Punishment broke out before. His arm was injured the most, but in a vague way, a trace of purple thunder appeared on it.

Very delicate, even with the eyes of the **** king, if you don't look carefully, you will ignore it.

This is the power of God's punishment.

It did not dissipate.

The divine will, the will of heaven, and the true will of the two great avenues are being severely suppressed, suppressing the force of these heavenly punishments in Meng Fan's boneless arms.

"This is not the natural punishment when the strong set foot on the gods, but the source of the punishments, the meaning of punishment, the source of the heavens, which has grown over the countless years and swallowed other gods, and evolved by itself. It is the true meaning of many avenues, thank you for your gift!"

Meng Fan's smile grew colder.

The void tunnel, constantly being repaired by the law, gradually disappeared.

Before disappearing, the eyes of the discipline gods kept staring at Meng Fan.

At the moment of disappearing, Meng Fan's half-body body continued to circulate the true meaning of good fortune, and soon, he was repaired intact, but at the same time, he was also pale and fell to the ground immediately, being supported by the dragon scale Taibao.

It seems that after being repaired by the true meaning of good fortune, he is not in any serious trouble at the moment.

However, both the origin and the fundamental laws in his body were broken, especially to repair himself and promote the true meaning of good fortune. At this moment, the vitality in Meng Fan's body was completely exhausted, and almost no more could be displayed.

How magnificent is his body? Among the many giants, there is only one person above the vigorous vitality, which can be compared with him, but it is only three to fifty percent of him. Meng Fan has a lot of true meaning, especially the giant of good luck. Swallowed the vitality of a big world.

At this moment, they are all consumed.

After a little calculation, I know that if there is no rest for some time, it cannot be recovered.

He glanced at the Tai 13 incarnations from a distance, and saw that the expressions of the young and the middle-aged were stable, and he was sure that the incarnation of the deity would not be a major problem, and immediately looked at the Jiuquan Demon Venerable and the vitality gods.

Because Jiuquan Mozun, the spirit of vitality, had fought against each other before, but at this moment they stopped by coincidence and looked at Meng Fan together, and their eyes were very similar!

It is a kind of vigilance.

There is another kind of murder!

Meng Fan displayed five true meanings and defeated the God of Punishment. Afterwards, it seemed that he was seriously injured, but he quickly repaired it with the true intentions of good fortune. Even when his life was in danger, he could also suppress a trace of the power of God’s punishment in his body. Analyze and master.

The power of punishment is derived from the source of the heavens over countless years. It can be regarded as a kind of real meaning born very late. The **** king in the world has never heard of any one mastering this power, but Meng Fan suppressed it. Want to comprehend, these methods and the calmness in the struggle, how can the Jiuquan Demon Lord, the scheming city palace, be noticed by a character who is deeper and broader than any sea?

Especially, Meng Fan is too young among many gods!

It's nothing for a young man to be proud for a while, but if this young man has reached the height of Meng Fan and still shows such skills everywhere, everyone should pay attention.

At this moment, Meng Fan's gaze was fixed on Jiuquan Demon Venerable.

Just wait for him to make a move!

Bang bang bang!

The three realms burst, but it was not the Jiuquan Mozun who made the move, but the three giants of the Zen Palace that had always been hidden, suddenly appeared!

The moment the three giants appeared, looking at Meng Fan, an unprecedented murderous intent burst into his eyes.

The avatar of Taiyi was injured, and both avatars were doing their best to heal. Meng Fan was exhausted again. At this time, only Princess Yingyue and Dragon Scale Taibao were left. Linglong Xinzun was a foreign **** and his position was unknown. Although Princess Yaoyue and Longlin Taibao are both overbearing **** kings and very powerful, they are still too weak compared to the three giants of Zen Temple, which stands above all **** kings.

At such a moment, the three giants of the Zen Temple seized every opportunity and wanted to use their lore against Meng Fan!

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