Supreme God King

Chapter 2195: Five Elements Avenue

It seems that there is an underground dragon tumbling, and the entire Hongmen will be lifted. Many disciples who are not real enough, even fainted directly by this large force!

Countless rare and exotic beasts condensed with strong vitality, all fled madly, for a time, the entire Hongmen was in chaos.

Hong Tong's pretty face instantly became cold, and shouted, "What's the matter!"

Immediately many elders around the palace got up to investigate.

Meng Fan swept his eyes and said softly: "It is the other three gods who have come to attack Hongmen."

As soon as she said this, Hong Tong looked astonished, and her eyes flashed with a hint of fear that was not easily detectable. Although she was a genius, she was still naturally afraid when she heard the word God King.

"How is it possible? How could the three **** kings come together to attack my Hongmen?" Hong Tong couldn't believe it: "The four **** kings have faced each other for 100,000 years. They have always fought with each other and never joined forces!"

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky above Hongmen with cold eyes.

At this time, many large Hongmen formations were quickly mobilized to protect Hongmen.

However, in every breath, hundreds of formations were destroyed, and a huge force was overwhelming underground in Hongmen. How insightful Meng Fan was, he could tell at a glance that someone was using the Five Elements Avenue!

The so-called Avenue of the Five Elements has been circulated for many years in the ten thousand realms. Mastering the law of the five elements, surviving and reversing, is also a means of creation. Of course, this creation refers to those dead things without life.

However, in the Ten Thousand Realms, Meng Fan has never seen such a pure power of the Five Elements. With his exploration, he even saw the power of the Five Elements condensed into the five dragons of black, white, gold, blue, and red under the Hongmen!

Although these giant dragons have no vitality, they have a very simple and pure consciousness. They are surviving and dying with each other, stirring the earth, and destroying the whole Hongmen.

Hong Tong was already a little panicked.

Meng Fan was calm and composed, muttering to himself:

"It turns out that the Five Elements Avenue originated from the true meaning of good fortune, and the power of the Five Elements here is too pure."

At the same time, his gaze penetrated many distances, and finally fell on the three figures in the void.

One of them was a heroic girl wearing a brocade robe and a jade pendant sitting cross-legged on a huge golden iron and stone cart, which was pulled by ten strange snakes covered with black and gold scales. On both sides of the cart, there are more than a dozen half-step sacred figures, all wearing masks imprinted with a condensed formation, while the whole body is surrounded by five colors of vitality, motionless.

This heroic girl, her eyebrows flickered a little, one hand was on her chest, facing the direction of Hongmen. It was obvious that she was using the Five Elements Avenue to destroy Hongmen.

Just now!

A light and shadow flashed through the Hongmen, and Hong Xi appeared in the void, wearing a magnificent battle armor, surrounded by blood.

"Dare to disturb my Hongmen?"

This virtuous 200,000-year **** king is extremely angry, and his anger is almost overwhelming! Fiercely charged to the heroic girl.

But the girl just sneered coldly, unmoved, still urging the Five Elements Avenue, but didn't mean to respond at all.

Facing the murderous intent of Hong Xi tearing the space apart, she was indifferent to the blood of the sky.

"Why is head Hong so anxious? The show has just begun!"

In the gap between another space, a sneer was heard. It was an extremely strange voice, which was difficult to distinguish between male and female. Then from all directions, in the infinite hidden area, Biao shot out swords, each sword aura, light blue. There are rules and lines, there are tens of thousands of ways, and Hong Xi is attacked from countless directions!

"Small bugs!" Hong Xi snorted coldly, showing the posture of the world's overlord king, without any response, but standing proudly in the void, seeing countless sword qi approaching, he suddenly sucked like a giant whale and took a long breath——

At this moment, in the entire Hongmen, the disciples who watched in fear, felt the air agitate, and after a while, a terrible hurricane blew up tens of thousands of miles!

It was Hong Xi's breath that sucked the vitality of tens of thousands of miles into his body. This is not a tactic, but pure power!

That's right, Meng Fan also knew in his heart that Hong Xi's most powerful combat power was the powerful body he developed after living for 200,000 years and continuously condensing his vitality.

Vital energy cultivators, few people pay all attention to the physical body cultivation, because the improvement of the physical body has a lot more bottlenecks compared to the improvement of vitality, laws and other strengths. The most important thing is that the gain is not worth the loss. The same time, the physical body is cultivated. The strength obtained is far less powerful than the strength obtained by practicing the vitality tactics.

And as long as one's own realm improves and masters many great avenues, the physical body will also be nourished and will naturally become stronger.

However, Hong Xi took a path that few people walked. The reason for cultivating the physical body is simple. Although this world is strong, it is isolated from the outside world. The tactics and cultivation system are not as varied and complicated as the ten thousand domains. Diversified, it is very difficult to improve the realm, and there are huge bottlenecks. Therefore, as early as 100,000 years ago, Hong Xi found that his realm avenue could not be improved.

Then, he has to find another way.

This world, with abundant vitality, gave him a choice, which is to continuously condense and strengthen the flesh!

With one mouthful, after absorbing all the vitality of tens of thousands of miles in an instant, Hong Xi spoke again.


Two profound and profound syllables emanated from his mouth, huge power radiating out, and the tens of thousands of sword qi that had been infinitely close were immediately shattered and turned into ethereal vitality, as well as faint laws, falling between heaven and earth!

With a sigh of relief, tens of thousands of sword auras were broken, even Meng Fan nodded secretly, admiring Hong Xi's physical strength.

The inside of Hongmen was boiling, and various long live voices sounded from various places.

But these were disciples, and the elders didn't have time to cheer at all. They rushed to repair the formations everywhere, trying to stabilize the Hongmen and not be destroyed by the Five Elements Avenue.

The indistinguishable male and female voice also sounded at this moment: "Senior is really senior." With the voice, a handsome and handsome man in a pale blue flowing cloud gown walked out.

Unlike the heroic girl, this man is not so pompous. There are only four people beside him. They are all women. Each is a glamorous stunner, with a bumpy figure, a flowery smile, and a naturally charming woman. Wanyu is also a character who has harmed the country and the people.

Because being born with charming bones is not a description, it is a natural physique, a talent, and it cannot be replaced. It must be a disaster.

The four coquettish stunners are all half-step divine.

"In the face of seniors, I'm also cautious about the jerky jumps, and I'm really a little scared, I'm afraid it's not the opponent of seniors, but I've always been self-knowing for juniors, so I won't fight alone with seniors."

When the romantic man spoke, his actions were a bit deceptive, his gender was blurred, and it made people feel uncomfortable when he was watching. After speaking, he put the folding fan in front of him like a woman, covering half of his face.

As his voice fell, the last hidden figure also walked out.

There is no ostentation, no entourage, just a man who tears the space with his hands and steps out in one step. He is more than two feet tall, a very rough man!

This man is naked, his upper body is full of strong muscles, and his lower body is a piece of armor forged with a hard outer skin of an unknown creature. Any piece of skin that is exposed has complicated tattoos, which is clearly a kind of formation.

The man's breath is very strange, he is obviously human, but his whole body exudes the smell of beasts and other creatures.

The four great kings are all here.

Hong Xi looked at the three people coldly, and said, "Successful Young Master, Wuyun Patriarch, Zhan Kuang-three guys who didn't share the same sky in the past, actually joined forces."

"Yes, yeah!" The suave son gave a disgusting smile: "The four kings of the world, in terms of qualifications, you are the old predecessor of the three of us. Can you guess why we joined forces? It is for the world. The fruit of the tree! Senior, in terms of strength, none of the three of us are your opponents. The so-called waves before and after waves, if you are old, please rest in peace soon! The next world will be the era of our juniors!

The fruit of the world is about to be born. The three of us set up this situation. The ancestors of Wuyun will destroy you Hongmen. I and Zhan Kuang will join hands to deal with you. You have no skills to do so. Today, Hongxi and Hongmen are going to die. ! "

The frantic laughter spread out. I don’t know how many monks heard it. They changed their colors. Today, it seems that the 100,000-year-old confrontation between the four gods is about to break, and the longest existence of the **** Hongxi, and his The leading Hongmen will also be shattered!

Every one of the disciples in Hongmen showed a desperate look.

There is nothing wrong with the four kings of the world, if any one of them is taken out alone, Hong Xi is the absolute overlord, but the three kings of the gods join forces to deal with Hong Xi, and one overlord is about to fall.

Even if Hong Xi is strong and capable of fighting against the mad and Sustained Young Master, the ancestor of Wuyun constantly stirs the situation and wants to destroy Hongmen. Just as Sustained Young Master said, Hong Xi is too powerful to be able to stop it.

It is impossible for Hong Xi to save the disciples of Hong Sect. If he wants to abandon everything and escape, there is still some possibility.

"The Avenue of the Five Elements, surviving and dying, has the taste of heaven and good fortune..."

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the Hongmen. It was not like the demon-sounding voice of Susu Young Master, nor was it the domineering arrogance of Hong Xi, but a dull, calm, and very vicissitudes of life.

But clearly let everyone hear it.

The ancestor of Wuyun, Zhan Kuang, and Sustained Young Master were all startled slightly and looked at Hongmen.

"There are variables." Wuyun ancestor, who was a heroic girl, said softly, his expression became colder.

"The Five Elements Avenue has become a dragon, and it is amazing, but the five elements are the end of the five dragons. What if I cut off a dragon?"

The voice is still that casual.

The expression of the ancestor Wuyun changed.

Because she perceives that an extremely small, imperceptible force like a silver needle shoots out from a palace in Hongmen, and instantly passes through the ground, and every foot moves it expands by one point to reach the area where the five dragons run. The power that was as small as a silver needle has turned into a earth-shattering sword.

Beidou sword.

Slay the dragon with one sword!

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